@RahabWHYYY is part of the Damn Shames group
@LtDanOfficial1 is mostly a streamer, nice guy & relatively active on twitter
@Macher_Gaming streamer active on twitter
@TheRealVanduuls a hilarious twitter account that acts as the voice of the Vanduul nation
@Trendane voice actor and writer who's got credit in lots of SC community projects
@gbatuyong streamer and screenshotter
@skenter_tv streamer and I think some youtube if I remember correctly
@Hnerskers another member of the Damn Shames group... he's the cameraman
@SeanNoonan WAS the Star Marine level designer but has recently moved on. He's posted screenshots recently of him exploring his Star Marine levels... I've curious to see what he does once 3.0 is released because there's a lot he can't talk about yet.
@Wakapedia TESTie, music maker on youtube, and mod for a few streamers I believe.
@Kane_Universe French streamer and takes screenshots
@Infra_Red_Mike TrackIR Product manager and streamer of SC
@XenthorXi machinma youtuber
@FortFrontier is fellow TESTies
@Darjanator &
@Mitauchi redacted streamer
@DanGheesling youtuber, streamer, and infamously the liaison to the community teams from The Next Great Starship show
@nimrod77_ part of Legacy that helps with the Legacy Instructional Series on youtube (how to fly in SC) AND has his own informative SC-based YouTube channel
@vin_gaming part of Legacy and the main guy behind the Legacy Instructional Series
@SniffleWizard streamer
@Sofiegrl2 streamer
@BuzZz_Killer SC youtuber
@AkiranBlade youtuber
@pedrocamacho you could have Pedro in staff since he's the composer for SC
@CliffordakaMiku streamer that recently became a TESTie
@HunterSCComic creates the Hunter Comics that CIG printed into a book but I haven't seen one in a while
and I'm sure there are more that I accidentally skipped over