star citizen

  1. mr-hasgaha

    Slice of Stanton: a Star Citizen Poster

    Get the full details, full resolution images, and print files on my website: Using in-game screenshots from Star Citizen Alpha 3.24, I created a composite poster of all four planets within the Stanton System, their main...
  2. mr-hasgaha

    Cinematic Tour of the Sights & Sounds of Area18

    "Cinematic Tours" is a video series in which I create a cinematic showcase of the amazing environments within video games. This time, I revisit Area18 on the city-planet ArcCorp. ArcCorp (Stanton III) is the single most industrialized planet in Human space. A massive, terraformed Super-Earth...
  3. PlayWithMeOrDie

    Fan-made Invictus 2953 Trailer

    View: Black and gold Invictus paint (pokes @Montoya)? And they teased the F7A Military Hornet and the F8C Lightning (with different color?). Sure hope they’ll make those available in-game. Can’t wait! EDIT: Turned out to be fan-made lol. Was too excited and posted...
  4. A0_Casper_0A

    [FIXED] Launcher Shutting Down during Install / Updates.

    [FIXED] Launcher Shutting Down during Install / Updates. A rare glitch has been happening to a few people (myself included) where the launcher would randomly shut down with zero warning or error messages while updating or downloading the game. If this has happened to you, try getting a VPN...
  5. Landomatic

    Hey, I'm Lando!

    Greetings Test Squadron! Long Time Listener, 1st time caller, thrilled to be here. Now that I've dated myself, my friends call me Lando. I'm a longtime, sim and pilot enthusiast, CR & StarCit fan and have been in and out of your web pages looking for info for some time. So I figured I'd hand...
  6. mr-hasgaha

    Our (Arts&Crafts) Dumper's Depot commercial featured in CitizenCon

    This is our team's (Arts & Crafts) entry, "Dumper's Depot", into the Star Citizen CitizenCon 2951 Video Contest. The video had to be no longer than 45 seconds and had to be based within the Star Citizen universe. The in-fiction video may promote your player organization, an NPC group, an in-game...
  7. DarkMennoch

    Greetings TESTicles!

    Hello all, I'm Mennoch, or Dark, whatever name you really wanna call me in truth, been called many names over the course of my long time being a gamer, might as well call me Legion, lol. I'm pretty new to Star Citizen, even though I've been following it since 2014, I've just recently decided to...
  8. DirectorGunner

    Invictus Launch Week 2951 Leather Jacket few days away CIG wrote in that post that they will I love free stuff, so, yay, excited for more free stuff!
  9. mr-hasgaha

    "Fate Tempted"; Arts&Crafts entry in CIG's Tempt Fate Video Contest

    "Fate Tempted" This is our team's (Arts & Crafts) entry, "Fate Tempted", into the Star Citizen Tempt Fate 2951 Video Contest. The video had to be no longer than 90 seconds and show how fortune smiles on you in a battle against a superior foe and how you emerged victorious. Footage in our video...
  10. mr-hasgaha

    My Star Citizen Screenshot Contest for MARCH is live; ends March 26

    ALL THE RULES, DETAILS & ENTRIES HERE: Hi all, My last Star Citizen screenshot contest ended in January with 267 entries… a massive increase in submissions. It took longer to judge them all so I decided to skip a contest for February. And, moving forward...
  11. DirectorGunner

    CIG Soxyfox email shows tons of charts and data from concierge backers

    For those of you without self-control, like myself, within the Star Citizen backer ranks of concierge and beyond.... The new Concierge CIG person (not sure of her title) Soxyfox combined all of the survey data she took last year in November...
  12. mr-hasgaha

    My Star Citizen Screenshot Contest for JANUARY is live with BIG prizes; ends Jan 25

    ALL THE RULES, DETAILS & ENTRIES HERE: Hi all, My last Star Citizen screenshot contest ended back in November and I decided to skip the month of December to focus time on family, the holidays, and work-related projects. To make up for skipping December...
  13. mr-hasgaha

    My Star Citizen Screenshot Contest for November is live; ends Nov 29

    ALL THE RULES, DETAILS & ENTRIES HERE: Hi all, October’s Star Citizen screenshot contest just wrapped up and we’re launching right into November’s! This month’s contest will work the exact same way… except with new prizes, a new theme (“Close-up“), and new...
  14. DirectorGunner

    CDS Heavy Marine Cosplay video spot

    If you want to give me a vote-zies or read about my insane journey. Star Citizen cosplay heavy marine, by Clark Defense Systems.
  15. DirectorGunner

    1st wave of vanduul masks have been dispersed

    So lock up your daughter, Lock up your wife, Lock up your back door, Run for your life! The Vanduul are back in town!
  16. DirectorGunner

    Star Citizen homestead concepts look amazing!

    WOW! Screw the review process, I want ALL of them, now! lol This would bring so much life to Star Citizen in terms of feel. And if any of these homestead NPCs offered missions, how cool would that be. NPC mission ideas "My bother is missing, can you find out what happened to him?" "Having...
  17. GriffinGamingRPG

    Check out "Femme Fatale": Women in Star Citizen here!

    You can check out the latest episode of the SOL Citizens "Femme Fatale": Women in Star Citizen here!
  18. mr-hasgaha

    I'm running a Star Citizen Screenshot Contest NOW through August

    ALL THE RULES, DETAILS & ENTRIES HERE: Hi all, I just wanted to make you all aware of my inaugural (and hopefully recurring) Star Citizen screenshot contest and EVERYONE is welcome to enter. The creativity of the Star Citizen community never ceases to...
  19. DirectorGunner

    CONCERN, run for the mountains!

    I got fired up when @August shared this video But not like angry at the concern reddit post... as bored was reading off what the person wrote.... I actually kept nodding and agreeing with the Redditor... I am like... well damn... that is a 100% reasonable argument. And now back to our regular...
  20. mr-hasgaha

    Star Citizen Camera Controls Tutorial

    My updated Star Citizen Camera System Tutorial is FINALLY done. It's a 30 minute long deep dive into the system. I go into great detail on all the camera options and controls including Depth of Field (DOF), Field of View (FOV), Offsets, Zoom, and Freelook while pointing out restrictions and...
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