star citizen

  1. GriffinGamingRPG

    Watch SOL Citizens: "Back to CitizenCon 2016" - Sunday, July 5th at 8:00pm ET!

    At CitizenCon 2016 update 4.0 included the RSI Orion and Anvil Crucible (cough). Could it still happen? TEST Squadron members fastcart, GreenEyedGyal and Kelosal will be the commentators! Join the SOL Citizens tomorrow, July 5th at 8:00pm ET and let's talk about it!
  2. mr-hasgaha

    A request for subtitle translation help for an SC tutorial video

    Hi all, This is an open call for volunteers to help translating my English subtitles on my upcoming SC Camera Controls Tutorial video into other languages. For those that don't know, YouTube allows you to enter subtitles/CC for a HUGE range of languages that help the content reach a much wider...
  3. MonkGaming

    3D Printed Aurora & Mustang "Kit Cards"

    I wanted to make a set of 3D Printable Kit Cards that were thin and light enough to be mailed for a single stamp. For anyone unfamiliar, kit cards are small card based versions of these 3D puzzles we used to do as kids. Each card is approximately the same dimensions as a credit card...
  4. mr-hasgaha

    My entries for CIG's 2950 UEE Recruitment Poster Contest

    | If you didn't know, CIG ran a contest during Invictus Launch Week for players to create their own UEE recruitment posters. There weren't a lot of requirements or restrictions... it was rather wide open. But, me being me, I wanted to use mostly in-game screenshots to create my poster. All the...
  5. mr-hasgaha

    My 42 Favorite Star Citizen Screenshots from 2019

    With 2020 and Star Citizen Alpha 3.8 in full swing, I thought I’d look back through all my Star Citizen in-game screenshots from 2019 and pick out my 42 personal favorites. The collection below spans from Alpha 3.4 all the up to the early days of Alpha 3.8. ➡ View them on the...
  6. Khallx

    Convoy Attack / Defend OPS (HYPE) - Saturday January 4th - 15:50 UTC (10:50AM Eastern)

    Convoy Attack / Defend OPS Date/Time: Saturday January 4th - 15:50 UTC (10:50AM Eastern) Party Launch Time: 16:00 UTC (11:00AM Eastern) Spawn Location: Port Olisar Mission Route: Daymar & Land (simulate pick up) > CA ST 2-28 > CA ST2-47 > Yela > PO Coordinator RSI Handle(s): (L) RabbahHagri...
  7. mr-hasgaha

    Giveaway (Gleam): Star Citizen Game Package with C8X Pisces

    >> ENTER HERE << To celebrate reaching 2,000 Twitter followers and 600 Instagram followers, I'm running a Star Citizen giveaway on Gleam for anyone interested. The contest ends on January 21st. The prize is a ONE (1) Star Citizen Game Package with a C8X Pisces Expedition. This package comes...
  8. DirectorGunner

    ERROR WARNING: Unmelting your Kraken may require concierge ticket

    So... the 30th has an unveiling about a Kraken upgrade kit likely much like the Idris upgrade Kit but instead allowing the Kraken to be a place of commerce. I melted my wave 1 Kraken intending to buy it back around when it becomes flyable. Seeing this made me think, as with the Idris kit...
  9. DirectorGunner

    How to use Star Citizen new Guide system as a Guide

    So CIG added a new system so that veteran backers can help out new backers as guides. And while it is a brilliant and much-needed system, it has proven confusing to many on how to actually use the system. Well, this quick little how-to tutorial FOR GUIDES will show you how you can respond to...
  10. mr-hasgaha

    New TEST propaganda poster available at CitizenCon

    These should be available as A3 size prints at the TEST Squadron booth at CitizenCon this Saturday. I hope you all approve... I had a blast creating it. ... and yes, the grin is intentionally awkward and meant to look unsure that he agrees 😉 ---------- EDIT: Since others have asked: here...
  11. mr-hasgaha

    "The Mercenary" :: a "The Mandalorian" poster recreated in Star Citizen

    A fan-art created by me based on artwork from “Star Wars: The Mandalorian” using in-game screenshots from Star Citizen Alpha 3.6 - 3.7. Here's the Mandalorian poster mine is based on. And here is my screenshot that started as the base of the poster. Here it is on the RSI Community Hub.
  12. mr-hasgaha

    Total Eclipse of Stanton (in 4k)

    This is in-game 4k (3840x2160) footage from alpha 3.7 of a total solar eclipse with Lyria (moon of ArcCorp) passing in front of Stanton (star of the Stanton system). I asked Utho Riley to create the custom score with some rather specific direction and requests. Once again, he nailed it. Does...
  13. mr-hasgaha

    My entries for CIG's "Cave of Horror" screenshot contest

    If you all didn't know, CIG is holding a screenshot contest for Halloween called "Cave of Horror". The contest started last week and ends 10/29/2019 (11:59 PM Pacific). Thinking of the judges' sanity, I've been pushing CIG to limit the number of entries one person can submit to these screenshot...
  14. mr-hasgaha

    Tribute to the Space Penguin (my Ship Showdown contribution)

    As time goes by and more vehicles join the Star Citizen universe, I ALWAYS end up going back to my Avenger Stalker as my most versatile and aesthetically pleasing vehicle. It’s fast, nimble, packs a punch (dare I say, "above it’s weightclass"?), can accomplish a number of missions, can take...
  15. GriffinGamingRPG

    The TEST ZONE will now be SUNDAY!

    Just a day later but you can still join ArchieFalcon, CosmicTrader & GriffinGamingRPG THIS Sunday, Sep 15th at 3:00pm EST for the TEST ZONE where we're cover Update 3.6 and the future!!
  16. GriffinGamingRPG

    What’s the BEST Multi-Role Ship?

    This survey question includes ANY ship whether it’s designated as multi-role or not. Tell us: 1. The Ship Name 2. The career/purposes you would use it for. For me: 1. The Constellation Andromeda 2. Transport, Cargo, and small squad missions
  17. mr-hasgaha

    “Space Be Crazy”: Star Citizen Movie Poster

    The Star Citizen subReddit held an “Arts & Crafts” contest recently. I decided to create a full size, printable, mock Star Citizen movie poster for my entry. The Contest The subReddit contest was divided into two categories; each category will have two winners decided by popular vote: SC Art...
  18. S

    WTS Account with Escort Pack and Various Upgrades/Standalone Ships

    Hello, I am in the process of starting up my own business. I am in need of all the extra cash I can get for it. I have the following ships in my hanger: MISC Prospector Aegis Hammerhead Gladius Drake Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Terrapin Constellation Andromeda Melt Value: $1,600 Looking to get...
  19. mr-hasgaha

    Arts&Crafts' entry in the Anvil Arrow Commercial Contest

    This is our team's (Arts & Crafts) entry, "Contraband Inbound", into the Star Citizen Anvil Aerospace Commercial Contest on the website. The video had to focus on Anvil's light fighter, had to be no longer than two minutes and use only original or official Star Citizen...
  20. mr-hasgaha

    Full Day/Night Cycle on ArcCorp at Area18

    I recorded a full day and night cycle at Area18 on the planet ArcCorp within the Star Citizen alpha 3.5. The total recorded footage is approximately 160 minutes long that I sped up into a single minute time-lapse. All footage was recorded in game by me in Star Citizen Alpha 3.5 on the LIVE...
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