star citizen


    Bradley Dawnz here Looking to meet up with some great peole and learn the ropes!!!!

    Hi im Bradley Dawnz looking to meet some great peole and enjoy the game. Im new as said but i have alot of experince with games. As for this one im lost as shit rite now. But even tho. i really wanna team up with a squad and play and get rich lol. So hit your boy up! here is my steam Bradley...
  2. Darth_Razor

    Star Citizen nameable ships?

    How important or valuable do you think that the fact that you can name your ship really is? Honestly, I don't know, then again my gaming experience is very limited, hence the search for enlightment from Testies.
  3. mr-hasgaha

    Giveaway: Star Citizen Game Package with Avenger Stalker (best ship)

    >> ENTER HERE << I'm running a SC giveaway on Gleam for anyone interested. The contest ends on April 11th. The prize is a ONE (1) Star Citizen Game Package with an Avenger Stalker. This package comes with everything you need to start playing Star Citizen now OR add a ship and SC game package to...
  4. underscorexox

    I have Decided.

    Hiya! Thank you everyone for your input and ideas in my last thread about me starting to twitch stream :). Last thread: Anyway after hearing all of your ideas and opinions, I am going to start a twitch channel! I want to start streaming March 8th...
  5. mr-hasgaha

    "Chasing Sunsets": Our team's (Arts&Crafts) entry into CIG's Tumbril Cyclone Commercial contest

    This is our team's entry, "Chasing Sunsets", into the Star Citizen Tumbril Cyclone Commercial Contest on the website. The video had to focus on one of the Cyclone variants (Base, TR, RC, RN & AA), had to be no longer than two minutes and use only original or official...
  6. Knax

    3.4 PU Showcase Weekend (pending release!) 2018/12/22 to 2018/12/23

    When: December 22nd through December 23rd Where: Stanton System → Crusader and Hurston What: Experience the multitude of improvements implemented through the Star Citizen version 3.4 update! Now with more creepy armor, and drugs (Wallace Klim). We are expecting the 3.4 update to go live before...
  7. mr-hasgaha

    My cinematic meandering showcasing the Lorville environment

    "Chewing the Scenery" is a video series in which I showcase the amazing environments within video games. This time, I take meandering, cinematic tour through the massive city of Lorville on the planet Hurston in Star Citizen Alpha 3.4. LORVILLE is one of the many company towns Hurston Dynamics...

    Just wanted to say "HI" (OFFICIALLY)

    So I've been a proud member of Test Squadron for a long time (about 3 years I think, not sure though). I went to CitizenCon 2016 in Hollywood, California where I met Montoya along with a lot of really awesome Test Squadron members. I recently took a long hiatus for school but now I'm back...
  9. mr-hasgaha

    "The Newly Redesigned 2948 Mustang Beta": My team's (Arts&Crafts) entry for the Mustang Ship Commercial

    This is our team's entry into the Star Citizen Consolodated Outland Mustang Commercial Contest on the website. The video had to focus on one of the Mustang variants (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Omega), had to be no longer than two minutes and use only original or...
  10. Myre

    Made a quick 5 minute tutorial for FOIP!

    Hey guys! Made a quick tutorial for FOIP! View: I'll probably make a new one showcasing VOIP whenever that comes online. Cheers!
  11. matteas


    I haven't done much combat since 3.0 I played a little vandull swarm back then and I could get to the 3rd round. Now it took me 15 minutes to kill the first one. Soo any tips/suggestions for combat. ps. I only have the Aurora MR.
  12. mr-hasgaha

    GIVEAWAY: Star Citizen Mustang Alpha Starter Package

    >> ENTER HERE << I'm running a small SC giveaway on Gleam for anyone interested. The contest ends the day before CitCon, Oct 9th. The prize is a ONE (1) Star Citizen Mustang Alpha Starter Package (3.2 FreeFly special). This package comes with everything you need to start playing Star Citizen...
  13. mr-hasgaha

    My Team's entry in CIG's Prospector Commercial Contest

    "The MISC Prospector; Tools For Those Who Work" This is our team's entry into the Star Citizen MISC Prospector Commercial Contest. The video had to be no longer than two minutes and use only original or official Star Citizen music, sound, and imagery. All footage in our video was recorded...
  14. DirectorGunner

    Vote for your favorite outfit! Real Fashion Contest

    the August 2018 TEST Squadron Fashion Extravaganza - Armor Edition Welcome to the first TEST Squadron Fashion Show Extravaganza! Where real citizens brave the fashion runway with their most bold fashion choices! Participants will be graded by the official judges, YOU, on their choice of...
  15. DirectorGunner

    Vote for your favorite Armor! Real Contest

    the August 2018 TEST Squadron Fashion Extravaganza - Armor Edition Welcome to the first TEST Squadron Fashion Show Extravaganza! Where real citizens brave the fashion runway with their most bold fashion choices! Participants will be graded by the official judges, YOU, on their choice of...
  16. Michael

    facts about Star citizen development [questions]

    Hello fellow testies, I'm currently trying to find some facts about Star Citizen and try to put some things into perspective And maybe you have answers (and links to prove them) about certain questions. 1. How many people are working ships and creating them (eg. stop making ships start making...
  17. DirectorGunner

    I waited so many years for this

    My wait is over, I can now relax.. and enjoy the Zen... that will be mining
  18. Mich Angel

    So I came up with a idea...

    So I came up with a idea for SC Arena commander, a change in Free Flight module that would give new players a better smother experience getting to know their new ship without repercussion if you screw up and for old players to have a place where they can practice, test, configure keybindings and...
  19. DirectorGunner

    Rice & Gunner & TEST RC Nova Tank

    So, Let's make an RC tank! Game plan: Make a functional RC Nova Tank.... TEST edition Send it to Disco Lando to play with after we do a fun video with it Background: To stay out of trouble, things like this (unless given express permission from CIG) needs to be either one off personal use /...
  20. WildVolusPrime

    Everything begins with a welcome message and an introduction

    Greetings test! My name is WildVolusPrime, and i've decided to join you guys on your adventures in the SC universe. I'm a student from Bulgaria, Sofia, and i love playing Star Citizen My first ever game was Super Mario Bros™ on the NES I play FPS games, RPG's, Action Adventure/Action RPG's...
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