Industry Who Else is leaning towards an Industry Focus?


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
The term "Carebears" is such a droll term. Many would prefer the term "Intermediate".

Now, oftentimes these Intermediates come across issues that need to be "fixed", either from a corporate end (that would prefer to stay discrete in the resolution of an issue), or it can be from an honest, hard-working citizen that has stumbled upon some "salvage" that they would like to have moved.

Normally these two entities seldom rub elbows, what with society and all, and oftentimes they turn to the Intermediates to bridge this gap between the two.

Yes, if you are going to possibly run into reallocation of materials, or salvage acquisition issues, you are going to need a good Fixer....Erm...Intermediate, in your corner.
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The term "Carebears" is such a droll term. Many would prefer the term "Intermediate".

Now, oftentimes these Intermediates come across issues that need to be "fixed", either from a corporate end (that would prefer to stay discrete in the resolution of an issue), or it can be from an honest, hard-working citizen that has stumbled upon some "salvage" that they would like to have moved.

Normally these two entities seldom rub elbows, what with society and all, and oftentimes they turn to the Intermediates to bridge this gap between the two.

Yes, if you are going to possibly run into reallocation of materials, or salvage acquisition issues, you are going to need a good Fixer....Erm...Intermediate, in your corner.
can i replace intermediate with the term, Medium?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
every alliance needs carebears and we're happy to have you, I say that only with the most genuine of intentions. Someone has to build all the ammunition I'll be firing.
Hi. Just thought I'd mention that I've got a 50% attrition rate on ammo. We've run the stats, and yes for every 1 million tons of ammo we carry, we somehow end up firing 0.5 million tons during the delivery. It would be anti competitive for me to explain how exactly that happens, but looking on the bright side of all the deliveries we've made, we've never lost a ship. That 0% loss rate seems to keep our more.....high end.... clients happy, and interested.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm thinking there will be lots of demand for raw materials and thousands of ships willing to transport them but not quite as many mining and processing facilities currently, I'm sure if I can make the purest metals and the cleanest water then I'll be able to capitalise on it with higher profit margins.

I recon glass will be one of these due to how many laser guns and scanners we have, everything needs that silicon and the purer the better.

Well see how future patches play out, will most likely be well into 2019 by the time this level of content is even feasible in game.
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Grand Admiral
May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
I'd love to mine stuff from time to time .. but on three conditions:
1> good company
2> good jokes
3> good beer
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I'd love to mine stuff from time to time .. but on three conditions:
1> good company
2> good jokes
3> good beer
1 - we have some of the most vile scum and villainy in the verse
2 - i can talk shit so that counts as joking right?
3 - we have a beerfarer
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Vice Admiral
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I did have a question. I bought a Crucible in the last sale. I like the aspect and potential. Is this ship considered an Industry ship or something else? Not sure where this ship and trade falls into professions. I know repairs, but does it count as a "salvage" ship? and which industry? I know not mining.... lol
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Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I did have a question. I bought a Crucible in the last sale. I like the aspect and potential. Is this ship considered an Industry ship or something else? Not sure where this ship and trade falls into professions. I know repairs, but does it count as a "salvage" ship? and which industry? I know not mining.... lol
Ah, well.
The crucible is not really an industry ship. Technically, it is, (the 'repair' industry, as it were) but it's difficult to scale up, since the only way to do that would be to buy another one. As far as salvage goes, it is supposed to have 'limited salvage capabilities' but it wont be very good at that. The q&a seemed to imply that the extent of the salvaging would be (ideally) removing damaged components from ships, and using those materials to repair ships.
The major issue with the crucible, tho, is that repairing ships is likely going to be rather expensive. Cheaper than CryAstro, for sure, but you wont make much money selling to other people unless you're in a situation where you can charge significantly more.
These are mostly my own opinions, tho, since info on the crucible is still kinda scarce.


Vice Admiral
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
LOL! Good point! I will reconsider this path. I feel mining or transportation will be a better choice for consistent income. With all the Rock Raiders around; transport or fuel hauling could be a better choice. I can buy combat ships in game using steady income from an industry focused ship. Thanks for the advice, it really does help. I got a Starfare on buyback or Max to haul.
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Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
LOL! Good point! I will reconsider this path. I feel mining or transportation will be a better choice for consistent income. With all the Rock Raiders around; transport or fuel hauling could be a better choice. I can buy combat ships in game using steady income from an industry focused ship. Thanks for the advice, it really does help. I got a Starfare on buyback or Max to haul.
Starfarer is a great money maker because you will be able to extract and sell gas or switch the liquid storage for cargo pods making it incredibly versatile.


Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Being very new to Test I haven't had time to really judge where the strong interest lies around these parts. So I was very curious to hear from some other members about whether or not they plan on taking an industry path towards greatness.

I have always been motivated to get into industry after playing Eve for a number of years. I joined in 2008 and only played casually for the first few years, so I missed my chance to really get established in industry. A few years back I came into a circle of friends who were in their own rights Captains of industry in respects to their respective area's. For example one of these friends produced the majority of Capital ships for one of the major alliances, and although he had strong ties to them, he owned and controlled all of the production for these capital ships. He was racking in the money, and barely knew what to do with it all! The rest of these guys were from numerous other coalitions and alliances, but all were heavily invested in industry especially in Wormholes. Together they formed a real powerhouse of capital, assets and power that was really very impressive.


My friends in Eve were all filthy rich, and I want to be them in SC.

For the most part I consider them to be a sort of inspiration, and the reason I want to hit the ground running with SC. I personally plan on trying to take control of multiple production nodes (not by myself or just for myself) or at least work towards such a thing. I don't have any solid plans yet as I am still waiting on more info regarding game mechanics.

Although there has been alot of heavy emphasis on the scope of industry in the past, there hasn't been much technical info released; for the most part just the overarching design of the economy. That worries me a little bit, my dream would be one more robust than Eve's, but I am always afraid of the economy being overly simplified.

I'd love to hear more from those who plan on deviling into industry, perhaps those interested might want to get together in the future and talk about pooling resources or having some discussions.
I plan on specializing in support (Salvage, Repair, Refuel, and Escort). My plan is to make a couple of runs on the Starfarer for some quick credits, then roam around in the Reclaimer getting salvage until someone needs repairs or an escort at which point I will grab the HH or Crucible.
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Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah, well.
The crucible is not really an industry ship. Technically, it is, (the 'repair' industry, as it were) but it's difficult to scale up, since the only way to do that would be to buy another one. As far as salvage goes, it is supposed to have 'limited salvage capabilities' but it wont be very good at that. The q&a seemed to imply that the extent of the salvaging would be (ideally) removing damaged components from ships, and using those materials to repair ships.
The major issue with the crucible, tho, is that repairing ships is likely going to be rather expensive. Cheaper than CryAstro, for sure, but you wont make much money selling to other people unless you're in a situation where you can charge significantly more.
These are mostly my own opinions, tho, since info on the crucible is still kinda scarce.
It would have good or great margins in combat zones and places where there are not repairing nearby.

And of course from damaged ships which can not move or jump.


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
Given the rarity of the Pioneer, it will likely be the most in demand of any ship. Should be quite the moneymaker.
We hope, anyways. :)
Hi, what happens with building? I maybe will end with a Pioneer...
Depending on how they implement outposts, though, you could make a lot of money with those, and having a pioneer makes it a lot cheaper to build one. If you're planning on multiple outposts, you'd probably want to have your own pioneer. You'd get even more money, however, from renting it out to other people who want to build outposts. You'd likely be able to charge people insane prices. Especially if you're deep in uncharted territory, and you're the only guy in the system with a pioneer. Sure, it'd be dangerous, but you could afford to charge like a %1000 markup. This will likely mean that building outposts in out of the way systems will be... expensive, though, if you don't have one.

Then again, we are a large org, so most of us will be willing to help you set up your outpost for a lot cheaper than hiring one from outside the org.
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