WTB stuff - and my LTI wishlist for this year and after


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Didn't read the whole thing, but currently am working on an upgrade path to a Reclaimer. Already have one, but the upgrade path would save me some money.

It still needs an Andromeda to Vanguard Warden CCU, but I have the rest. Let me know if you're interested and what you'd want to pay for it. I don't even know what they cost really. Just wanted to save $50-100 for more credit, but I have one of my own already.
I have Andromeda to warden CCU if need.
As for the Reclaimer i have one 10 years in stock, i'm looking for a LTI now to replace it, so studying an upgrading path too, and waiting for some ships to be released to get it cheaper thanks to the CCU of not release ship i have in hangar.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I have Andromeda to warden CCU if need.
As for the Reclaimer i have one 10 years in stock, i'm looking for a LTI now to replace it, so studying an upgrading path too, and waiting for some ships to be released to get it cheaper thanks to the CCU of not release ship i have in hangar.
Mine are all CCU so it would be LTI. Let me know if you want to send the CCU and some cash for it. I think I have $235 into it, plus whatever a Warden upgrade is. Maybe $40?

So a $275 Reclaimer, which would leave me with an extra $75 in credit on my account. Cause my current one is $350.
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Thank you for your offer @Grimbli but on one hand its a good deal, on the other hand i need to refrain from buying too much from grey market, it is not helping my concierge level if i can build the ship myself. I was looking for a grey market standalone LTI preferably, and if not possible i'll do the CCU myself, i have LTI tokens for that 😉
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
To add a story and content to the subject of the endeavor master set:

The redone endeavor master set (and the Explorer packs) are the best legacy (besides 1to1 interaction) CIG's HartsWoe left us.
I melted mine and have a few more in buyback but will eventually buy mine back when endeavor becomes flyable.
If you must own endeavor modules with LTI, the newer master packs are the best option (without VAT).

HartsWoe noticed my comment that the original master pack was missing an additional biodome so that the master pack could be configured in any and all sold configurations of the endeavor.
He commented and took note, then a few weeks later (or months, I am foggy on that) the new master pack was released with that extra biodome.
Anything HartsWoe put his hands in immediately turned to gold. Like the explorer packs and other concierge offerings.
Not to mention, he was a champion of, if you ask for it and reasonable then yes. Before Concierge was reluctant or stingy with selling unavailable CCUs or pledges, nowadays (I think contributed to HartsWoe's involvement) concierge allows CCUs like a kid in a candy store, kind of balancing out that artificial scarcity issue. Well, any opportunity for me to show appreciation for what HartsWoe did for our community I kinda take the initiative to share so it's not forgotten. Since he left, we have not had another HartsWoe type take up his mantle.

So, if you have an opportunity to buy the non-vat Endeavor master set (the newer ones, not the original) I would suggest getting it.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Okay, NOW I'm jealous! I would really like one of those, but they're in very short supply. Anyone else selling one?
Elmy has some for sale on his shop here yes.
faster to contact him through discord
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Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Elmy has some for sale on his shop here yes.
faster to contact him through discord
Done - we chatted on Discord. Elmy has two (I think) Pioneers in buyback, but the sales tax he has to pay and PayPal fees made the $ price a bit too expensive for me. Thanks Elmy for responding so quickly on Discord. I'm still interested if anyone else has an LTI Pioneer they want to sell and is in a relatively lower-tax country, but I won't hold my breath. :)


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Done - we chatted on Discord. Elmy has two (I think) Pioneers in buyback, but the sales tax he has to pay and PayPal fees made the $ price a bit too expensive for me. Thanks Elmy for responding so quickly on Discord. I'm still interested if anyone else has an LTI Pioneer they want to sell and is in a relatively lower-tax country, but I won't hold my breath. :)
Yes, Elmy is applying Norwegian VAT now since one or 2 years, that's why I purchased from atpbx, after finding thanks to the search engine here that he mentionned he had one for sale.

BTW you should start a WTB thread, or your request will soon get lost in this topic, as I dont update it often ;)
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Oh I have the Hull A if you still need it: (hit me up on discord as well if you do, I dont check these forums often, same name: GrumpyCat)

View attachment 23822
I am interested ;)

I have your discord I think, I need to check, since I bought some credit from some months ago on Reddit (through multiple A2 tokens).

Thank you!
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