Ah! the good old days when you could build your own computer from scratch... and then fry it instantly because one messed up fucking wire >.<GF's father has a stack of computers powered by these beauties (well not exactly these ones):
12 WHOLE Kilabytes of memory. More than a person could ever need. Funny thing is he has even older stuff.
They would be perfect for that!*I have an old netbook, those might double the memory in it!
Thanks for reminding me that when I get a bigger living space that I want to build one of theseGF's father has a stack of computers powered by these beauties (well not exactly these ones):
12 WHOLE Kilabytes of memory. More than a person could ever need. Funny thing is he has even older stuff.
you might not need a bigger space check to see if there is a local hackerspaceThanks for reminding me that when I get a bigger living space that I want to build one of these
with the original wood template as a case and one of these
I just mean in terms of having an office or basement to have it properly setup. Currently in a 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate so space is limited.you might not need a bigger space check to see if there is a local hackerspace
Decomposing bodies don't count.oh my let me go to my basement you want museum pieces
That's only because museums want their bodies properly preserved for display.Decomposing bodies don't count.