Thanks for that Marcsand, and I can certainly hold a Ghost for you to check Cloud... I know you've been conflicted. I'm kinda surprised no one's looking at the Weekend Warrior actually - was going to keep it, but just added that package
Ok, decision made, thank you for your patience. I am going to pass on the Ghost, so if anyone else is interested in this bundle of stealth fun then please shout out.
At the moment I just can't spare the cash, so my cunning alternate plan is to CCU my Freelancer DUR to a Ghost. I can't say that doesn't sadden me a little. That's in part due to my original plan being to use it to explore the universe, with a little light hauling on the side (but let's face it, my Prospector is probably going to take up most of my time, and the Cutlass that you provided being able to cover that haulage duty). Mostly though just due to my absolute love of the Freelancer look. That steel plate and rivet design is so reminiscent of the 1930-50's era spaceships that adorned the book covers of my mum's sci-fi collection (my intro to the genre). I have to say that the Freelancer is to me the most iconic spaceship in the game.
Anyway, that little ramble aside. Thanks again. BTW how is the move to Australia coming along?
Bonus picture: Steel and Rivets. the way that 'REAL' spaceships are built :)
Bonus bonus picture - how NOT to build a 'Steel and Rivet' spaceship: