Xenothreat - feedback on mission on Live server


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
FASE 2 of the event is to restock the Javellin, so as soon as its restock mission end and you get the final payments.
Hmmm, the last two boxes were delivered by a guy... But the mission log showed red for a bunch of stuff?

But no worry, I still ended about 150,000 UEC up on the day but would have been nice to know one way or another.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmmm, the last two boxes were delivered by a guy... But the mission log showed red for a bunch of stuff?

But no worry, I still ended about 150,000 UEC up on the day but would have been nice to know one way or another.
If you get a CrimeStat mission should be withdraw for you so you "fail" some objective... I think that is the reason but I honestly didn't check the mission status when I've manage to compleat it...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If you get a CrimeStat mission should be withdraw for you so you "fail" some objective... I think that is the reason but I honestly didn't check the mission status when I've manage to compleat it...

Well that is a bit of a disappointment considering I, a committed pacifist, slew at minimum six XenoThreat terrorists in the name of the UEE and this is the way they thank me? A stack of Blood Money, half an hour in the slammer and no Glory just for grazing their stupid station which incidentally the Javalin captain found to be so repulsive it was docked a clear 200 meters below the damned thing?

I'm going to be writing a sternly written letter to Imperator Addison.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
If you get a CrimeStat mission should be withdraw for you so you "fail" some objective... I think that is the reason but I honestly didn't check the mission status when I've manage to compleat it...
The Crimestat can be something as simple as firing at the Xenothreat within the "Armistice Zone". That is how I got a crimestat and a failed mission. Most annoying.

Oh and a Warden with a fixed S5 Attrition with the fixed ballistic nose guns does some mean damage.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The Crimestat can be something as simple as firing at the Xenothreat within the "Armistice Zone". That is how I got a crimestat and a failed mission. Most annoying.

Oh and a Warden with a fixed S5 Attrition with the fixed ballistic nose guns does some mean damage.
Was just going to ask about a Vanguard loadout. I have a Sentinel, but I have, as of yet, not modified anything on her. Nor the rest of my fleet, come to think of it. What do you usually upgrade first (now that I have a couple hundred grand), guns; coolers; shields; or something else? I have no idea how to play this game, hahaha
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Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Was just going to ask about a Vanguard loadout. I have a Sentinel, but I have, as of yet, not modified anything on her. Nor the rest of my fleet, come to think of it. What do you usually upgrade first (now that I have a couple hundred grand), guns; coolers; shields; or something else? I have no idea how to play this game, hahaha
For my Vanguard, I usually load out a S5 weapon, I like the Attrition that you can only get on Hurston I think. I also like to use the GVSR laser repeaters. The reason for this, as since the GVSRs are fixed only, might as well make them all fixed and get a better punch for your money. For Shields I use the FR-76, it has a good shield strength and a very decent recharge speed. The rest of it you can pretty much leave stock, the coolers and power plant can easily handle this loadout. If you really wanted, you could upgrade the Quantum Drive but it would only shave a few seconds off your travel time.
The Vanguard stock has one of the best layouts imho.
You can use the DPS Calculator at: https://www.erkul.games/ to see what kind of differences changes to the loadout makes.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Was just going to ask about a Vanguard loadout. I have a Sentinel, but I have, as of yet, not modified anything on her. Nor the rest of my fleet, come to think of it. What do you usually upgrade first (now that I have a couple hundred grand), guns; coolers; shields; or something else? I have no idea how to play this game, hahaha
I second @Zookajoe on mostly anything on the canguard load out, twin FR-76 are a good choice, an alternative could be running an Industrial shield (for highter shield HP) in conjunction with a Stealth one (for fast recharge rate) taking advantage of both .
For weapons I've setted mine with 4 laser repeater on the nose and a S5 M7A laser cannon: 6Km range is a good thing to have and when you can manage to engage a terget at long distance it will usually go down even before getting into range for his weapons.
I've seen several player running 4x distorsion repeater on the nose and a S5 laser scattergun, that could be a good setup too if you plan to deal with larger targhets, but could be less usefull against smaller fighters.

Whatever you choose I'll strongly suggest going with a fixed weapon for the chin hardpoint: you still have some fixed weapons to deal with so having a uniform setup I feel is a better choice and give you more chance to bring all the weapons on the target.

Finally: do not foget to overclok the weapons: you'll have a quick overheating, but the repeater in particualar will became deadly if you can spray a taget with them, they'll became so fast youbasically have a constant ray of fire spitting out...🥰


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Me and my mate tried it last night, 5 mins into protecting the cargo peeps my mate flew point blank in front of me and a few of my size 5 lasers hit him, i got a crimestat and booted off the mission.

Went back to the naval base to try and reset it and the whole base opened up on me never seen so many guns.

Anyway woke up in prison, accidentally bumped into an NPC whilst jumping and fell to my death which inceased my prison stay from 15 to to 50 mins. Missed the entire event. They lost without me, of course.

Overall I was disaapoint!!


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Me and my mate tried it last night, 5 mins into protecting the cargo peeps my mate flew point blank in front of me and a few of my size 5 lasers hit him, i got a crimestat and booted off the mission.

Getting a CS while combat rise near the Jericho station is extreamely easy especially since there is an higt player concentration, some time you end up having like 10 contatct in a area as big as the gimble assist.... is a mess on this point of view.
The only way to avoid it is a good trigger discipline and only fire when you are preatty sure you are on target, especially if you have big weapon: missing a shot with a S5 laser with 6km range almost guarantee to hit something else behind it and is very likely that is something you are NOT suppose to shoot at...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Me and my mate tried it last night, 5 mins into protecting the cargo peeps my mate flew point blank in front of me and a few of my size 5 lasers hit him, i got a crimestat and booted off the mission.

Went back to the naval base to try and reset it and the whole base opened up on me never seen so many guns.

Anyway woke up in prison, accidentally bumped into an NPC whilst jumping and fell to my death which inceased my prison stay from 15 to to 50 mins. Missed the entire event. They lost without me, of course.

Overall I was disaapoint!!
Glad I'm not alone, we should start the "Disspoainted from Stanton" club :)


Aug 30, 2020
RSI Handle
Gotin and Alia
Flew almost six hours solo last night after the wife went to bed (and we'd done almost six hours while she was awake woot), and I can def tell you that firing even kinda towards the station's general direction is what gets you a tongue lashing about the armistice zone. As long as you're HITTING the bad guys though and maybe fly out of the zone and back in if it's being stubborn, it'll be just fine. I didn't once catch an actual CS but it was yelling at me the whole time on my last run. Makes matters even worse when you get griefers mixed in there *eyeroll*

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For my Vanguard, I usually load out a S5 weapon, I like the Attrition that you can only get on Hurston I think. I also like to use the GVSR laser repeaters. The reason for this, as since the GVSRs are fixed only, might as well make them all fixed and get a better punch for your money. For Shields I use the FR-76, it has a good shield strength and a very decent recharge speed. The rest of it you can pretty much leave stock, the coolers and power plant can easily handle this loadout. If you really wanted, you could upgrade the Quantum Drive but it would only shave a few seconds off your travel time.
The Vanguard stock has one of the best layouts imho.
You can use the DPS Calculator at: https://www.erkul.games/ to see what kind of differences changes to the loadout makes.
Sick! I'll do this as soon as I'm in game next. Thank you so much.
I second @Zookajoe on mostly anything on the canguard load out, twin FR-76 are a good choice, an alternative could be running an Industrial shield (for highter shield HP) in conjunction with a Stealth one (for fast recharge rate) taking advantage of both .
For weapons I've setted mine with 4 laser repeater on the nose and a S5 M7A laser cannon: 6Km range is a good thing to have and when you can manage to engage a terget at long distance it will usually go down even before getting into range for his weapons.
I've seen several player running 4x distorsion repeater on the nose and a S5 laser scattergun, that could be a good setup too if you plan to deal with larger targhets, but could be less usefull against smaller fighters.

Whatever you choose I'll strongly suggest going with a fixed weapon for the chin hardpoint: you still have some fixed weapons to deal with so having a uniform setup I feel is a better choice and give you more chance to bring all the weapons on the target.

Finally: do not foget to overclok the weapons: you'll have a quick overheating, but the repeater in particualar will became deadly if you can spray a taget with them, they'll became so fast youbasically have a constant ray of fire spitting out...🥰
God, look at you with the info for me, on this thread and the other one. Thank you!
Me and my mate tried it last night, 5 mins into protecting the cargo peeps my mate flew point blank in front of me and a few of my size 5 lasers hit him, i got a crimestat and booted off the mission.

Went back to the naval base to try and reset it and the whole base opened up on me never seen so many guns.

Anyway woke up in prison, accidentally bumped into an NPC whilst jumping and fell to my death which inceased my prison stay from 15 to to 50 mins. Missed the entire event. They lost without me, of course.

Overall I was disaapoint!!
How gloriously TESTie of you!


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
XenoThreat even just moved to FASE 3: more combat, better enemy ships, more cash in.
Be aware that now there are 2 (TWO) idris tto del with, along side some Hammerhead and a swarm of fighter that include Gladius and Sabre (and I assume also Vanguard, but I ddin't notice them ....).

Still a fun event, but with all those laser and bullet flying around server could baceme a bit un-responsive.
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