You Joined TEST Squadron - Why?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
We all have many varied and absolutely shameful reasons why we joined this terrible organization led by a bald guy who could probably break us like Bane did Batman. Oh God, Montoya is Bane! HL3 Confirmed! So why did YOU join this organization? I'll start:

I originally pledged to the game back in January this year with a Constellation. Fast forward to when Organizations as a thing dropped onto the webspace. I wouldn't say I got a lot of those spam invites, just like 4-5 I think but I did look at each of them. Looked at the TEST Squadron one and read it. Vaguely before this though I had read of Redd Faction and that TEST was a part of it but it didn't click with me until later.

So read the page, liked what I saw. Loved the pictures because I like propaganda, especially anything the Goons put out. But liked the TEST Infographic and accepted the invite. Realized shortly after that TEST was the premier Reddit Star Citizen org and because I belong to the Reddit World of Tanks clan I knew I made a good choice. Been here ever since and continue to be active on the forum writing terrible posts and giving Montoya a hard time.

p.s. Shortly after I was accepted into the Squadron and made some propaganda and such I approached Montoya with the idea of doing a ship giveaway. The Xi'an Scout had just gone on sale and I offered mine up for the prize if he would do the giveaway. The rest is Squadron History. We gained a bunch of new cultists and Baron reached 1K people on the last day of the giveaway.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I joined because I was searching around in the org forums, and TEST said 42% more beer. That is pretty much the reason.

Captain Easy

Nov 19, 2014
RSI Handle
As a practice I don't join game organizations. But when I discovered SC I began to read past stuff on RSI so as to catch up. Thought I might give a look at the organizations just to see what was there.

Looked at TEST and the recruitment video eventually. My first thought was, "Montoya you are wacked!" Which led me to check out the forum for TEST. I realized that this guy was drawing people in that were just as wacked. I felt that being part of this organization could add a very fun element to the game.

And here I am, totally wacked out.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
You guys were on the top of the list. I was bored and didn't feel like looking, so I looked at the org page. I promptly spent 5 minutes laughing my ass off, then joined. I never considered joining anything besides pitchfork.


Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2014
RSI Handle
I joined after browsing the RSI general chat and saw NKato was looking for people to dogfight against on AC to test out a new build, I jumped in and did terribly but had a really good laugh doing so. He messaged me afterwards inviting me to Test.


Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I joined because RTMoose said I'd fit right in with the rest of you drunks.

I used to be in the Imperium, but someone with access to locked sections of their forums was pming my reddit inbox with hateful comments using statements made in those locked areas once I identified myself as an imperium member in a thread. When I contacted Stoff, he acted like a pissed off kid, so I left. I was about to say to hell with any org, but Moose convinced me otherwise.

It's all his fuckers are stuck with me.


Dec 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I make a point in life that if I must follow, I must follow someone who'll let me away with being a cheeky fucker. One look at Montoya and I said to myself: "There is a man with no backbone or self respect. There is the leader for me".


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I was in Larsson Group. Everything was good, I was angling for a semi-senior position in the logistics group (armored transport), and people seemed cool. Then Larsson Group fell apart because of senior officer dickery. So I slathered myself in machismo and wandered over here.


Space Marshal
Nov 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I pledged for Star Citizen on the first day that it was available. A recruiter for another fairly large organization called Code Genesis shot me a message and I figured I might as well join up with them. Of course, after being on their forums for a bit and seeing that there was almost no activity I didn't really feel any attachment to CG.

I then happened to go to r/starcitizen and saw a link to TEST Squardon from there. Saw the hilarious propaganda on the RSI org page and was instantly ready to jump ship. Best SC related decision I've made and I can't see myself leaving now.

Semphis Rythorn

Rear Admiral
Aug 9, 2014
RSI Handle
I originally joined LTT thinking they were chill people. But it seems they were very inactive and eventually i got a invite to TEST, so im thinking oh let see what these guys are about. and i find these guys are very active and later i decided to make Test my main org. And i will admit i have a blast because people are active and i like that. Come PU i expect us to get really busy.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I joined TEST because I saw an opportunity to make a difference for the organization. I had been forced out by my previous organization, and wasn't interested in looking for some hardassed org that would be srsbzns all the time.

Some srsbzns at times is a good thing, but all the time? Bad. :p

Since I joined TEST, I've been busy being a theorycrafting bastard, and presently thinking about how we would operate large capships and protect those assets...


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Eve experience taught the value of a large org with a strong culture

Test is large, deffo has strong culture, and importantly, people know better than to take the game or themselves too seriously
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I pledged way early on in the process, promptly forgot about it, and then came back to it later. The first org I joined was LAMP, because they seemed like a group that wasn't taking themselves too seriously, but they were dead. Never seemed to do anything. Later, I think it might have been the Xi'an scout giveaway? I came and joined TEST Squadron. I then promptly forgot about it, until I came back one night when I was bored and saw the State of the Squadron 5. Since then I've decided I want to be an active part of this org, and try to check in with you cheeky bastards at least once a day.


Space Marshal
Oct 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Well back in June, upon our arrival to Curacao, an island just north of Venezuela, Russian and I were at the main lobby bar on the ship waiting for the ship to fully dock to port. I was on my brand new Clevo that Russian built for me and we started talking about Star Wars, as we had just won a trivia competition over the subject. After a long conversation on Star Wars and the various space battles and strategies that made absolutely no military sense, Russian reminded me that my new powerhungry lappy could now play Star Citizen. This being said, I, without hesitation, got on the island's free WiFi and bought myself a 325A. Knowing the extent of the game that was to come out, staying solo just wasn't a smart thing to do. Russian pointed me over to Test which I had grown fond of immediately. Stable structure, sustained growth, a game-friendly attitude, and good leadership is what made the cut for me. Very glad to be apart of test and though I don't drink, every drunk needs a designated driver from time to time. Glad to be here!
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