You're my only hope.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I wonder if it's going to explain "if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine" before he vanished. A lot of Jedi have been stabbed or exploded or shot or ejected into the cold vacuum of space but to my knowledge only he and Yoda and maybe Luke have vanished, and only he in the midst of battle...?

I always took that to mean he'd become a point of vengeance for Luke but I have to admit there is a bit of wibbly-wobbly jedi-weddiy about that particular characters departure that still needs expansion.

EDIT - well spotted @makute if that is the case there are still some plot threads they could build an interesting story out of.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Here's what I wonder about, in the prequals, Obi-wan fled while in his early 30s, then met Luke in the desert approx 18 years later. So would be around 50-ish at that time. How brutal of a life must he have endured in between to have caused him to age that much? Because he looked like he was at least mid 60s - early 70s in Episode 4. To age that much more than would be naturally, would be like having a half dozen ex-wives, all getting alimony & paying child support for a dozen kids that weren't his because they courts believed their alligator tears.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Here's what I wonder about, in the prequals, Obi-wan fled while in his early 30s, then met Luke in the desert approx 18 years later. So would be around 50-ish at that time. How brutal of a life must he have endured in between to have caused him to age that much? Because he looked like he was at least mid 60s - early 70s in Episode 4. To age that much more than would be naturally, would be like having a half dozen ex-wives, all getting alimony & paying child support for a dozen kids that weren't his because they courts believed their alligator tears.
Here's a strange thing I was once told which might be relevant to Ben Kenobi ageing prematurely:

Ran into a guy once who turned out to be a doctor. While chatting about ageing and the ageing process he said he couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but he said an odd thing was he'd never met an elderly person with a wrinkly bottom.

I asked him to explain as I must have misheard him say he'd never met a pensioner with an elderly looking arse.

He said it was true, in his experience at least: The bums and the feet. Not a wrinkle on them, and he said his hypothesis was that it was sun damage which ages the skin, because the bums are almost always wrapped up under layers of clothing and the feet are almost always wrapped up in socks and shoes.

Well, Tatooine has two suns... If the Wrinkly Bum hypothesis is correct my guess is that would be enough to prematurely age anyone, and would also explain Uncle Owens leathery aged appearance - he was the son of the step brother of Anakin Skywalker - considering Luke was the son of Anakin Skywalker himself, Uncle Owen was probably a lot younger than he looked, too. Looking into it he was killed at the age of 52/53.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Here's a strange thing I was once told which might be relevant to Ben Kenobi ageing prematurely:

Ran into a guy once who turned out to be a doctor. While chatting about ageing and the ageing process he said he couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but he said an odd thing was he'd never met an elderly person with a wrinkly bottom.

I asked him to explain as I must have misheard him say he'd never met a pensioner with an elderly looking arse.

He said it was true, in his experience at least: The bums and the feet. Not a wrinkle on them, and he said his hypothesis was that it was sun damage which ages the skin, because the bums are almost always wrapped up under layers of clothing and the feet are almost always wrapped up in socks and shoes.

Well, Tatooine has two suns... If the Wrinkly Bum hypothesis is correct my guess is that would be enough to prematurely age anyone, and would also explain Uncle Owens leathery aged appearance - he was the son of the step brother of Anakin Skywalker - considering Luke was the son of Anakin Skywalker himself, Uncle Owen was probably a lot younger than he looked, too. Looking into it he was killed at the age of 52/53.
Sounds as plausible as anything I ever could've imagined. Time to get the Mythbusters on the case. They like Science Fiction ideas to determine how likely they could've been.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
On the aging thang, I think it's well to keep in mind that Ewan McGregor did not age 20 years between Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, but you would have to say he is well into his forties in Espisode 3. So he really should be in his sixties in A New Hope. The incongruous thing is McGregor appears younger than Kenobi is in Revenge of the Sith.

BTW, there is a lot of buzz online with folks arguing that Kenobi is the greatest of Jedi in all the Order. According to official Lucas canon, Luke is the greatest of the Jedi due to his great humility after having failed so terribly with Kylo Ren and having all his students murdered. Recall this is what was out of balance in the force--the Jedi had lost their humility, and that was restored with the return of the Sith. This was in fact Yoda's message to Luke when Luke thought he was burning all the Jedi manuals.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Hate to tell you, but it's fan made mate...

EDIT: Those "young Kenobi" shots are from the 2015 movie Last Days in the Desert. Also, there are shots from Rogue One, The Force Awakens, etc.

It's perfectly legit for Lucasfilms and Disney to use cuts from other Lucasfilm works, but I don't think they'd steal from a movie about Jesus' temptations, even if they owned the rights. Good catch. Must be fan made but illegal to put both the Disney and LucasArts banners on it, and immoral to not note it is fan art.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
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As an age-old Star Wars fan, I'm feeling that the Obiwan series presents the best opportunity we've seen yet for Disney to tie together the various underlying stories and themes of all the films, and create a greater whole. I do think they need to move the story beyond the timeframe of all of the past films, however. I'd still like to see Disney take Star Wars back to its earlier Jedi vs Sith history.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
I wonder if it's going to explain "if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine" before he vanished.
I agree.

I'd like to see them do something more with that in film or television.

But so far it has mostly proved to only be 'famous last words.'
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