Loreville disappointment


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Think less of Loreville being a classical "City" and more like a supermassive base built for and by the Hurston corporation. They likely built it all at the same time as soon as they bought the planet, to exacting requirements with pre-knowledge of now many staff they'll have stationed there and what their needs will be. What do corporations do? They spend a little and maximize return on their investments. Prefabs. Cheap reusable designs. Mass production. Lorville is built on the back of a corporation, not a culture - it's designs are the results of that ethos and added to that in a short time, not what was popular with architectural styles over the course of centuries as with most terrestrial Earth cities.

Check out these cities built so fast no one has yet had time to move in yet, do you notice how so much of them look very similar?:

not sure if you saw This ^^^, it's looking at it from a different viewpoint but I edited it in after the original half of the post so might not have been seen 🙂
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Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
Naff, first off I like the new Wheely Bin, it summarises my view of the holiday period perfectly
Are you allowed to and if you are is it morally correct to ^^^ your own post like that. Its a new low from you.

I thought about reporting you to the mods, but then I realised that you were just being nice to yourself as no one else ever is.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Naff, first off I like the new Wheely Bin, it summarises my view of the holiday period perfectly
Are you allowed to and if you are is it morally correct to ^^^ your own post like that. Its a new low from you.

I thought about reporting you to the mods, but then I realised that you were just being nice to yourself as no one else ever is.
It was partly I was worried it had been missed because I edited it in after posting the first half and the OP may have missed it considering they responded to posts after mine, and partly it was a gag as the comment quote says "One of if not the most handsome member in TEST"

However, thank you for your [CONCERN] I have edited the post to provide some context.🙂
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Bun is still in the oven, yo. I, too, feel like the Hurston main building is a WHOLE bunch of wasted empty space, but isn't that the meaning of needless opulence? The lobby there is essentially their trophy room and they force every new visitor to their headquarters to walk through the monument that they built to their own greatness. Right now, all we really get to see is this reception area, but it will be a simple task to add more floors and content as the game calls for it. (Literally just plug new destinations in as available floors in an elevator) We are currently seeing the very base of the lego set that they are trying to build. Lorville seems to be their testbed for how they plan to create a walled garden for players in large landing zones like cities. What they have done so far is a good first crack at making that using which tram lines were open and whatnot. In time, complexity will come. But they gotta figure out more base-level tech and design decisions before they start iterating and expanding.



Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I actually partially agree with @Richard Bong. I'm not as concerned with the content of Lorville, but it has some things that are not thought out so well. The design of the subway system is ... anachronistic to say the least, but it more or less works. There are a few other issues but they're not as important to me. Most of that is game art delivery. What concerns me the most are the technical issues that are stacking up like cordwood right now - with no apparent plan to address them.

It's not an alpha software issue. It might be that we don't have enough of the roadmap. But it's also just as likely that the development team does not have clear objective guidance.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Wow, I am totally underwhelmed by Loreville.
We are told how big and massive and all the work put into Loreville and yet it is none of that.
What do we have?
The least efficient public transit system ever designed.
6-8 identical floors of hab blocks in the same building leading to the same lobby that have no real purpose other than as a spawn point.
6-8 identical city "gates" that only serve as a spawn point for ground vehicles.
A dozen, maybe, identical "Train stations."
A "massive" four kilometer tower that has 8 rooms in it to include a variation on the train station.
8 identical landing bays.
2 slightly larger landing bays, made of the same pieces and parts.
A Ship dealer that only sells 8 ships.
A space port waiting area that does not have a capacity for a small town regional airport. Killeen, Texas has a much larger terminal waiting area.
A single clothing shop.
A non-functional bar.
A "Customs Area" that not only is non-functional, it only serves to add unnecessarily convoluted walking paths.

Even if you include the cloned rooms we are dealing with what? 50 rooms for a "Massive city?"
Can I have your ships?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think unfortunately when people see Hurston and other area's they expect the same or better and that is normal, that being said yes it is alpha and expectations shouldn't be so critical I have not personally seen Loreville yet but I will be honest if I flew there and saw something not on par with the rest of the game I would be critical as well doesn't mean I hate the game and maybe we should not be so judgemental about the people working on this project because I firmly believe most people who are working on SC love the game and are trying their best, but just because its alpha doesn't mean you cant criticize the game, its going on 7 + years now and were still at least close to 3 years out from a finished product everyone is frustrated yet everyone has seen a lot of progress this year. I think we need to look at the whole picture here, yes we would pick on many issues with the game but to me as a whole this year proved a lot, the game play alone has improved 1000% so we need to focus on the good as well as the bad.

Personally I have bigger concerns with funding, they were in the red 3 years in a row till this year, to me its clear funding is going to be an issue this is why they are expanding their marketing to draw in a fresh crowd. Please don't take this is as a slam on CIG I have been subbed to this game for close to 3 years now, I have 700$ into this game outside of my sub so I am well over the 1000.00$$ mark I like many other others wan't this game to succeed so badly that I am personally into it for the long haul but that doesn't mean I can't criticize or complain and I will be the first to give recognition when due, this year for SC was a huge success imo and I give them credit for their work done.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If you actually could visit the entire city, sure. You can't. Not even a fraction of it.
Ah, I think I see where you are coming from now...

I found this video that you may find interesting:

Some key quotes:

" It used to be smaller " Devs on the Hurston Dynamics building

" We only have so much time to work on these things " Devs on set-dressing of the player habs

" it's a very large interior so how much of that we can explore initially would be quite limited but it gives us the chance to show the flip-side of what people would see in the workers district " Devs on the size of the HD building and the relatively few rooms within it

" My reference library is Castle Greyskull from He-Man and the Masters Of the Universe " DiscoLando on what he referenced to draw a castle on a peice of paper, and the devs using that as an example as to why it's hard to make things 940 years in the future when they don't exist yet, like a mass transit train-like system

" We had a very specific deadline to meet with lorville so we had to make some technical and creative decisions to validate that critical path ... so we had to find that right balance between something that looked good but also that played good because we tried some designs where it was very complex and Tod was like 'dude, find your way to that gate' and it was like me being on the outskirts of London and saying find this [specific] area, an impossibility ... It was one of our first systems into making a city, we have lots of ideas we want to try in the future so watch this space " Devs on having a city wall with gates rather than other more complex open systems.

Hope the video helps answer some questions 🙂

Considering GTA5 is just one city and it took 6 years to make, I don't think we'll get fully 100% explorable cities until after the game is finished, but maybe one day... Perhaps Star Citizen 2 - gotta leave something for the sequel ;-)
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Oh this is some good quality Xmas eve shit posting! 😁

Having had this discussion thousands of times at every stage of the game, here is the bottom line:

Some people have different expectations. If things do not move in the exact way they feel they should be moving, they are displeased.

In the case of Mr Bong here, he was expecting a lot more than what is being delivered. Fair enough. We can't tell him how he should feel.

Personally, my expectations are in line with what is currently being delivered.

Similarly with Fallout 76, everybody lost their minds! But what I saw in their announcement trailer was Fallout 4 with mulitplayer hot glued on.

What we got was Fallout 4 with multiplayer hot glued onto it. I got exactly what I expected.

It all boils down to expectations.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
lol oh man.... back to Fallout 76 again? Please lets not compare a company who sold an unfinished product in its beta some would argue alpha still to Star Citizen which is actually in the alpha and not misleading people to spend 60$ on it I love you Montoya but I will never accept that Bethesda didn't screw the pooch on this one. If they had launched this game at 30$, 39$$ or something I could have said ok no biggie its just a modded Fallout 4 but they didn't. It is getting better and I am glad and who knows maybe down the road when its like 14.99$ I may grab it but until then it will always leave a sour taste in my mouth lol.

Montoya is right I do agree though expectations are all subject to the individual I think SC sometimes sets itself up for disappointment because they are so involved with the community but this is alpha I also expect it to get better not worse.

Ok ok I have to retract the alpha comment, 76 is clearly not in alpha but still!!!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I am still very impressed by the depth of detail with which CIG works. In fact, they have a whole game universe with dozens of solar systems with hundreds of planets and possibly thousands of moons to create. I think it's good that we're nevertheless receiving the first iterations of cities even today in this early alpha phase, which are gradually being expanded during further development. I don't expect a GTA here, and that would be a bit fantastic (and completely unrealistic) to expect another AAA game on every planet in the form of a Vice-City. Our Vice-city is the verse itself, and we should be grateful for anything that goes beyond a simple landing zone. Because something comparable - solar systems, planets AND partly accessible cities - has never existed before. I don't think that something like Lorville could be created in half a day - but if it is, the proof should be sent to CIG as soon as possible...
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
"to expect another AAA game on every planet in the form of a Vice-City" Normally I would agree but CIG has in a way kind of promised this when talking about how the game functions and each planet has its own economy and is AI driven they have set that bar imo.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I know exactly what Alpha is. That does not make Loreville up to the standards of anything I would let anyone see.
Not saying there is something wrong with not knowing,
but saying that you know, when it is abundantly clear the way you speak that you don't have a clue what a Alpha game is period.

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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
"to expect another AAA game on every planet in the form of a Vice-City" Normally I would agree but CIG has in a way kind of promised this when talking about how the game functions and each planet has its own economy and is AI driven they have set that bar imo.
Afaik Chris said, that complete detailed cities won't be part of the game. You can fly over them and will have the ability to land in dedicated landing zones. He never talked about making cities on planets like Vice Cities. That would be pretty awesome, but is imho impossible. Still, you never know how far CIG will push the limits of technology and its development level.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Stretch goals - More Detailed AI Activities – we’ll add ten distinct types of AI character roles on planetside environments! At $54 million, this includes Bartender, Doctor, Entertainer, Nurse, Sanitation Worker, Security Guard, Shopper, Tourist, Vagrant and Vandal. Future AI roles will be added with future stretch goals! Each additional ‘class’ of character will be fully expressive and have a role to play in Star Citizen’s planetside interaction AND the game’s greater economy.

I am sure there is a lot more if I look but CR has stated time and again each planet, each system will be AI driven, each having their own distinct economy, trade etc...... this means a living breathing AI driven world for each planet and every system.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I assume you have the day off tomorrow and from your assessment you are a half competent game designer, so please knock up 20 rooms for me. And the city to put them in. And the planet to put them on. And a solar system to put the planet in. And a ship to get to the city in.. And all the ships systems and weapons and shields and it's flight model. And the space-station to get the ship from. And work on a whole other game due in 2020 while doing that.

I stand by my previous comment: Alpha, yo. They have barely finished building the planet the city stands on - more will be along later, when they have finished making most everything else 🙂

But I understand you are frustrated, so let me take a step back from my stance and lets look at this from another perspective, because thinking about it I might be on to something with the following:

Think less of Loreville being a classical "City" and more like a supermassive base built for and by the Hurston corporation. They likely built it all at the same time as soon as they bought the planet, to exacting requirements with pre-knowledge of now many staff they'll have stationed there and what their needs will be. What do corporations do? They spend a little and maximize return on their investments. Prefabs. Cheap reusable designs. Mass production. Lorville is built on the back of a corporation, not a culture - it's designs are the results of that ethos and added to that in a short time, not what was popular with architectural styles over the course of centuries as with most terrestrial Earth cities.

Check out these cities built so fast no one has yet had time to move in yet, do you notice how so much of them look very similar?:

It is Christmas day. No I am not going to spend hours on the computer, after doing this kind of thing for 9 years, it has lost its charm.

Now having said that.


The city outside is not culled. Granted not all the doors and windows lead to anything but some do. You could, for example go out the door turn right, go down the street for a block, cross the street, turn left, and two blocks down I have located a seedy coffin hotel. Assembly time, roughly 4 hours.


This was a rather insane stress test of one of the pieces of software I was responsible for. There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 million polys (Mostly quads) in the scene. Not all of the doors and windows have anything behind them but many do. Took me 6 hours to put this together.
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