Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

I am waiting faithfully for SC and drop my hard-earned Dollars (Euros) into Chris Roberts hands:

  • Nope, I've given it all for beer, laughing at dumb Chris Robert's disciples

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Yes, but only 100 bucks (or less). Still curious and drinking more beer instead.

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Yesss, between 100 and 500 bones - and it still hurts! But beer heals all wounds.

    Votes: 49 42.6%
  • Yeah, somehow about five to ten Benjamins. I'd spend more when the time comes.

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • A grand...or wait, two grand? Or weren't it three? I don't care. Beer for all, TEST = BEST.

    Votes: 24 20.9%
  • A rack...and I only stopped throwing money 'cause the fork lifter collided. Too much beer.

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • ...and I own one or two ships. Tiny little things but I'm good.

    Votes: 18 15.7%
  • ...and I own three to five ships. A good base to start with SC.

    Votes: 34 29.6%
  • ...and I own six to ten ships - I'm totally puzzled (or drunk) and don't know what to do later on.

    Votes: 22 19.1%
  • ...and I own a whole fuckin' fleet. The 'verse will be mine, mua~hahaha ... (drunk megalomaniac)

    Votes: 17 14.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Could someone explain the value and significance of LTI ?
Life Time Insurance. So, if you don't piss off RSI by crashing your ship into the sun multiple times, or letting friends steal it over and over, then you will always have that ship. the #months insurance is in game time, so say 6 months, that's 180 days of logging in and playing, insurance. Significance is, say someday you find a Vanduul Super Big Ship, and you fly it, and then the Vaduul blow it up, you can't call RSI and say "Hey, I found a Vanduul ship, it's mine now, gimme one." They'll say "But you didn't have insurance"


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I've got a:
Constillation Aquila-for exploring long distances along large and medium wormholes
Freelancer Dur-for small wormholes
Retaliator Bomber- for the larger capital ships
Redeemer- take out , multiple fighters or a small capital ship, requires 5 crew
Prospector-for, you guessed it , mining
315 P-small explorer
F7C-M Super Hornet- my main small fighter
Averger Stalker-for bounty hunting
Auroras LN, LX, CL, MR, and ES for cannon fodder and to lend or give to buds
I haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up! :D


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I really want to only own a small group of ships so that I will use them! Ha!

So anyways all LTI

Aurora MR the aim is to be a reliant sen
Cutlass Blue (general all round target!)
Prospector (I was going to get an orion but this ship looks enough to get into mining)
Hull B (Sometimes you just want to trade)
Caterpillar (I am expecting to have to spend for the modules and dragonflies)
Khartul Al (Not as pretty as hoped and certainly not a dogfighter)
Vandal Blade

The aim of one of the last two is to be able to run a blockade (i.e. that is just to run), I suspect the Khartul Al will be melted to become a drake Herald. I no longer own an explorer but this seems the most common ship type other than fighting so I can change that depending on how the game develops!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The aim of one of the last two is to be able to run a blockade (i.e. that is just to run), I suspect the Khartul Al will be melted to become a drake Herald. I no longer own an explorer but this seems the most common ship type other than fighting so I can change that depending on how the game develops!
I think we all will kind of "grow into the game". Perhaps find ourselves doing things we haven't planned or even thought about before. The good thing is, that this "growing into it" is a very slow process, depending on the developing performance of CIG. I can imagine that it will be more difficult to get into the game - as a total newbie - once Star Citizen is live.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
@Crymsan It's funny how your avatar is a Cutlass Red but it's not on your list. :)
It's a ship I'd like to get. I'm torn between a full-scale Hope-Class Endeavor or a Cutlass Red (and try to sneak aboard a testie's Hope). I'm kind of into medical shenanigans, but still waiting to see what "medic" gameplay will end up being like.


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Aurora / CCU to Herald or avenger
Dragonfly will probably be the last I buy .

Could someone explain the value and significance of LTI ?
In game there will be a mechanic in place that makes use of insurance same as your car. Unlike the car insurance though that pays for repairs, this feature only pays for total loss of craft. The craft that is replaced is in the damaged condition and you will still have to pay for repair costs. Its to prevent abusing the system by crashing your craft into others. There is a time period for replacement. The more often you destroy the vehicle the longer it takes to replace.

If you purchase a concept craft or upgrade (ccu) from another ship with LTI you get LTI i.e. Life Time Insurance on your ship. CiG has said this feature of normal insurance is available in game and will be worth 1 missions credits. LTI allows people the luxury of not having to bother with paying that small cost.

Personally I believe that the cost of insurance may be related to the size of the ship. So if you do a mission in your idris you get more credits and that is the cost of insurance vs doing a smaller mission in your aurora. This is just speculation though but I believe they would carry more value for larger ships


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I had a cutlass red and really like the look of the ship but when they added hospital module to the caterpillar (which I also own) I sadly dropped it. Hard decisions have had to be made to keep the ship numbers down. For me the cutlass red's use other than an occasional fleet ambulance depends on how scanners work out, i.e. is it's upgraded scanner any use for other than collecting bodies (more stuff we do not know)!

LTI insurance will not cover upgrades and I suspect any ship you like will end up being upgraded so it wont stop you buying insurance (or suffering if your lose your ship) but because of the large amount of ship stealing and pvp in the current PU and the desire for many players to have that as an in game career, LTI means a ship loss will never wipe you out.

I am hoping when the Caterpillar actually makes it into the game I can upgrade my pictures!
Last edited:


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
@Crymsan It's funny how your avatar is a Cutlass Red but it's not on your list. :)
It's a ship I'd like to get. I'm torn between a full-scale Hope-Class Endeavor or a Cutlass Red (and try to sneak aboard a testie's Hope). I'm kind of into medical shenanigans, but still waiting to see what "medic" gameplay will end up being like.
When I worked on salvaging the Exxon Valdez, we hired a Vietnam Vet for the Helo. He was an ex-combat medivac pilot. Funny as hell and a hell of a nice guy. Great stories (never about Nam) and would fly us right down into the cracks of the glaciers.

I'm keeping my Red "Miss Understood" for combat medivac, partially in his honor, but also because my parents were doctors and I almost always have a healer/buffer character :-)

Looking forward to pushing that gameplay.
Not the medical aspect so much as the full throttle dodging missiles screaming corkscrew valkyrie rescue.

I need friends with Hope ;-)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
When I worked on salvaging the Exxon Valdez, we hired a Vietnam Vet for the Helo. He was an ex-combat medivac pilot. Funny as hell and a hell of a nice guy. Great stories (never about Nam) and would fly us right down into the cracks of the glaciers.

I'm keeping my Red "Miss Understood" for combat medivac, partially in his honor, but also because my parents were doctors and I almost always have a healer/buffer character :)

Looking forward to pushing that gameplay.
Not the medical aspect so much as the full throttle dodging missiles screaming corkscrew valkyrie rescue.

I need friends with Hope ;-)
Atta boy. I like your style.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Just to avoid misunderstandings: you DON'T need to drop your pants in here - just use the poll and vote. ;)
We don't need to. We all just like dropping our pants!

I actually bought a Greycat and some fish too! Probably going to end up getting that Endeavor, but I'll stop after that and a fighter ship...
Unless they do a really cool concept ship...
Or release pets...
Or I need UEC for day one ship components...
Or weapons...
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