Well this is close to home.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle

Dunno if y'all are tracking, but this is happening as we speak. I'm on exercise right now, about to go home in the AM for some well deserved leave.

Or not.

We may be deploying a few hundred km north to assist with this situation. We're just waiting on the word at the moment.

I'm not looking for anything with this post, and I sure as shit won't ask for 'thoughts and prayers'.
I just wanted you to be aware of a human tragedy that is happening on our doorstep, close to my home, and is affecting people I know.

Thanks for reading.
Stay safe TEST.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks lads. It's not easy when it's suffering of any sort. It's especially not easy when it's in your backyard. @Dalarast nailed that one on the head.

From what I, understanding, the provincial government may be requesting aid from the armed forces tomorrow. We should know by end of play tomorrow what the situation is. As much as I'd love to head home to my family after a month in the field, the fact is, I joined to help.

I can only hope that the 60000+ residents make it to safety as the city burns.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh wow, that's crazy man. Hope everything turns out the best it can. I'm sure most of the town is gonna be a wreck, but hopefully not many are hurt.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
I sure as shit won't ask for 'thoughts and prayers'.
You don't need to ask my friend. You and everyone there already have our thoughts and Prayers.

I can only hope that the 60000+ residents make it to safety as the city burns.
My best wishes for all concerned.

Stay safe.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh man...I have no words for this except: be safe, for yourself - and your family!
Hope to read you soon, safe and sound!
All my best wishes from Germany over the big ocean to you and Fort McMurray,


Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
I wonder if Canada has requested Aid from the United States yet. It's not like we don't battle wildfires on a regular basis and have some of the best mobile corps for doing it. Probably would make more sense to do that than mobilize the Armed Forces, unless your Armed Forces train in combating wildfires, it will just cause lives to be lost.

It's one of my biggest issues when State Governments ask for Federal Forces to come and help them. It's always the same thing from me, "You do you realize that's what your national guard is for right?" And I guess we could go and blow up the fire...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I wonder if Canada has requested Aid from the United States yet. It's not like we don't battle wildfires on a regular basis and have some of the best mobile corps for doing it. Probably would make more sense to do that than mobilize the Armed Forces, unless your Armed Forces train in combating wildfires, it will just cause lives to be lost.

It's one of my biggest issues when State Governments ask for Federal Forces to come and help them. It's always the same thing from me, "You do you realize that's what your national guard is for right?" And I guess we could go and blow up the fire...
We have a wildfire agreement in place with a bunch of NATO nations, and more I believe. Last year, we had fire fighters in from multiple nations. The forces still deployed north to do battle. You'd be amazing at how fast a couple thousand troops with shovels, picks, and chainsaws can make a fire break. Or evacuate stranded citizens. Or set up evacuation centers.

The job isn't always fighting the fire. Many times it's getting the people out, supporting failed infrastructure, helping with clean up, providing medical aid, so on and so forth.

I agree with you in that there are better people to fight the fire. However when it comes to supporting the efforts of the select small groups of specialized experts on the ground; we bring a mean amount of manpower to the table.

From what we're hearing and reading, the province had official requested aid now. I'm guessing will be getting orders shortly, to one effect or another. Hopefully we have time to go home and kiss or wives and babies, lol.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
We have a wildfire agreement in place with a bunch of NATO nations, and more I believe. Last year, we had fire fighters in from multiple nations. The forces still deployed north to do battle. You'd be amazing at how fast a couple thousand troops with shovels, picks, and chainsaws can make a fire break. Or evacuate stranded citizens. Or set up evacuation centers.

The job isn't always fighting the fire. Many times it's getting the people out, supporting failed infrastructure, helping with clean up, providing medical aid, so on and so forth.

I agree with you in that there are better people to fight the fire. However when it comes to supporting the efforts of the select small groups of specialized experts on the ground; we bring a mean amount of manpower to the table.

From what we're hearing and reading, the province had official requested aid now. I'm guessing will be getting orders shortly, to one effect or another. Hopefully we have time to go home and kiss or wives and babies, lol.
Good luck and stay safe. Remember that fire types are vulnerable to water types and are not very effective against ground either.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Good luck and stay safe. Remember that fire types are vulnerable to water types and are not very effective against ground either.
Haha, good advice Rock Boss. I'll be sure to pass that pertinent info into the boys. :P :D

We haven't been given any official word as of yet, so I'm going to go home after a long month gone, kiss my wife, hug my baby, and shower a months worth of field grime off of my body. If the phone rings, it rings. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
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