Pimped your spaceship? Lets share information!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Bought her yesterday, the 350r. Put some better coolers on, 3 x Ominsky VI and went for a dogfight...the first asteroid was mine, haha. Boy, this is a fast beast! But her manouvering thrusters are bad, so you have to work a lot with "drifting" and using the thrusters/afterburners. But if you can handle her - what a deadly bee is that! Gotta go testing.

BTW: I REC'D some of those Apocalypse Arms Ballistic Gatlings for putting them onto the Hornet Ghost - I recognized a little late that they only fit onto the Super Hornet :rolleyes: *dumbme* I then thougt about on which ship they could fit either - and chosed the Constellation Andromeda/Aquila. Funny fact: they fit! :cool: This could be interesting to put four of those onto the Connie and see what happens. But, sad story, because you can't go into the Arena Commander with the Connie, the corresponding data are not sent to the server, therefore any changes on the Connie are not transferred to the PU.

Aaand last one for today: I've found a post of a guy who notes the weapons stats of SC, to be found here:

I'll put that link into my opening post.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yesterday I tried to put on better shields on the 350r - which didn't work. But as @Rolo wrote, you can put a triple gun combo on with all having the same target horizon. Since you can only mount 4 rockets, I decided to take the Strikeforce II for reducing the possibility of failed shots to a minimum. Combined with her speed, the 350r then results in...well, not a Hornet, because there are Hornets in the 'verse. But an "aggressive bee" would name her best ;)

I also tried some "crafting" on the REC'd Vanguard Warden. But unfortunately, there isn't much you can do currently: the nose gun can be replaced by the Apocalypse Gattling. But she definitely needs upgrades on her manouvering thrusters - and this is which you can't change in the current version of the holotable. Going into the Arena Commander I had to realize that the Warden is good against dumb Vanduul KI pilots who bob up and down right in front of you all the time. But when you meet RL human ace pilots, you are lost. They are kind of dancing around you, I nearly could her them singing in their cockpits, and then set your arse on fire. Not a nice experience ;)

Okay, last thought, and writing about "Hornets" before: I yesterday found out how the Aurora-pilot managed to shoot a rocket into my Connie, than crashing into me - and flying away while my Connie exploded. The thing is: you can mount the shields of the Super Hornet onto the Aurora! Having no SH in stock, I can't prove that - but if anyone of you would like to try this out I would be happy if you can give me/us a feedback about this herein :)

Fly safely!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Only tried one Vanduul Swarm with my new Super Hornet, made it to 18 but crashed along the way into a few asteroids...that count? :rolleyes:

Still need some practice but will be an ace one day. Tips? You stick or mouse? Mouse obviously has the accuracy but stick give more of that simulation feeling and just wondering if its worth investing in a good one or just stick to mouse?
Yesterday I fought a Vanduul Swarm in my Delta together with 2 Hornets.....:eek: They didn't couldn't handle wave 18 on their own :confused: You did good


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Yesterday I fought a Vanduul Swarm in my Delta together with 2 Hornets.....:eek: They didn't couldn't handle wave 18 on their own :confused: You did good
You mean there are people worse than me? :eek: God help them!:eek::eek:
Nah I'm not that bad, its moreso the mechanics of flying in no gravity and tactics I have to work on. Games like BF4 I have a habbit on owning servers in jets, but SC isnt BF, will get there though, eventually!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
You mean there are people worse than me? :eek: God help them!:eek::eek:
Nah I'm not that bad, its moreso the mechanics of flying in no gravity and tactics I have to work on. Games like BF4 I have a habbit on owning servers in jets, but SC isnt BF, will get there though, eventually!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I always thought that I fly pretty average, not good, not bad, so when I fly a light fighter and am a medium pilot, then a not so good pilot with a good fighter could keep up with me.
My first flight with a Super Hornet and no control over gimbal was disastrous :D, after the 3rd or 4th time getting killed the other 2 guys stopped shooting at me.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I am waiting for 2.4s (hopefully) better method of loading out ships. Then this will be my regular shitposting stomping ground for my results!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Yesterday I tried to put on better shields on the 350r - which didn't work. But as @Rolo wrote, you can put a triple gun combo on with all having the same target horizon. Since you can only mount 4 rockets, I decided to take the Strikeforce II for reducing the possibility of failed shots to a minimum. Combined with her speed, the 350r then results in...well, not a Hornet, because there are Hornets in the 'verse. But an "aggressive bee" would name her best ;)

I also tried some "crafting" on the REC'd Vanguard Warden. But unfortunately, there isn't much you can do currently: the nose gun can be replaced by the Apocalypse Gattling. But she definitely needs upgrades on her manouvering thrusters - and this is which you can't change in the current version of the holotable. Going into the Arena Commander I had to realize that the Warden is good against dumb Vanduul KI pilots who bob up and down right in front of you all the time. But when you meet RL human ace pilots, you are lost. They are kind of dancing around you, I nearly could her them singing in their cockpits, and then set your arse on fire. Not a nice experience ;)

Okay, last thought, and writing about "Hornets" before: I yesterday found out how the Aurora-pilot managed to shoot a rocket into my Connie, than crashing into me - and flying away while my Connie exploded. The thing is: you can mount the shields of the Super Hornet onto the Aurora! Having no SH in stock, I can't prove that - but if anyone of you would like to try this out I would be happy if you can give me/us a feedback about this herein :)

Fly safely!
I tried to mount the SH shield on the Aurora, the Invincible Quad, but is shown as unequippable, but the Aurora seems to have no schield in the holo table.....bug!!!

I also tried to equip the Invincible Quad on the Mustang, but also on the Mustang it is unequipable.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
iirc, the Super Hornet has s2 shields [edit:Invincible quad is s3] (can take s4), the Aurora/mustang/avenger/300s take s1 shields. They simply don't fit. The exception may be (from ship stats page) the Delta(s1-2)/LN (s2-3)/325(s1-3)...

If I have time tonight I'll get back into 2.3.1 and try it out...

Hmmm, a 325 with s3 shields...
MmmmHmmm a SH with s4 shields...

[Edit: so technically, either the LN or 325 should be able to take the Invincible Quad]
[Edit 2: If the shield is further restricted by type (bubble, FrontBack or quad), you may be able to equip the regular hornet Invincible which is I think a FrontBack]
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
iirc, the Super Hornet has s2 shields [edit:Invincible quad is s3] (can take s4), the Aurora/mustang/avenger/300s take s1 shields. They simply don't fit. The exception may be (from ship stats page) the Delta(s1-2)/LN (s2-3)/325(s1-3)...

If I have time tonight I'll get back into 2.3.1 and try it out...

Hmmm, a 325 with s3 shields...
MmmmHmmm a SH with s4 shields...

[Edit: so technically, either the LN or 325 should be able to take the Invincible Quad]
[Edit 2: If the shield is further restricted by type (bubble, FrontBack or quad), you may be able to equip the regular hornet Invincible which is I think a FrontBack]
I have a LN:D
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Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Caveat to all my theory crafting... it's theory crafting until we can test it and prove it :-)

I highly recommend Baior's testing, in fact. He streams live if you can catch it at https://www.twitch.tv/baiorofred, or his spread sheets at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxljaNNgCjpcTHBoVVhSdGhWUjg&usp=sharing, where he distills the info from the on-stream testing.

Spreadsheets aren't all that immersive, and theory crafting often has an "That's *your* opinion, dude" taint about it, but it's information to guide the decisions we make.
Sure the actual stats will change throughout alpha and beta, and even after release. But the relative standings of components/ships should be relatively stable and the mechanics will be best learned (at least by us old folk) gradually over months, rather than a steep curve at release.

In my case, it's my bread & butter, as I intend to repair and mod ships like crazy.

I'm starting early to be the guy you go to to build that specific racer or interceptor (or customize your prospector to handle The Coil in Odin (see my intro ;-) )

My point of the above rant is that I'm sometimes wrong, and sometimes out of date, but generally, I put some thought into my opinions and suggestions. I try to give good advice, but don't take anything I say as gospel!


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ok, had to look before I head out the door...
can't find the shield slot on the LN at all, so couldn't test.
The 325 has 3 s1 ports, not a single s3 port... that's a mismatch with the stat page, but implies redundancy at least...


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The 325 has 3 s1 ports, not a single s3 port... that's a mismatch with the stat page, but implies redundancy at least...
Ship stats on the pages haven't been updated in forever. They also mentioned they're moving to a new system where ships that had s1 shields will have 1 small shield ports. Whereas ships with s3 shields will have 3 small ports. They'll eventually have medium and large shields in as well, with ships allowing 1 or more of those.

And I believe 4 small shields will fit into 1 medium slot and 4 medium fit in a large
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