Get to know your TESTies.......


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
My name is @CrudeSasquatch and I'm a boreal forest ninja.
I currently reside in @Blind Owl's basement, because loggers done went and stole my land!

I used to make water for fracturing oil wells, nice an' slick with lots of oil and chemicals water. We poured these big buckets in, and it would boil and roil, and.... and sometimes it exploded. Then I'd take the chemicals out of the water, which was a lot harder. You had to yell real loud to get the chemicals attention and then ask it politely to get back into the bucket.

Before that I worked for the national parks system testing to see if the water quality was good enough for swimming. I know where the nice lakes are. I also know where you'll catch worms, what beaches are mostly human poop, and how to speak otter.

I'm afraid of grizzly, black, and polar bears, snapping turtles, women that are smiling, and Americans.

I quit smoking marijuana, and now I have these really weird dreams. Like, I dreamed that Brian of Tarth was in StarWars.... then I googled it, and it was TRUE! She was the chrometrooper! Then I had a dream that Scarlet Johanson asked me to get spinach out of her mouth with my tongue.... Still waiting on that one to happen.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm MzHartz here, there, and everywhere.

I tend to make my hobbies into professions. By day, I'm a graphic designer. I've been a full time graphic designer for 9 years now, and a part time or freelance designer for 16 years. I'm also a semi-professional belly dancer in 2 troupes, as well as a flamenco dancer, poi spinner, and burlesque performer. I'm also a writer. I've written 9 books, published 2 of them, and until recently, was the regional organizer for National Novel Writing Month (I stepped down recently, because apparently the human body requires sleep).

Hell, I've even turned video gaming into a sort of job by streaming. I played Duck Hunt when my mom's boyfriend got an NES when I was 6, and have been gaming ever since. I tend to prefer RPGs and puzzle games, although I've been lured into the open world games in recent years (which is what brought me to Star Citizen, well, that and Baior talking about it all the time). I thought I'd be most lured by the non-combat aspects of the game, but as time goes along, I'm finding I'm really liking the pew pew.

I'm 34, and my lifestyle is supported by coffee in the morning and liquor at night, I'll smoke an occasional clove cigarillo but nothing non-tobacco, my relationship status is complicated, and there's no way in hell I'm having kids.

But most of all, on top of everything, I like new experiences and learning new things.
Wow, that *is* impressive! 9 (!!) books, two published.

I've written a manuscript a couple of years ago, some short novels, have been active in two, three creative writing communities. But my writing seems too bad, no publisher liked my script.

Cats are evil and I don't want to give them the advantage of being able to work together against me.
Hahaha, like that - almost my thinking. But perhaps we *would* own a cat instead of a dog if I wouldn't have that bad allergy.

Thats an interesting thread. But I'm not into this drop-your-pants-mentality...anymore. I'm an 42 years old tecchi plant such as other fellow TESTies here around. And I've made my experiences with communities which mixed up both, VL and RL; there where good and bad experiences. But the worst were those which were good first and then turned into bad.

So, please accept my apologies if I'm not writing my CV here. If you want to know who I am or seem to be, just come on over into the coffee bar for a little chit-chat. There you can make yourself a picture of me ;)

That said, I guess I'm not writing too much if I'm telling you that I'm married for the second time - last year with a good chance for a second divorce, but all went good so far - am an office plant, like to talk and trying to find a way of living the life. From my point of view, the last fifteen years I suffered way too much, always tried to manage it all by myself, but finally had to realize that this is not possible; went into two clinics for rebooting myself. Currently, it all seems to go back onto the right path.

Two kids, one from each marriage-phase (I don't know how to express that in correct words). The older daughter has cost me/us *lots* of nerves and energy. But after throwing her outta house, suddenly she begins to "operate", recently signed an indenture. I'm so glad about this, I can tell... The young boy is a devil, but cute - I'm a little bit afraid of the coming puberty. But we will see; after all we've learned from his half-sister ;) A house, a dog, a garden, some nice neighbours, some I don't know, one who hates us and I don't know why; what an ugly bitch this is, on her inner and outer side. I like the flowers in our garden and summer evenings with a glas of good red wine and (few) good friends. I hate loudness, loud people and the hectic rush of cities. My favorite singer is Lana del Rey.

Looking to Star Citizen, I'm unsure what I went into. Looking to my nick/RSI handle, you can anticipate that I'm a fan of AstroSamantha herself. Boy, this was an amazing time, following her at her time in space! That said, everything which has to do with space fascinates me. Perhaps I could express the feelings, that awakens it in me, in German words. But please accept my appologies that I'm not able to express them in English language. Now, in an endorphin rush, I invested all my money into SC, hoping to explore space, even if its only virtual reality. And, as a side effect, I found this really, really nice community of testsquadron which in the meantime has grown to a more important role than SC itself. I love being with you guys, writing down thoughts and feelings, doing some chit-chat, laughing and grinnin' - just be. It feels good - and I hope this remains for a couple of months. That would be worth all the spended money for SC ;)

See ya around
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Perhaps I could express the feelings, that awakens it in me, in German words. But please accept my appologies that I'm not able to express them in English language
I think you express yourself perfectly well in English. Some of the words or syntax may be incorrect, but anyone who speaks English can easily understand.

Me, on the other hand, took German in high school for four years and I can't speak a damned thing of it. Mostly asking "Wo ist die Kirche?" and "Was ist das?"


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
My name is ratfeast and its been my nom 'd guerre for 15 years. I took my name from a Magic the Gathering card because other people kept adopting my other aliases. I've never met another ratfeast, and when I do it's always been me! I'm a retired physician. I did forensic psychiatry for many years, I did research with the behavioral division of NASA for 20+ years and I was involved in astronaut selection as a consultant. My first computer was a Timex Sinclaire ZX-80, which I programmed on an 8-track tape. I started gaming on an Apple 2, and like marcsand2
I started playing on an old Amiga 500. One of my favorites was Wing Commander,
..which I thought had great graphics! The Amiga was an amazing computer for it's time. My first game was "Pong" followed closely by "Lunar Lander" (yeah, I'm that old). I've been on the internet since it's inception and my first name was Spyder1, you're lucky if you're Spyder1000 now. I played FPS until 15 years ago when my reflexes got too slow. I then played, since the alpha, Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 until a year ago, when it just got old. Then I found Star Citizen and TEST, 2 of the favorite things in my life now. My daughter works in LA as a top notch programmer, and I told her she needed to work for Star Citizen, but she programs for school kids right now, so I can't complain. I built my own computers until this last one, an MSI Vortex (with the GTX 960's), and I hope they'll enable the Nvidia 1080 for it, It uses it's own compressed cards. Check this out and you'll see why I can't work on it:
I've always been an early adopter, and I've had my HTC Vive for a week now. VR is the wave of the future and I hope Star Citizen embraces it soon. The HTC Vive is amazing! I am divorced. My kids are grown. So my money goes to Star Citizen and TEST. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease about five years ago, which slowed my reflexes enough that I couldn't play FPS competitively. But, other than making my voice fade at times, hasn't really affected me, I have no tremor. I am an admitteded Otakuist, and Iove anime, rock music, vintage airplanes and cars. I'll see you in the Verse!
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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think you express yourself perfectly well in English. Some of the words or syntax may be incorrect, but anyone who speaks English can easily understand.
Thanks for your warm words, thank you very much :) I often am very unsure which are the correct grammatics and times, but as a bonus, the whole writing and reading here on has a pretty good training effect. :)

Me, on the other hand, took German in high school for four years and I can't speak a damned thing of it. Mostly asking "Wo ist die Kirche?" and "Was ist das?"
Haha, which is more than 99% of the remaining people on earth :D

Hubby says: "Use it - or loose it". So true. I've learned four years French language and three years Spanish language in school. Both languages are gone almost a 100% outta my head. But wait, most important spanish sentence: "Una cerveca, por favor!" - which is way more life saving than/instead of "Wo ist die Kirche"? :D:D:D

The French language I refreshed a couple of years ago at the "adult education center" for business needs. But nevertheless I like this language. Perhaps I will book again some refreshing courses.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow, that *is* impressive! 9 (!!) books, two published.

I've written a manuscript a couple of years ago, some short novels, have been active in two, three creative writing communities. But my writing seems too bad, no publisher liked my script.

Hahaha, like that - almost my thinking. But perhaps we *would* own a cat instead of a dog if I wouldn't have that bad allergy.

Thats an interesting thread. But I'm not into this drop-your-pants-mentality...anymore. I'm an 42 years old tecchi plant such as other fellow TESTies here around. And I've made my experiences with communities which mixed up both, VL and RL; there where good and bad experiences. But the worst were those which were good first and then turned into bad.

So, please accept my apologies if I'm not writing my CV here. If you want to know who I am or seem to be, just come on over into the coffee bar for a little chit-chat. There you can make yourself a picture of me ;)

That said, I guess I'm not writing too much if I'm telling you that I'm married for the second time - last year with a good chance for a second divorce, but all went good so far - am an office plant, like to talk and trying to find a way of living the life. From my point of view, the last fifteen years I suffered way too much, always tried to manage it all by myself, but finally had to realize that this is not possible; went into two clinics for rebooting myself. Currently, it all seems to go back onto the right path.

Two kids, one from each marriage-phase (I don't know how to express that in correct words). The older daughter has cost me/us *lots* of nerves and energy. But after throwing her outta house, suddenly she begins to "operate", recently signed an indenture. I'm so glad about this, I can tell... The young boy is a devil, but cute - I'm a little bit afraid of the coming puberty. But we will see; after all we've learned from his half-sister ;) A house, a dog, a garden, some nice neighbours, some I don't know, one who hates us and I don't know why; what an ugly bitch this is, on her inner and outer side. I like the flowers in our garden and summer evenings with a glas of good red wine and (few) good friends. I hate loudness, loud people and the hectic rush of cities. My favorite singer is Lana del Rey.

Looking to Star Citizen, I'm unsure what I went into. Looking to my nick/RSI handle, you can anticipate that I'm a fan of AstroSamantha herself. Boy, this was an amazing time, following her at her time in space! That said, everything which has to do with space fascinates me. Perhaps I could express the feelings, that awakens it in me, in German words. But please accept my appologies that I'm not able to express them in English language. Now, in an endorphin rush, I invested all my money into SC, hoping to explore space, even if its only virtual reality. And, as a side effect, I found this really, really nice community of testsquadron which in the meantime has grown to a more important role than SC itself. I love being with you guys, writing down thoughts and feelings, doing some chit-chat, laughing and grinnin' - just be. It feels good - and I hope this remains for a couple of months. That would be worth all the spended money for SC ;)

See ya around
You are one of my favorite people on here, @Sam K Macer ... and your English is better than most Americans. As long as your coffee bar is open, I will be there even if we are on opposite time zones.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Don't forget: " Dónde diablos estoy?!!" and "Dónde está el baño?" and "En qué dirección a la frontera?"
Hell no, thats already the haute école of speaking Spanish language :D

You are one of my favorite people on here, @Sam K Macer ... and your English is better than most Americans. As long as your coffee bar is open, I will be there even if we are on opposite time zones. I'm a little bit like

Thanks man - you're always welcome in my coffee bar (as anyone else is for sure


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm SaneNoMore... I'm old.. too old to type crap about myself. :)

"and burlesque performer".... wait, what.. you now have my full attention. ;)
I debated whether or not to remain ambiguous and just say "independent performer." But hey, if I'm brave enough to do burlesque, I'm brave enough to admit that I do it.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for your warm words, thank you very much :) I often am very unsure which are the correct grammatics and times, but as a bonus, the whole writing and reading here on has a pretty good training effect. :)

Haha, which is more than 99% of the remaining people on earth :D

Hubby says: "Use it - or loose it". So true. I've learned four years French language and three years Spanish language in school. Both languages are gone almost a 100% outta my head. But wait, most important spanish sentence: "Una cerveca, por favor!" - which is way more life saving than/instead of "Wo ist die Kirche"? :D:D:D

The French language I refreshed a couple of years ago at the "adult education center" for business needs. But nevertheless I like this language. Perhaps I will book again some refreshing courses.
As a Western neighbor of Germany I learned to understand German very early from television, only one big mistake, understanding and speaking is a huge difference. Although my wife is native German, she can speak perfect Dutch. At home I speak Dutch with my wife and dialect with my kids.
My Parents in law live on this side of the border, but even after 40 years living here, they don't speak a word Dutch o_O. Try to argue with someone in German, you will learn very fast and argues with my parents in law I had allot :(.
Ah, the Belgium border was about 100 meters from my parents home. In that part of Begium they speak Dutch but they wanted to belong to the French part of Belgium so they refused to talk Dutch. They actually can speak the same dialect as I do, but they refused to talk speak dialect to strangers. I don't understand or speak French, so I never crossed that border :p


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
(Wha...W...who against whom? I better don't answer on confuses me. Have to drink more of this wine and then go to bed...and don't ask...anything)
Ah, yeah, right, I'm with you @marcsand2 ...totally clear...everything...I think :D;)
At least someone who understands me :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm Just Jake. My handle is Metal Muffin, because that's what I named the M113 that I was the TC of at my last unit. I'm a Combat Engineer in real life, married, a father of 2, and an enjoy-er of life. I have a dog named Puck. I have an education in culinary, have been the Executive Chef of 2 restaurants and owned one of my own. I lived in Europe for 4 years, Guadalajara for 1 year, and quite of few places in the US.

My gaming started with flight simulators of the 80's and 90's beginning on an Apple IIe. Because of those I've always been into flying and flight-like games. I got into FPS with "Delta: Operation Arrow Head" that came as a part of a bundle that I bought because if wing commander and Tachyon: the Fringe. So, naturally, I switched to more FPS and third person shooters for quite a while, until the reemergence of space sims. Now I'm just excited to be a part of Star Citizen.

I'm about 60% done with finishing my flight-themed battle station. I have the functionality down, but not the aesthetic, yet. I still need to finish and paint the wood, plug light holes (he he), and a few more concept designs that I want to refine and implement.

Currently, I'm recovering from surgery that I had on the 13th, so I'm not doing much but getting in stick time, flying my ships, and binge-watching Netflix while I enjoy my Hydrocodone haze.


Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm Just Jake. My handle is Metal Muffin, because that's what I named the M113 that I was the TC of at my last unit. I'm a Combat Engineer in real life, married, a father of 2, and an enjoy-er of life. I have a dog named Puck. I have an education in culinary, have been the Executive Chef of 2 restaurants and owned one of my own. I lived in Europe for 4 years, Guadalajara for 1 year, and quite of few places in the US.

My gaming started with flight simulators of the 80's and 90's beginning on an Apple IIe. Because of those I've always been into flying and flight-like games. I got into FPS with "Delta: Operation Arrow Head" that came as a part of a bundle that I bought because if wing commander and Tachyon: the Fringe. So, naturally, I switched to more FPS and third person shooters for quite a while, until the reemergence of space sims. Now I'm just excited to be a part of Star Citizen.

I'm about 60% done with finishing my flight-themed battle station. I have the functionality down, but not the aesthetic, yet. I still need to finish and paint the wood, plug light holes (he he), and a few more concept designs that I want to refine and implement.

Currently, I'm recovering from surgery that I had on the 13th, so I'm not doing much but getting in stick time, flying my ships, and binge-watching Netflix while I enjoy my Hydrocodone haze.

Nice sim pit!


Vice Admiral
Jan 24, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello, My handle is Uruwashii pretty much anywhere now. I used to go by Uriah n previous games. My IRL name is Danny.

I have been gaming for as long as I can remember. I still remember when I got my Sega Genesis. I was a sega fanboy until they stopped making consoles. My game genre of choice has always been RPGs but I will play just about anything. I have always been about average at anything I do, which made me feel bad growing up because the only thing I could conquer my friends at was Flight sims. Some of my fondest memories are of playing the Wing Commander and Mechwarrior games with my dad.

I am married to a beautiful wife and we have an amazing little 2 year old girl and are trying for our second and final child. I am a christian, don't worry, not one of the really judgy ones! I write christian spoken word poetry on occasion.

I do not drink much but I have never really had a beer that I didn't like.

I am 31 years old, live in Ohio USA and work in the telecommunications industry on the construction side of things. I like this because it lets me do a lot of different things and not be stuck in the same place everyday, even though the dream is to get hired on somewhere and stay in one place and not worry about being laid-off. I was brought in through the union, which isnt the greatest but they gave me a job and pay me decently to do it. I have my BICSI and CTS certifications and should be doing Credit classes right now to keep those certs up!

Recently I have been more focused on audio visual work than voice and data. This means that I get to play with very expensive sound systems and large displays.

If you are still reading then you must really care. Thank you. This is were I get deeper into my life. I suffer from a condition called Ehlers Danlos syndrome, EDS for short. This is a condition that effects the collagen proteins in my body. These proteins are everywhere and can effect any part of my body or life. I am a "Type 3 EDS patient" or Hypermoble. This means that my joints and connective tissue do not snap back in the way that a regular person would. I am very flexible but to the point that I can overextend with out knowing. My physical therapist cringes some times while I am doing exercises with her. This always means I am doing something that should hurt.

Thank you for wanting to get to know me a little better
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