No Man's Sky - Mega Thread [First Planet Screenshots, Coordination, Etc.]

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I wasn't sure about NMS at first, but having expanded my suit inventory slots I'm finding it a lot more fun. To be honest, I'm now starting to play the game only to resurface three hours later feeling like 20 minutes have gone by.

Incidentally, it may be a completely different game but those Star Citizen parking skills have not been forgotten. Blind Owl we obviously went to the same school of flying ;)



Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Found this abandoned shelter on a moon, the computer log entry said they had been infected and overrun by some kind of alien slime organism

hey umm >.> thats the shit from aliens.... I would get out of there :o


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The hell do you get the recipe for antimatter? I'm stuck buying that shit.


Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
The hell do you get the recipe for antimatter? I'm stuck buying that shit.
Gotta scan for manufacturing sites on planets. Use the scanner in space away from the planet. I think Operations Centers and Abandoned Buildings also have potential to give blueprint.

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
In case no one has encountered this

Also Pro-tip

If on PC play with a controller

Features that dont work with out one

1. Freelook in cockpit
2. Scan for Discoveries in the galaxy map (It says Tab but it doesn't work and the only way is to use a controller)

I just spent the better half of an hour trying to Figure out how to find my starter system only to turn on my steam controller and realize that all the buttons work right this way
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Well, after four days in a field getting drunk with a few thousand metalheads, I figure getting this is gonna be the best way to re-integrate with society ;) looks awesome!
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Please no spoilers... but does anyone know if following the atlas is the correct thing to do on NMS or it's all a lie? because I'm not getting closer to the center of the galaxy


Order of 10 High Priest
Apr 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Please no spoilers... but does anyone know if following the atlas is the correct thing to do on NMS or it's all a lie? because I'm not getting closer to the center of the galaxy
Following the Atlas missions you tend to work your way all over the place, not really towards the center. If the center is your goal, the atlas missions only occasionally helps you get closer, most of the time you will be moving away.
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Oct 20, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm so angry with myself for buying this lol, I knew it was gonna be terrable but curiosity got the better of me and I was not disapointed in my low expectations of the game, it's supposed to be a game about exploration yet everything is pretty much the same, just reskinned, heck a lot of it isn't even that.
The ships i knew were gonna be all the same since they were all small boring one seater type ships, but they were supposed to be at least slightly different with a fighter, trader and explorer type ships but the only difference I've seen is the appearance and the number of slots they have, they don't fly different, they don't have different weapons, nothing.
And the sentinals, the only challenge in the game aren't a challenge at all, more an annoyance, I even fought one of the bigger walker things earlier, the only hard thing about him was the fact that when he attacks you with his beam your camera goes all over the place, and not like shaky camera I mean when his beam attack finishes you'll literally be looking in a completely different direction.

Ugh anyways, I know this is a thread for those that like it, so just ingore me xD I just needed to vent somewhere. So wish I didn't go over the 2 hours to get a refund, but oh well. At least you guys are enjoying it.


Order of 10 High Priest
Apr 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Ugh anyways, I know this is a thread for those that like it, so just ingore me xD I just needed to vent somewhere. So wish I didn't go over the 2 hours to get a refund, but oh well. At least you guys are enjoying it.
It's honestly not at all what I want in a space game, but it's something to pass the time while I wait for more SC content. The Atlas story line thing is okay, and I got to go through a black hole, so that was neat. I wouldn't really recommend it to people at full price, but if it's ever on sale for $30 I'd be telling my friends to pick it up and give it a try.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Following the Atlas missions you tend to work your way all over the place, not really towards the center. If the center is your goal, the atlas missions only occasionally helps you get closer, most of the time you will be moving away.
But is't the end goal to get to the center of the galaxy?.... maybe I'm getting it bron.... I'll stop following the allas them.....


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle

Sentinels are a great source of resources early on, and with some basic upgrades to the mining laser, quiet easy to kill! Just do them 2 at a time :D


Not the prettiest ship, but at least it has the right colours! I had to ditch an uglier but better ship for the pre-order ship, as the message kept popping up to claim it, overriding all other messages, and I missed two plot messages because of it already. This means about 5-10 more jumps without anything happening at best! After a lot of mining, I managed to grab this one, as every crashed ship in this system is the same small useless ugly boat!


It's the prettiest, most "normal" planet I've seen so far from about 15-20 planets. Normal weather, floating islands, tons of resources including dongs of emeril and gold, and even some trading platforms thrown around.


The Golden Dong!


The neighbouring planet, with extremely cold weather, and storms that deplete the enviro resistance in about 40 seconds! Not much around, except for the floaty creatures that do not register on the scanner as anything...

There were some other animals, but one of my issues* (*one of the lies told to us) is that the ecosystem has nothing to do with the planet. You get the exact same kind of dinosaur or blob creatures no matter what the weather is on the planet, and ofc the total lack of any food chains or relationship between the creatures. Same thing with plant life. I've seen the generic palm trees on a frozen planet as well as on a water planet and on a "lava" planet. Also, why no lava flows/lakes on overly hot planets? Would it be so hard to associate a recoloured texture for the "water" with hot planets? Why can't I hide, or get killed faster in a lake on a constant toxic rain planet? There are so many small things like this that would increase the immersion and make the world work as a whole. Currently it feels like random assets thrown together in a constrained way so every planet feels the same in the end. This sameness is sadly a necessity of the survival part, otherwise ppl could get stuck on planets unless they implemented an NPC helper, but that may have ruined the whole "exploration" bit for a lot of ppl... So there lots of things to consider, something that a small indie studio clearly couldn't pull off.


The Proper way to come in for landing as a Test Squadron member :D


Balls. Balls everywhere! (it says exotic, but only in appearance. it takes ages to mine and it's worthless)


I HATE SPACECOMBAT in NMS! I really really hate it! It's the most unplayable feature in the game. You can't run away because neither the boost nor the warp drive works, the ship slows to minimum speeds for no reason during combat and won't keep it up, the guns are silly week even with 2-3 good upgrades, and most importantly, the ship is near uncontrollable. Every ship controls the exact same sluggish "oil tanker" way, once you start rotating you better keep it up because changing direction will take you a lifetime, and will be uncontrolled. It's all way too unresponsive to be playable. Without the auto aim and the enemy ships flying exactly in a circle around you at the exact distance so you can hit them when turning fully, you would never in a lifetime score a single hit. Oh, and you can't dodge enemy fire. They Will hit you at regular intervals, no matter what. My biggest problem with this whole space fighting is that you cannot avoid it. If you are carrying any cargo worth more than a 100 credits, you will get attacked from time to time, and nothing can change that. You just have to die, go back for your stuff, and start again, and you probably won't get attacked again.

Apart from the useless space flight part, the game is quiet enjoyable. I learned to like it after coming back from vacation. That slowed me down enough to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of the game from time to time. It's most certainly not a game for everyone, and not for every mood. But if you can look beyond all the fake promises and the insane bs hype, and accept it for what it actually is, a 15usd indie walking simulator with generic minecraft/survival elements in an early access/half finished state, then it's fun. Pity that I payed the full 60 bucks, it most certainly wasn't worth it, and should have been spent on a Dragonfly and some beer.

TLDR.: Without the Molyneux levels of hype and lies, it would have passed under the radar and it would be no-ones-sky after a few months, like any other indie procedural survival crap. But I kinda like it despite it's mediocrity.
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