So thoughts and things started happening. I know, I know, it terrifies me too when my brain muscle starts doing stuff and things.
Anyways, a theme has started to emerge based on the naming of my Caterpillar, 'Pillar of the Community.
As such, my Drake family:
Caterpillar: 'Pillar of the Community - I've explained my reasoning on this one earlier in the thread. No need to beat a dead horse.
Buccaneer: Upstanding Citizen - Fine Upstanding citizens, just doing an honest days work in the asset reallocation division.
Cutlass: Moral Authority - we just want to make sure you're on the right track, not being led astray, tempted by the evils of the 'verse.
Dragonfly: Integrity - men of integrity are needed. Its a dangerous verse we live in
Dragonfly: Character - just because you are a character, doesn't mean you have character. ;)
The rest of my fleet:
Sabre: Diplomatic Relations or Diplomacy - the ship you send when you want to discuss terms like civilised folk.
Prospector: Geological Negotiator - someone has to open up talks with the rocks. Or just open up the rocks.
Starfarer Gemini: War Pig - for now. This ship may become a Carrack. When she does, she'll be named for my son. I've yet to decide on the name, and if/how it'll follow the theme.