Reddit repost - 'We Can't all be Pirates'


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
In the spirit of PvP the only thing that matters is me killing someone and getting away with it...

...If I want to be a murderous rampager one morning and just camp a station slaughtering anyone who leaves, I should be allowed to do that and make anyone I want salty as fuck. That territory is mine and im killing everyone for enjoyment.
Please re-read the issue in the OP.

Your argument that in PvP anything goes is moot there because there was no PvP. There here was no killing of other players, just destruction of the resources that would allow PvP to happen. There was no PvP here, as the second player could not join in - they could not get to the ship before it was destroyed.

They were not killed, they were confined.

That is not Player Vs Player. As someone previous mentioned, you spawn with a gun you have a chance against your opponents. You spawn without a gun and have to walk across the map to get one to play, only to find another player has sawn it in half depriving you of being able to Verses Player.. that is chickenshit opponents not having the nuts to actually PvP.

So what options are there for PvP in this scenario? the opponent quitting to another instance. That 'aint gameplay. As others have mentioned there are fixes coming.

Where there is no vP in PvP there is only P(enis).


Aug 30, 2016
RSI Handle
I didn't post in the reddit thread (and I'll admit I haven't read all the replies in this thread because I REALLY want to get this off my chest) but something about that OP really irks me. Players and devs alike praise "emergent gameplay" but somehow pad camping doesn't make the cut? To me it seems perfectly in-lore that pirates who just want to watch the world burn and don't care about their crime stat would do something like that. If GH is being camped then the solution is to call in some good citizens to clear them out. This *IS* emergent gameplay and I would suspect exactly what the Devs expected to happen.

Consider this: since I've started spawning at GH more often, my whole "get out of dodge" strategy has changed. I pull up my gun as soon as the airlock cycles. I aim down sights around every corner, and scan back and forth for ANYBODY and ANYTHING that could be dangerous. If there is a ship on the pad and I'm running to mine, I might wait for them and smoke them just to make sure they don't follow me. I choose smaller, faster ships and if I want to fly my connie, my next mission is to go to Kareah and lower my crime stat. Maybe grimhex is NOT the place to spawn your tali or starfarer. Does it make any sense at all for these fancy and huge ships to come to a pirate base? No, I don't think so. The situations afforded to players by GH is emergent gameplay pure and simple.

Now, I'm not going to say "I'm one of the good pirates" because I have definitely pad camped GH myself because I *WANTED* people to come and shoot me down. I want to set up a situation wherein I am the bad guy and some bounty hunters come after me. The best way to get the server's attention right for that is to camp grim hex, and I have to say a lot of fun situations have come about and I've added a fair amount of people to my contacts by doing that.

Anyway, that is my rant. I think the people asking for gun encampments and Grim Hex police are missing the point entirely.
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Aug 25, 2016
RSI Handle
'Pirate: a person who attacks and robs ships at sea'

Okay fair enough, this game will probably let you do most things, but if repeatedly blowing up docked ships (before people get a chance to get in them) for an hour and a half is one of them, you won't be called a pirate, you'll be called something else, or maybe a few things... but not a pirate ;)


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
There are a few things to consider to keep this whole thing in perspective. Grievers, historically, are usually a very small portion of the overall community. I would put them at less than 5% of the overall player base. Their whole goal is to attempt to ruin the game for the other 95%+. They find a way to do just that and poke at it over and over and over.

Grievers can and do drive away players. They do so in a shockingly disproportionate quantity. In the OP's story, his friend spent 1.5 hours trying to get out of Grim Hex. Many people would just walk away from the game at that point. Especially if this is there experience at every port. Are there other ways to deal with it? Absolutely there are. However, most people won't put that much effort into it. They will hit the grief wall, and say "fk this game, I'm out".

So the question is, who exactly is advocating this style of gameplay? Likewise, CIG needs to ask themselves the same question. Do we want (by inaction or lack of feedback) to allow the game to continue heading this direction simply to satisfy a very, very small minority of the player base? If we do allow it, how many thousands of potential players will be driven away?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Why would i give someone the chance to even attempt to fight back? It is player versus a player, this has no other meaning.
If we are defining things, then technically you are not in a PvP environment, you are in the PU. What you call PvP could be argued to be a consequence of the interactivity the PU allows between players. I think the WHOLE of the PU should be "PvP", no PvE areas at all. in other words a reflection of reality, interaction with all players in all places... So just like in reality you could be stood outside a grocery store planing what to buy inside, or you could be stood outside a grocery store with a baseball bat smashing up the cars of the customers inside. Real life is not PvP and the PU aims to be a real life of sorts, hence the long discussed PermaDeath.

The PU offers many things at present but there will be many more in future. Many of the features that come in the future you may think are designed to take PvP away from you, but the PU was never strictly PvP in the sense that the only objective is that there are other people wishing you harm. That is just delusional and paranoid and you may as well make a tinfoil hat and hide under the stairs whenever an icecream van drives buy in cse they are monitoring your thoughts again. There will be traders, miners, explorers - players who have no interest in blowing someones head off for fun and the PU when finished will have a balance which makes simply saying "Its the PvP, everyone is out to kill each other" is so misunderstanding what the PU is (wilfully or otherwise) to almost miss the point of being in the PU entirely.

Camping is not a Pirate tactic. Its an Anarchist tactic for the antisocial. Want to stop people playing with you? This pad has so many ships to destroy you'll be forever alone.

Question 1: a) Would you camp Olisar if the Peaceful Zone was not there? b) What do you plan to do when the long awaited Perma Death mechanic arrives and your camping hobby does real damage to your experience of the game?

If he is on the ground with a pistol and im using a capital ship to bombard him. It is still me versus him whether he likes it or not or thinks it is fair. If there are fixes or things to prevent this so be it, he isnt attacking the mechanics of the game he is attacking a play style that is 100% legitimate.
Again, he is not on the ground with a pistol, he is in the centre of a complex at a computer screen. He is no where near coming out of the airlock with a pistol or otherwise. There is no PvP without a vP. You are right PvP is totally legitimate playstyle however without any Verses it is just a Prison Simulator. Perhaps the pleasure of this tactic is having power over people?

So, Question 2: What if when the person you are holding captive quits, the game glitches and just respawns that ship over and over again? What are you doing? PvP? The other player has gone, you are just sat there shooting a ship with no owner thinking you have the advantage over nothing more than ghosts. Ask yourself, is the other player still there? Is that PvP? And if not, what is the difference between that and having another player stuck behind the airlock door? (This question open to everyone for discussion)

Your definition of PvP only becomes a reality when you have a chance to fight back, my definition of PvP is why even give you the chance to fight. Win at all cost establish dominance by all means through oppression. Complete and utter destruction.
See question 2. Are you PvPing? No, you are not, because how do you know there is anyone still there? How do you know you have not been ported to an instance set up to deal with Campers with auto spawning ships? To use a crude analogy, concentual sex with a partner is a bonding experience, where two people come together for mutual enjoyment. Masturbation, although it feels good, is a totally self serving act where you are out to get pleasure just for yourself. Camping is an act of self-serving masturbation where you are forcing people to watch you :eek: Has the game glitched? Would you still get the enjoyment of blowing up empty ship after empty ship if there was no one there to watch you?

If I shoot someone in the back and they cant see me that is still legitimate PvP. Just royally sucks to be you that day in that location. If i'm bounty hunting, do I wait for my prey to get into a ship so he can fight back? No, I kill him before he even gets a chance, if I want to kill someone I will never let them have a chance to win. It is fair play to play this way.
Remember it being the PU - Do bounty hunters in reality get away with killing their subjects? If you check it out, there are very few "Dead Or Alive" contracts these days. If you want to be an Assassin, those are the jobs you are talking about but they tend to attract the attention of bounty hunters and that mechanic has not yet been placed in the PU... but then i have never heard of any Assassin who sat there and blew up empty cars all day long... Or any bounty hunter... or any PvPer for that matter... Never seen anyone on GTA V Online blowing up empty cars when they could be killing each other.
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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Why would i give someone the chance to even attempt to fight back? It is player versus a player, this has no other meaning. If he is on the ground with a pistol and im using a capital ship to bombard him. It is still me versus him whether he likes it or not or thinks it is fair. If there are fixes or things to prevent this so be it, he isnt attacking the mechanics of the game he is attacking a play style that is 100% legitimate. Your definition of PvP only becomes a reality when you have a chance to fight back, my definition of PvP is why even give you the chance to fight. Win at all cost establish dominance by all means through oppression. Complete and utter destruction. If I shoot someone in the back and they cant see me that is still legitimate PvP. Just royally sucks to be you that day in that location. If i'm bounty hunting, do I wait for my prey to get into a ship so he can fight back? No, I kill him before he even gets a chance, if I want to kill someone I will never let them have a chance to win. It is fair play to play this way.
I really disagree with your oppinion and i like to prove you wrong in the PU one day. have a nice day.

Edited by: Munken
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Why would i give someone the chance to even attempt to fight back? It is player versus a player, this has no other meaning. If he is on the ground with a pistol and im using a capital ship to bombard him. It is still me versus him whether he likes it or not or thinks it is fair. If there are fixes or things to prevent this so be it, he isnt attacking the mechanics of the game he is attacking a play style that is 100% legitimate. Your definition of PvP only becomes a reality when you have a chance to fight back, my definition of PvP is why even give you the chance to fight. Win at all cost establish dominance by all means through oppression. Complete and utter destruction. If I shoot someone in the back and they cant see me that is still legitimate PvP. Just royally sucks to be you that day in that location. If i'm bounty hunting, do I wait for my prey to get into a ship so he can fight back? No, I kill him before he even gets a chance, if I want to kill someone I will never let them have a chance to win. It is fair play to play this way.
You do realize that what you are talking about is the same as kicking someone while they are laying down at best and bullying at worst?
And yes, PvP is in the game and is a big part of it. But just because it is there, doesn't mean that people should be ok with how it is used.
I'm ok with bombardment from orbit if it is a part of something, like an org. war or territorial skirmish or something. Not when used to feel superior over a single individual for laughs.


Aug 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Why would i give someone the chance to even attempt to fight back? It is player versus a player, this has no other meaning. If he is on the ground with a pistol and im using a capital ship to bombard him. It is still me versus him whether he likes it or not or thinks it is fair. If there are fixes or things to prevent this so be it, he isnt attacking the mechanics of the game he is attacking a play style that is 100% legitimate. Your definition of PvP only becomes a reality when you have a chance to fight back, my definition of PvP is why even give you the chance to fight. Win at all cost establish dominance by all means through oppression. Complete and utter destruction. If I shoot someone in the back and they cant see me that is still legitimate PvP. Just royally sucks to be you that day in that location. If i'm bounty hunting, do I wait for my prey to get into a ship so he can fight back? No, I kill him before he even gets a chance, if I want to kill someone I will never let them have a chance to win. It is fair play to play this way.
Things like this make me think about going to a smaller organisation, where I can check everyone out and know what the overall goal is. I thought we were supposed to be testies, not knob-ends.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
You can't avoid this. Such beings are hidden in every community, small, medium or large. The question is, how many of them are there? And will they show themselves, coming out of their dugouts?

Second question is: are you active in a corresponding org because of principles or because you like it there? How do such griefers influence this?

As long as there are two or three of such beings, it is okay for me because I like being with TEST. When the day comes that griefing seems to become a kind of "sub section" of TEST, that would test (haha) my principles, thus I would also think about leaving.


Space Marshal
Jul 19, 2016
RSI Handle
inb4 all the folks saying "the game lets me do it so it must be intended so stop whining" all start whining about the game mechanics that make things difficult for them to be such assholes.
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
That is why taking this view is wrong, in a PU environment anyone can have any style of play that they want. You are just stating that if they dont play my style they are wrong and shouldn't be allowed to play that.
What I was trying to say is "Just because they want to be assholes doesn't mean we should have to accept them being assholes". If we want to hunt them down because we don't like their playstyle we should be able to.
I never said "make it impossible through game-mechanics" or "ban them from playing", just that we should not have to accept it and roll over.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
We need more stuff to do. Right now, we can:
a) Turn arrays on and off
b) Buy clothes and armor and FPS weapons without sights or scopes(BTW, does ANYBODY get sights or scopes on their FPS guns? I haven't had them since like, early 2.4, and a sniper rifle without a scope is...not even just a rifle)
c) The ICC missions, and looting the wrecks out there for booze and cigars
d) Looting the wrecks at Yela for booze and cigars
e) Covalex
f) Security at Kareah
g) Greifing
Did I forget anything?
I predict being a "real pirate" in this game is going to be a hard road, and what I'm hoping is once we can start prospecting, exploring, handling cargo and the other things we should be able to do, the allure of piracy will diminish. At the same time, those of us who are slogging it out through the alpha are developing some serious dog fighting skills that will come in handy. On top of that, I believe that by senselessly slaughtering each other now, we're providing CIG with some valuable data that they can use to tweak the game.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
You need to sit down and mind your manners, i'm playing devils advocate here and having a discussion with people. You need to try and think before you let useless words like this escape your mind please. This offers nothing to a discussion but toxic bs.
The point is: I'm hating people like you. I'm hating them from the deepest depths of my heart. There is a slight difference to those people who intend to harm my childs for I would try to kill them. The difference here is: its virtual life. So I'm turning of my PC and probably never will come back. As many, many people more which fun you steal and destroy, being lack of a single percentage of respect to the gaming interests - and manners - of the community, which part you devide yourself from.

So: you are having fun for yourself, destroying fun of other people, who probably seeking some good time in VR. Okay with that. But then you have to deal with it that there are people which are feeling the opposite of fun: hate. And your selfish lines of text let my hate blaze.

My last words within this thread.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Senseless slaughter opens up a whole new aspect to the game that is solely created by the player base itself. I agree with you that as people complain about being randomly killed or their items are stolen that people get labeled as griefers. Piracy in this game isnt griefing senseless slaughter isnt griefing unless someone is upset over, if someone camps a port or a jump point for 3 hours and demands everything from anyone and wants to toll people for leaving then blow them all up I think that is awesome and hilarious. This allows though, white knight orgs to exist and have meaning. It allows people to communicate and network more so, it allows good an evil to exist to make for some awesome fights and war as well as unscripted roles to be played.

I would love to tap out a whole reply as to what I also feel the OP is getting at (and that I agree with him).

But the idea that what the griefers/trolls are doing could be accepted in a finished game I think is missed. If they guys blowing up the ships on the deck were even requesting money or goods than I could say... Yes. They are being pirates. Call authorities or take a bounty... Done and done. Also I think GH would take up arms against players like this since it influences their ability to make profits.

But blowing up ships because you want to watch the world burn... Allow it to happen: yes. But have repercussions? Yes... Raised threat level (perhaps gta style psychotic level)? Elevated threat level that also comes with bans from certain sectors (GH losing customers and profits would probably look down upon the same ship returning... Even if flown by a descendant of the original grifter.... Maybe Increased costs or docking fees till the GH management (Larry and Fred I thinks the names ;) ) forgive past transgressions.

All that.. On an iPhone. While sipping coffee and recovering from jet lag.


Space Marshal
Jul 19, 2016
RSI Handle
If someone is abusing mechanics to allow something to happen that is not intended, then that is wrong, but if the mechanics allow you to play that style or roleplay in that way, then by all means let it be so. This play style allows other play styles to grow as well, people could start making orgs that sole purpose is to bounty hunt these people down, or they consider themselves a company that would be paid for escorting people to safety. There is numerous ways to counter this play style that make the game immensely more entertaining. Removing the style instead of finding ways to work with it is wrong. Building mechanics to out right remove it is wrong in my eyes.

Perfect example is arma 2 dayz. There was a group of people who had access to helicopters and rescue equipment. If you where in the middle of no where broken and couldnt move, you could hop into their teamspeak and ask for rescue. They would both meet up in the same location on different servers and you would hope over to their server. They kept a stand offish approach telling you to disarm incase you where trying to trap and kill them and then they would come and help you.

Instead of just magically healing a stranded player, the community built up an awesome interaction around this mechanic to enhance the experience. That is the sheer beauty of an open ended game that allows all play styles to exist. It allows so much more then linear play.
...and they haven't even been added yet.

My point is simply, that places like Grim Hex are not complete yet. And if it is a pirate run facility, most pirates wouldn't take kindly to people just popping ships on the landing pad. Frankly, I think GH should be weapons free, but there should be armed guards as well. You should be able to shoot someone as they wake up if you want, but your odds of leaving the station should be minimal. I am not against people being douchebags, but just like in real life there should be repercussions. It shouldn't be a simple decision of "well there is nothing to stop me from doing x...", but rather one in which actions have consequences and folks should have accountability. Right now, often times people can go about doing whatever they please without regard for anything or anyone but themselves. That will change, like it or not.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Piracy in this game isnt griefing senseless slaughter isnt griefing unless someone is upset over, if someone camps a port or a jump point for 3 hours and demands everything from anyone and wants to toll people for leaving then blow them all up I think that is awesome and hilarious. This allows though, white knight orgs to exist and have meaning. It allows people to communicate and network more so, it allows good an evil to exist to make for some awesome fights and war as well as unscripted roles to be played.
It is fine to play the "devil's advocate". It is fine to try to justify this style of gameplay. It is also fine to attempt to find some positive aspect to all this. However, please do not confuse the two styles of gaming. Piracy is not greifing. There is a very defined line between the two. Piracy is the valid profession that CIG is including in the game. It is firmly rooted in profit and advancing your game. Griefing has nothing to do with that. It is all about gaining fame through extremely toxic gameplay and trying to ruin peoples enjoyment with no other form of gains.

You claim that griefing allows for good and evil to exist. You claim that it will lead to "awesome fights and war". However, you seem to forget that every single person that has ever played a MMO can see through this charade. You can claim what you want, but the reality is, griefers do not stand and fight. You, yourself actually stated "Why would i give someone the chance to even attempt to fight back?". This is the true sentiment of the griefer. They are not there to incite a fight. They are not there to start a war. They are there to ruin other people's day and their rewards are counted in frustrated /general chat and rage quits. If challenged to an actual fight, they run. Every time, they run.

Once again, you talk about this like we don't have over a decade of experience with griefers. You are attempting to blur the line that we all know is there. That line is very bold and very apparent. You can claim whatever you want and then excuse it by claiming "devil's advocate", but we all know the difference between a griefer trying to excuse their actions and what is actually true.

The bottom line is (as has been stated before), griefing drives away people. If left unchecked, it will ruin entire games. It is not a necessary evil. If allowed to run unchecked in this game, it will do the same. This is not some uneducated theory. This is a repeatedly proven prediction. I personally have seen this play out in game after game. Even developers that choose a "hands off" policy when policing player actions eventually see they are wrong. It's only a matter of time before they realize their mistakes and make griefing either so disruptive to the griefer that they cannot continue, or outright grounds for suspension.

You can try to justify it all you want, but the fact is, it takes away from the game while returning nothing. It chases people away while attracting none. It makes the game worse without, in any way, making it better. It makes a very, very, very small percentage of the player base happy, while ruining the day of everyone it touches. It is not prediction, interpretation, or theory. It is FACT. This is not our first "picnic". Nobody is buying your arguments. We have seen this play out far too many times across dozens of online games and absolutely don't want to see it here. There is no amount of "devil's advocate" that can change this fact.

To paraphrase a popular comedian, "You can believe what you want, just please know you are wrong".
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