Reddit repost - 'We Can't all be Pirates'

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
IceTruckKilla posted an interesting rant on Reddit earlier. The full thread is available at, but to whet your appetite here is the initial article:

We can't all be Pirates

Submitted by IceTrucKilla

This is a rant. Fasten your seatbelts.

My biggest fears about this game are starting to come true. They're not the fears Polygon, or my skeptical friend Matt, would have you believe; that this game is some big cash grab scam.

My fear is that this game is going to get popular. Too popular.

The problem is that this game is starting to come together. The problem is that it's starting to look REALLY good. The problem is the realization that Star Citizen isn't going anywhere is finally dawning upon all those who were desperately hoping to watch the largest crowd-funded project in history crash and burn. The problem is the more it grows the more people come out of the woodwork to "see what the fuss is about". And there in lies my fear.

Call them Griefers. Call them Trolls. Call them casuals. Call them whatever you like. The masses are coming. And when they get here it's going to get ugly. The people who made the The Division's Dark Zone unplayable. The ones who flew around in Hydras blowing up anyone that moved in GTA Online. We all know who I'm talking about.

This guy.

I'll give you a perfect example from a personal encounter which occurred just this past evening. After the 3.0 demo video I, like I'm sure many of you, finally convinced and enlisted my aforementioned skeptical friend Matt. He in turn enlisted his friend Brian to join the 'Verse. Brian was immediately completely on board with Star Citizen. After only two days of playing he'd liked it so much he decided to invest in a Cutlass Black. After one more day he decided to go all in and purchase a Connie A. Last night Brian and Matt were on board his Cutlass and while they were leaving from a Comm array an outlaw jumped in the airlock. A gunfight ensued and Brian dispatched his stowaway, causing him to become an outlaw. I have no problem with any of this. Zero. People can board your ship without your consent and your actions have consequences. This is the game.

Brian and Matt attempted to remove Brian's outlaw status by visiting Kareah to use the computer. They were met with resistance and their ship was blown up. Again, I have no problem with any of this. They added this dynamic between outlaws and bounty hunters to promote unscripted dogfights and a sense of realism and consequence.

My issue lies in what happened next. After spawning alone at Grim Hex, Brian spent the next hour and a half watching every ship he attempted to spawn get immediately destroyed by a cadre a ships hovering over the landing pads. The chat window let me know there was, literally, no reason for this behavior other than people thinking it was funny to blow up ships. This is a big problem for me.

This game is in rare territory due to the crowd-funded nature and the cost of some of the in game content. I'm not in any way railing against the costs of ships. I've explained to more people than I can count that a ship in this game is the equivalent of getting a tote bag when you donate to NPR. However, the bottom line is that some people have spent A LOT of money to use those ships. Those people spent A LOT of money so the rest of only had to spend $45. Let's let them at least get their ship off the launch platform before opening fire.

I'm an adult. I've grown up playing video games. I played Batman on my Commodore 64. I flew as Star Fox on my N64. I've watched as the industry went from pixel count to polygon count to server count. To me, the most exciting part of video games has always been the advancements in scale and fidelity. I know there are those who feel story and feeling are most important and for them the pinnacle of video games was The Legend of Zelda. Which is fine. To each their own. However for me, games like The Witcher 3 or Skyrim show how far the technology, and the industry for that matter, has come.

So here I am, an adult who now has access to the most highly detailed, expertly crafted space adventure game ever made and I'm going to be griefed out by some nitwit who thinks it's funny to be annoying? I don't think so.

The Universe Chris Roberts envisions is a self-sustaining world where all types of people can do all types of jobs and pave their own path through the stars. A Universe where a player can be either a trader or a smuggler, a racer or a hauler, a bounty hunter or a pirate. The dream is to have all types or people which creates a rich and nuanced universe. When everyone is a pirate, this is destroyed. When everyone is a pirate, no one wants to take a chance being a trader for fear of knowing, not there being a chance of but knowing, they will get robbed. When everyone is a pirate, no one is.

If you've stuck with me through this ridiculous, endless rant then you see what I see. You feel as I feel. You seek as I seek. Let's not let our Universe get lost to the pirates. Let's grief the griefers. This is a call to arms. If you see someone call out for help because they are being pinned down by a group of trolls, help. Let's make it so bad for the trolls they have no other choice but to crawl back to the Dark Zone.

See you around the 'Verse.

End of rant.

tl;dr: When everyone is a pirate, no one is.

Edit: Jesus Christ! This has now become the most productive thing I've ever done at work. I'll be honest, I don't know what to do with the Gold, but thank you. I made it to my own front page! That's pretty awesome!

Clearly, I've struck a nerve so let me please clarify a few things. First off, Brian WAS clever enough to spawn a smaller ship out of sight of the campers and get out of the situation. So can it with all the GiT GuD or GTFO nonsense. You're most likely the assholes to which I'm referring.

Secondly, as I mentioned in my OP (as clear as a punch in the fucking face). You know what?...let me stop here for a second. I went out of my way to over-explain the fact that I had no problem with the game itself rather, the players and STILL some of you gave me shit for whining to Chris to fix it...waah... Fuck you. I have NO problem with any of the game mechanics that put my friend in the situation he was in! My issue is that of gaming culture. I think this schadenfreude bullshit is the worst part of gaming. It's bullshit and it shouldn't be tolerated BY THE COMMUNITY in any game! Trolling is society's problem, not CIG's.

Edit 2: I didn't mean to give Pirates a bad name. Some of them are lovely people. I suppose outlaw would have been more apt? What I really meant was if everyone's an asshole, no one has fun.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
If you see someone call out for help because they are being pinned down by a group of trolls, help
Myself & friends have been doing just this since 2.5 went Live.
We 'camp out' and wait for the Trolls - then kill THEM......
Much fun & MUCH satisfaction.

Try it - You'll like it and you will be making many new friends.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
well, right now griefing is an issue, confirmed, but with Systems implemented like ship insurance, a griefer will soon have no ships or guns left, to perform any griefing.
Also will he have troubles, to obtain any new ships, as he'll quickly lack the reputation on various factions, to buy ships.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
This entire post is kinda moot since we have two landing pads at the moment and the one that allows you to blow up other ships is brand new. Of course people will be dicks right now, but it'll die down as people realize it's boring to just sit there and fire at platforms.

The second a ship moves in and fires at them they'll be gone, none of those people want real fights.

Once we get more systems and more landing areas there will be less of a chance of running into these people. Also, even with an outlaw station, you have to figure when the game advances more they will have a form security and they won't take kindly to people orbiting and shooting down their patrons. There won't be free reign as a mobile weapons platform to destroy ships as NPCs will be dispatched to deal with them. And even if they cannot destroy the assholes, it'll give people time to spawn ships and get away.


Aug 25, 2016
RSI Handle
That's why it's great this game will be played all the way through development. As the content fills up we will see if such problems still exist, and if they do Chris and the crew will keep tweakin it 'til it's all in the balance. Keep the faith testies!


Grand Admiral
Apr 2, 2015
RSI Handle
IceTruckKilla posted an interesting rant on Reddit earlier. The full thread is available at, but to whet your appetite here is the initial article:

We can't all be Pirates

Submitted by IceTrucKilla

This is a rant. Fasten your seatbelts.

My biggest fears about this game are starting to come true. They're not the fears Polygon, or my skeptical friend Matt, would have you believe; that this game is some big cash grab scam.

My fear is that this game is going to get popular. Too popular.

The problem is that this game is starting to come together. The problem is that it's starting to look REALLY good. The problem is the realization that Star Citizen isn't going anywhere is finally dawning upon all those who were desperately hoping to watch the largest crowd-funded project in history crash and burn. The problem is the more it grows the more people come out of the woodwork to "see what the fuss is about". And there in lies my fear.

Call them Griefers. Call them Trolls. Call them casuals. Call them whatever you like. The masses are coming. And when they get here it's going to get ugly. The people who made the The Division's Dark Zone unplayable. The ones who flew around in Hydras blowing up anyone that moved in GTA Online. We all know who I'm talking about.

This guy.

I'll give you a perfect example from a personal encounter which occurred just this past evening. After the 3.0 demo video I, like I'm sure many of you, finally convinced and enlisted my aforementioned skeptical friend Matt. He in turn enlisted his friend Brian to join the 'Verse. Brian was immediately completely on board with Star Citizen. After only two days of playing he'd liked it so much he decided to invest in a Cutlass Black. After one more day he decided to go all in and purchase a Connie A. Last night Brian and Matt were on board his Cutlass and while they were leaving from a Comm array an outlaw jumped in the airlock. A gunfight ensued and Brian dispatched his stowaway, causing him to become an outlaw. I have no problem with any of this. Zero. People can board your ship without your consent and your actions have consequences. This is the game.

Brian and Matt attempted to remove Brian's outlaw status by visiting Kareah to use the computer. They were met with resistance and their ship was blown up. Again, I have no problem with any of this. They added this dynamic between outlaws and bounty hunters to promote unscripted dogfights and a sense of realism and consequence.

My issue lies in what happened next. After spawning alone at Grim Hex, Brian spent the next hour and a half watching every ship he attempted to spawn get immediately destroyed by a cadre a ships hovering over the landing pads. The chat window let me know there was, literally, no reason for this behavior other than people thinking it was funny to blow up ships. This is a big problem for me.

This game is in rare territory due to the crowd-funded nature and the cost of some of the in game content. I'm not in any way railing against the costs of ships. I've explained to more people than I can count that a ship in this game is the equivalent of getting a tote bag when you donate to NPR. However, the bottom line is that some people have spent A LOT of money to use those ships. Those people spent A LOT of money so the rest of only had to spend $45. Let's let them at least get their ship off the launch platform before opening fire.

I'm an adult. I've grown up playing video games. I played Batman on my Commodore 64. I flew as Star Fox on my N64. I've watched as the industry went from pixel count to polygon count to server count. To me, the most exciting part of video games has always been the advancements in scale and fidelity. I know there are those who feel story and feeling are most important and for them the pinnacle of video games was The Legend of Zelda. Which is fine. To each their own. However for me, games like The Witcher 3 or Skyrim show how far the technology, and the industry for that matter, has come.

So here I am, an adult who now has access to the most highly detailed, expertly crafted space adventure game ever made and I'm going to be griefed out by some nitwit who thinks it's funny to be annoying? I don't think so.

The Universe Chris Roberts envisions is a self-sustaining world where all types of people can do all types of jobs and pave their own path through the stars. A Universe where a player can be either a trader or a smuggler, a racer or a hauler, a bounty hunter or a pirate. The dream is to have all types or people which creates a rich and nuanced universe. When everyone is a pirate, this is destroyed. When everyone is a pirate, no one wants to take a chance being a trader for fear of knowing, not there being a chance of but knowing, they will get robbed. When everyone is a pirate, no one is.

If you've stuck with me through this ridiculous, endless rant then you see what I see. You feel as I feel. You seek as I seek. Let's not let our Universe get lost to the pirates. Let's grief the griefers. This is a call to arms. If you see someone call out for help because they are being pinned down by a group of trolls, help. Let's make it so bad for the trolls they have no other choice but to crawl back to the Dark Zone.

See you around the 'Verse.

End of rant.

tl;dr: When everyone is a pirate, no one is.

Edit: Jesus Christ! This has now become the most productive thing I've ever done at work. I'll be honest, I don't know what to do with the Gold, but thank you. I made it to my own front page! That's pretty awesome!

Clearly, I've struck a nerve so let me please clarify a few things. First off, Brian WAS clever enough to spawn a smaller ship out of sight of the campers and get out of the situation. So can it with all the GiT GuD or GTFO nonsense. You're most likely the assholes to which I'm referring.

Secondly, as I mentioned in my OP (as clear as a punch in the fucking face). You know what?...let me stop here for a second. I went out of my way to over-explain the fact that I had no problem with the game itself rather, the players and STILL some of you gave me shit for whining to Chris to fix it...waah... Fuck you. I have NO problem with any of the game mechanics that put my friend in the situation he was in! My issue is that of gaming culture. I think this schadenfreude bullshit is the worst part of gaming. It's bullshit and it shouldn't be tolerated BY THE COMMUNITY in any game! Trolling is society's problem, not CIG's.

Edit 2: I didn't mean to give Pirates a bad name. Some of them are lovely people. I suppose outlaw would have been more apt? What I really meant was if everyone's an asshole, no one has fun.

Welcome to this Bold new world, it is the new wild west. Man up or die.


Aug 1, 2016
RSI Handle
So he is a carebear that wants people who like to PvP to go away.
I didn't read that at all. What I read was a dude fed up with a current flaw in the system - if you die and spawn a new ship, and there's a dude sitting in space over your ship, he can blow up your ship before you can possibly walk from the spawn-terminal to the ship. He's mad at the flaw, and mad that people in an alpha take advantage of the flaw because "lul spaecship go boum." That's not an unreasonable position.

Those of us who have been here awhile and done the reading know that the flaw is transient and will be fixed soon by insurance and reputation and enclosed hangars, but the guy said in his post that he and his friends are new. They wouldn't've read the sheer volume of proposed patchnotes and feature-lists that we have. So as far as this guy knows, this is the way the final game will be.

He needs education, not ridicule.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
What I read was a dude fed up with a current flaw in the system - if you die and spawn a new ship, and there's a dude sitting in space over your ship, he can blow up your ship before you can possibly walk from the spawn-terminal to the ship.
This will also be fixed with new weapons capable of ground to ship destruction. I for one will have a Railgun in my locker.


Space Marshal
Jul 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Myself & friends have been doing just this since 2.5 went Live.
We 'camp out' and wait for the Trolls - then kill THEM......
Much fun & MUCH satisfaction.

Try it - You'll like it and you will be making many new friends.
Additionally, keeping the com arrays on will let those folks shooting ships for no reason get the pleasure of spawning in Grim Hex as well.


Aug 25, 2016
RSI Handle
His friend spent 1hr and 30 minutes doing the same thing expecting different results.
As funny as it is that his friend spent 90 minutes doing that, the guy is not "a carebear that wants people who like to PvP to go away." This is like playing a FPS and a player respawning without a gun, and having to run to point X to get a gun, and getting killed every time he/she tries. In the spirit of the game you would let said player get the gun and then start the fight. The flaw lies in the game right now and it will be fixed.
Anyway, anyone who could spend 90 minutes blowing up ships at Grim Hex needs their head examined.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Mar 22, 2016
RSI Handle
You can all be pirates as this is a PvE game. All we need is a private server (maybe attended to partially by CIG to determine where things go?), and we can go on raids. That will likely, as this server will be populated by more sensible individuals, be used to test better AI.

A griefer is someone who spawns at grimhex and then blows up everyone and anything spawning on the launch pad, without there being an invasion on (like crusader security or vanduul sieging the place). That happened in my session today, but I was not around there (not a criminal). A pirate spawns at Grimhex, and doesn't generally assault the other people around Grimhex, as much. Instead, the pirate waits until a (loaded) Hull A leaves a shipping hub (or, the "contact" does, and that's a job where ANYONE can do it, even if they just have the starter package, literally), alerts whoever is on the job to get to the jump out point, and then swarms that Hull until the Hull explodes, is disabled, or jettisons the cargo.

We need a better way to deal with griefers. The armistice zone is one way that's dealt with.

Inb4 people start to take the "spot cargo ships and transmit information to pirates" job in Star Citizen.
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Grand Admiral
Jun 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Maybe have some type of distress signal that can be sent out to friends or organization mates to jump to you and help if you are being attacked by a griefer? It seems like people are mistaken with the difference between pirating with griefing/being an asshole. I mean i dont think pirates attacked other pirates back in the day, since they were all part of the same code, even if they did i dont think it was that often. maybe over who gets a bigger cut of the booty or something lol idk. Maybe ive seen to many pirates of the Caribbean. Live by the Code! lol


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Long story short: THERE IS NO ISSUE!!

The point is: Chris Roberts as well as this Production Designer Todd I-dont-know-his-name made very clear that there will be an area - huge area - which is ONLY PVE!!

Full stop and 'nuff said. Anybody who moves into a pvp area should be aware of the risks - and only move with buddies as well as a Terrapin for deep scans.

Second point is: the verse will be extremly large. Todd I-dont-know-his-name stated that it would take around 20 minutes to travel from one border of a solar system to the other - using QT!! And there will be several solar systems, right...? ;)

So please: everybody can go back to sleep, there nothing to see here.

Allright? ;)


Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I agree with the guy that it's an issue now. Yes the future game will have many ways to get around the specific issue happening now, but trolls are trolls and will always find a way to get around it. The problem now is this happens in the most popular (and coolest, and most built-out) part of the game. If I'm trying to convince a friend to join start citizen, or to show him that isn't a scam or whatever, I want to be able to play this key part of the (current state) game. Even when I just want to play the game to kill a couple hours or whatever, it gets annoying when I get constantly killed by other players. But I hate trolls in general, so what do I know

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Man remember the days when some one figured out you could make pot shots at port olisar from just out side the no fire zone, and they had to increase the zone bubble to stop people from blowing up ships at port olisar.

our little PU is growing up


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A easy mechanic to put in now would be any ship that destroys a ship on a landing pad would have its self-destruct activated with no option to deactivate it, with a zero count-down rather than the usual few seconds.

*Ship Spawns*
*Greifer destroys ship*
"Self destruct activated"
"Wait wha-?"

Call it an E war option, remote detonation of a ships destruct system.

No greifer is going to pull that stunt do that more than twice.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle

Brian and Matt attempted to remove Brian's outlaw status by visiting Kareah to use the computer. They were met with resistance and their ship was blown up. Again, I have no problem with any of this. They added this dynamic between outlaws and bounty hunters to promote unscripted dogfights and a sense of realism and consequence.

My issue lies in what happened next. After spawning alone at Grim Hex, Brian spent the next hour and a half watching every ship he attempted to spawn get immediately destroyed by a cadre a ships hovering over the landing pads. The chat window let me know there was, literally, no reason for this behavior other than people thinking it was funny to blow up ships. This is a big problem for me.
A sidenote: next time you are facing such problems, just enter into another instance. Or wait an hour, have a beer, come back later. Or give us TESTies a call (add me to your SC contacts) and then we sort it out TOGETHER AS A TEAM. You can count on me (if I'm online in the verse ;) )!


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
A sidenote: next time you are facing such problems, just enter into another instance. Or wait an hour, have a beer, come back later. Or give us TESTies a call (add me to your SC contacts) and then we sort it out TOGETHER AS A TEAM. You can count on me (if I'm online in the verse ;) )!
A fight?
Count me in!

Killing spawn-campers that take enjoyment out of others misery?
This one is for free. :cool:


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Can just do what Eve Online does. If your in a sector of space that is monitored/patrolled by the UEE or Advocacy and you come under fire from a pirate/griefer, have the AI instantly quantum in with overwhelming force to kill the assailant. Im talking like 5-10 fighters. Some of which can prevent the attacker from jumping out. Problem solved. Otherwise, you on your own if not in one of these areas.
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