AstroSamantha is gone, or: are women the better men...?


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
There are a lot of weirdos on the internet, it's true. I feel so sorry for the bullshit women have to deal with just because they get on an online game. I find the best policy is be nice to everyone without getting too friendly. If you see someone reacting differently than you'd expect to something you've said, tailor your behavior so as not to offend them again, or even outright apologize. Then, once you really become good friends with someone, insult the hell out of them constantly so they know you love them. That's how that's supposed to work, right?

In all seriousness, since the days of RSI chat, it has always been my policy and generally the policy of those around me not to notice when someone says they're a girl. Just treat them like a person.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle


May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Firstly, I will say that I did notice and miss your shitposting. So I'm glad you have returned to us.

I very much enjoyed reading this, as well as everyone's replies. I, too, remember having the maturity of a 11 year old. I've been playing games for a long time, and I'm sure I crossed paths with a few female gamers in my youth. And I'm also sure that my immature self treated them less that respectfully. When World of Warcraft came out, I recall rolling a female character at one point. That didn't last long. Being a still immature 14 year old exposed to that kind of sexual harassment just because of the sex of my character in a game. Wow. I will never forget how that made me feel, even if it was all unfounded because I was actually a guy. So because of that, I have always had the utmost respect for those females who can tolerate and move past that.


Oct 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Having only been a member a short time, I still have to echo what others have said - I enjoyed your posts for the wit, not because of your gender. As far I'm concerned when it comes to gaming, gender doesn't matter. If you choose to RP a female pilot, so be it. You wouldn't be alone. Honestly, what's the point of a game if you were yourself in the game. To me the whole purpose is to escape from real life. Perhaps that persona is a mirror of yourself or maybe something deep inside you, or maybe you're just having fun. The bottom line is don't let anyone harass you. Glad to have you back on the forum / in TEST.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
While I don't like G.I.R.L.s (Guy In Real Life) in general because it makes it harder for us
Perhaps that persona is a mirror of yourself or maybe something deep inside you, or maybe you're just having fun.
This is an interesting thing when you delve deeper into it. Back in the days of my first MMO experience (Everquest) guys often played female characters. We all assumed it was for the attention or to get free stuff or in my case because the animation sat faster and we thought it gave female models a bonus to meditation.

But in today's light, with all the exposure of gender identity, they could possibly be portraying what they believe their true selves to be. Perhaps they believe they were born into the wrong gender but due to reasons in reality are unable or unwilling to begin the change physically to become a woman. The virtual world is the only place they feel safe to express themselves.

And I'm not trying to dismiss @MzHartz 's dislike of G.I.R.L.s, as the one's she refers to are probably not identifying with their avatar. I just think it's an interesting thing to think about.

On another note, while I'm loathe to defend any of those people who behave in a rude manner towards women, I do understand where they come from. Growing up in rural Indiana during the 80s was not a good influence when it comes to acceptance. I'm kinda lucky in the fact that I was always an outsider and not part of the crowd, but even then I was taught to view the world in a certain way. people are not inherently accepting of others, it's a learned skill. I feel most people are born selfish and uncaring towards others. You see it in children who refuse to share, who want everything for themselves, not caring about the damage it does to others. Parents and society step in and tell them it's wrong, that they must consider someone else's feelings, that sharing is good. So when these people have no one to tell them how to accept others or how to treat women, or those different than themselves; and quite possibly are surrounded by others who reinforce this negative behavior, they become what most people consider to be hateful and selfish beings. It's all too easy to vilify them and call them monsters, but these are people too. They simply haven't been taught how to behave. Often they won't want to learn.

What they do is wrong, but remember that they are also human. We're all human and do what we believe is the proper way to be. Even Hitler was human.

I kinda went on a tangent there. Not sure it makes sense. I'm pretty tired right now and definitely need sleep...


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I do hope that I did not contribute in any way to the negative side of what happened.

I also sincerely sincerely hope that the really negative stuff that happened did not happen on our forums! If god forbid it did I think we need to take a long hard look at ourselves!

We just want you back!


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I've always assumed 99% of the women on the internet were men. I'm still waiting for all the Lady Twitch streamers to whip off their masks and yell "HAHAHAHAHA" in a maniacal neckbeard voice.
Well, I do sometimes have a beard....


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
This is an interesting thing when you delve deeper into it. Back in the days of my first MMO experience (Everquest) guys often played female characters. We all assumed it was for the attention or to get free stuff or in my case because the animation sat faster and we thought it gave female models a bonus to meditation.

But in today's light, with all the exposure of gender identity, they could possibly be portraying what they believe their true selves to be. Perhaps they believe they were born into the wrong gender but due to reasons in reality are unable or unwilling to begin the change physically to become a woman. The virtual world is the only place they feel safe to express themselves.

And I'm not trying to dismiss @MzHartz 's dislike of G.I.R.L.s, as the one's she refers to are probably not identifying with their avatar. I just think it's an interesting thing to think about.
I meant the ones that purposely deceive. Those who are women but just happened to be born with the wrong body parts are still "real" women in my mind. And those who are gender fluid or are experimenting with their gender identity are exempt, because that "real" part is questionable to them.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I meant the ones that purposely deceive. Those who are women but just happened to be born with the wrong body parts are still "real" women in my mind. And those who are gender fluid or are experimenting with their gender identity are exempt, because that "real" part is questionable to them.
That's what I figured you meant. :)
I'm super tired and hoping I'm not getting words out wrong.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Mein lieber Sam.
ich hab dich vermisst.
Nach deinem Abschiedsbrief habe ich mir ein viel schwärzeres Bild gemalt.
Es ist beruhigend, erleichternd, einfach toll, dass du wieder dabei bist.
Ohne dich ist das Forum irgendwie nicht das selbe.

Der Kaffee in deiner Bar wurde mehr schlecht als recht von @CrudeSasquatch gekocht, ein grauen!
View attachment 4441 I made coffee fast! Oh no @MzHartz ! Lemme try again!
View attachment 4442

Oh no! Five more minutes!

View attachment 4443

@Sam K Macer I NEED YOU!

Und du bist unser*e Sam!
Also nochmal, willkommen zurück!

Dein Text hat mich zum Nachdenken angeregt, aber wenn du jezt glaubst, dass du deswegen weniger Kekse und Umarmungen von mir bekommst, dann mein lieber, bist du bei mir an den Falschen Geraten, ich mag dich nämlich trotzdem.
So das haste jetzt davon :P

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Mein lieber Sam.
ich hab dich vermisst.
Nach deinem Abschiedsbrief habe ich mir ein viel schwärzeres Bild gemalt.
Es ist beruhigend, erleichternd, einfach toll, dass du wieder dabei bist.
Ohne dich ist das Forum irgendwie nicht das selbe.

Der Kaffee in deiner Bar wurde mehr schlecht als recht von @CrudeSasquatch gekocht, ein grauen!

Und du bist unser*e Sam!
Also nochmal, willkommen zurück!

Dein Text hat mich zum Nachdenken angeregt, aber wenn du jezt glaubst, dass du deswegen weniger Kekse und Umarmungen von mir bekommst, dann mein lieber, bist du bei mir an den Falschen Geraten, ich mag dich nämlich trotzdem.
So das haste jetzt davon :p
What Varku said. I think. ;)
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