Oh... Heh... I think that My RSI handle is synced, so Scott_Rowe should work. Once I get into voice-coms I should reflexively answer to either 'Scotty' or 'Rowe'
Where you from stranger?
What drew you to Star Citizen?
I've been following the game's development and finally got tired of asking about the state. I'm going to pay for and play both this and Squadron 42 regardless someday, might as well jump in.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Breaching the hull of an enemy vessel and subduing the occupants.
What was the first game you remember playing?
Tic-tac-toe? Tag? I was born in '68. We had sticks. And after the sticks came Pong. Then came the Space Invaders, which begat Asteroids, Missile Command and Joust.... And I paid real money to play them.
What other games do you play?
Reindeer, mostly...
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
CosmicTrader sent me a personal message on the forums assuring me that 'Ole Cosmic' knew what he was doing.
Picard or Kirk?
It depends upon the mission profile. Am I negotiating with adults or slaying green-ass? Better yet, Jean-luke gets sent to negotiate while J.T.K. and I go secure the local establishments. 'Best of Both Worlds', as it were.
EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
New-Kirk, the Kelvin-time-line and the entire J.J.Verse are a heresy, and should be purged via Exterminatus.