From the January Studio Report(Foundry 42 UK - Art):
We may be flying these sooner rather than later. May not have mechanics to them but we could fly them. If the Reclaimer is this far along(Remember Gamescom they said 3.2) we may see the Orion for SC 3.1(They had say 4.0). Lets hope!In other ship news, the Reclaimer is already deep into production with dedicated teams focusing on the exterior and interior. On the outside, the exterior mesh has gone through a cleanup pass and work has started on shaders. External parts such as thrusters are also close to complete. On the interior, a modular kit has been assembled for the habitation areas and the first room is nearing completion.
The Prospector team has been polishing the main LOD geometry for both the interior and exterior while cleaning up various sections to pass along to the other teams, so they can begin making it flight ready.