Using Quantum Drive Offensively


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It should go without saying, what a useful and powerful advantage this would be for all TEST members were we able to come up with one. It does not take a lot of advanced math and computing skills. In fact, it might be worth TEST paying to have such an app designed for our exclusive use.
No don't waste time on that - make an app that automatically orders another beer every time you take a beer out of the fridge. Now that would be worth while!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Very interesting Idea, indeed... We might just hope this is somthing that we get in the game, that would boost the gamplay a lot from both non pirate and pirate since there would be no way to predict wich rute I am taking this time to a destination.. COOL!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Very interesting Idea, indeed... We might just hope this is somthing that we get in the game, that would boost the gamplay a lot from both non pirate and pirate since there would be no way to predict wich rute I am taking this time to a destination.. COOL!
One of the issues that it seems no one has faced yet in combat, is the whole sub-category of situations that arise with long range scanners, especially from larger ships or specially designed ships like the Space Turtle. When you can sense or be sensed by an enemy while still outside their scan range, you can not only launch torpedoes with immunity, but you can muster troops for an attack. This in mind, it actually means a great deal if you can Q-jump through solid bodies like planets. Hide behind the planet and jump onto a large ship all at once, etc. If you cannot jump through a planet, then you want to coordinate large numbers of players to all make intermediate jumps out from behind the planet and then instantly onto a target. That is the kind of situation where a high speed guidance system is invaluable, and if TEST has it and no one else does, that could provide a shocking advantage.It changes the whole manner in which you fight.

And there are places online where you can special order projects like this and have coders bid for the work. My guess is you could have a really sweet, custom navigational program written for just a few thousand dollars, and unauthorized use of that advantage would be punishable by law. Players might steal it, but if they used it CIG would be lawfully bound to help track them down and ban them. Their ultimate response might be to buy it or otherwise make it available to all players, but that could take years.

Or they could be working on one now. . .


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
At SWC there was talk of someone putting together a personal jump calculator, which would do the precise calculations for you, so that if you wanted to go to a specific set of coordinates in deep space, it would give you the exact heading, and time that you should be in flight, so you could exit at exactly the right time.

It should go without saying, what a useful and powerful advantage this would be for all TEST members were we able to come up with one. It does not take a lot of advanced math and computing skills. In fact, it might be worth TEST paying to have such an app designed for our exclusive use.
As long as it comes with downloadable voice-packs like my Sat-Nav, I just want the voice of Darth Vader telling me the location of the Death-Star (on the right in 3000m) or demanding coordinates of the rebel base (Please input post-code or street name).
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