The largest SC FB group banned me from just my application?


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
You obviously didnt use the right password.
Try "Andrew Jackson"
Perhaps because I will NEVER have a Facebook account.
Same here. After staying away for 6 months, I found I was friended by people I not only didn't know, I didn't know the three or four links down that tied me to them. Too much data for me to be associated with. I deleted my account and had all data sent to me. It was mind blowing the shit that was tied to me. Not for me. I'll just stay here with you nut jobs. Much more comfortable.

Part of this FB group, actually is a great community run by a very level headed individual.

I'll link him this post and see what he says.
Ah, now that plot takes a turn.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
He says you were flippant with the application question #2 and that "being aware of what the group is for, and what rules are involved is kinda critical". So if you want, he says you can ping him and talk it out.

Basically what montoya said
being joyfully expressive as I did does not equal being disrespectful, not taking an application to a Facebook group serious? ABSOLUTELY!
There's absolutely no reason joining a Facebook group like this needs to be taken so seriously.
it is a fan group for a video game. It'd only be less serious if it was a fan group about memes.. well.. maybe lol.
Beginning rant.. skip all this if you don't want to think. Trust me.

It's not a JOB, not a new CAREER, not an interview to begin working for a non-profit organization... .etc etc
He wants serious? (whoever that was who banned me) Here's serious, that is a INCREDIBLY ABUSIVE and uptight thing to do to ANY fellow SC fan.... anyone who is so uptight to have done that.. no I have no desire to talk to someone like that outside of IRL workforce.
A Facebook group that claims to be "ORG NEUTRAL" has no business treating new member administrating for the group as if it's a competitive alpha ORG. It's way over doing it. He got a genuine PERSONAL response for the third question which was more than enough to see why I wanted to join.
In my opinion, if I were in his shoes, I'd really reflect to see if I over did my role or assumed incorrectly, and then if I found I did, since this became a now a publicly known issue, I'd publicly apologize (instead of just personally) and explain a change in policy so this wouldn't happen again.

This is what good CEO's do, it's what good managers do, it's what LEADERS do.

The leadership we have here at TEST, not management... LEADERSHIP.. is exactly why TEST is my main and why I've regularly been involved in forum and discord here without much of a game to play yet... for me.. this is about exiting our IRL time period and entering into an immersive, fun, engrossing, convincing sci-fi space game that we've all have wanted for decades. I'm one who wishes I was born in a time, where we as a whole species, are exploring the stars and their systems. But we're not, we're here now, so that's what SC means to me. And I believe that's what SC means to many, if not most, people... and anyone looking to join a convenient FB community to be with others that feel that way, DO NOT need to fill out an application to be with them. It's common sense and understood. The only reason I'm expressing that now is because I'm angry about this situation (because of my idealism about how human behavior should be, yes I know it's not always realistic).

Context is crucial to understand in making wise/just decision making. Contrary to perhaps what people think, I've seen Montoya make wise decisions, I've seen division leaders and mods here make wise decisions, in context of dealing with others here in the ORG. I've had the poor experience when I first enlisted in this community by dealing with highly childish/inexperienced ORG ... I dare say founders.. not leaders. Never again, I don't have time to deal with that, and it breaks the very enjoyable jovial mood and energy I get from the community here at large. So everyone in that FB group may be absolutely wonderful and mingling would be a lot of fun, but that kind of group management is in my opinion unethical and not fitting for what the community represents as a whole. Why do you think Bar Citizen's have been so successful?

@Grumpy not directing any of this at you brother, I don't kill the messengers ;P lol

tl;dr there's no point in joining a community managed by someone who makes rash member administration decisions like that for a video game community like Star Citizen.

There's not a need for a Facebook fan group of adults to be expected to do the following
#1 Requirement to go digging for a password to join which is used as a tool to get people to read rules of a Facebook group.
REASONS (in context):
  1. We know the group is for fellow SC fans, that is more than adequate to make a decision to see more by joining the closed group.
  2. I understand the core values of Facebook's TOS, and many others get the core premise of them. Be a decent person toward others even when exercising your freedoms. This is common sense and understood.
  3. A Facebook group's additional rules doesn't "legitimize" decisions made when dealing with individuals in the group. To show why takes a lot of writing. If you care about good leadership, you will likely weight all aspects of a situation in question, in context and for the big picture.
  4. Spam bots don't have a regular account history going back many years. Spam bots may use old accounts, but they only have a few posts made from when the account was made to when the account started getting used for boting. A simply click and scroll of someone's account, will show the experienced Facebook user if an account is a bot or a real person.
  5. It is not appropriate to ask a member to do work to join a fan group of another entity, you made the group and having members is a PRIVILEGE. It is your responsibility and duty to do your OWN due diligence. Not the prospecting member.
#2 Banning a user who is applying for not taking all of your application serious.. for a VIDEO GAME community.
  1. A decent "level headed" individual managing new member administration would take the time to message the applicant to ask for answers which were not answered in a satisfactory manner. Having a personal engagement with people solves a lot of issues usually and as a leader, it is wise to make that effort.
  2. That is incredibly excessive to then block that individual from the page, there was absolutely no justifiable reason for that.
I could write out a lot more but I only have less than 1 hour to turn in an assignment, so I'll have to edit this again later if someone wants more reasons.. I hope not because this is fairly common sense if you spend time to think about the whys.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
being joyfully expressive as I did does not equal being disrespectful, not taking an application to a Facebook group serious? ABSOLUTELY!
There's absolutely no reason joining a Facebook group like this needs to be taken so seriously.
it is a fan group for a video game. It'd only be less serious if it was a fan group about memes.. well.. maybe lol.
Beginning rant.. skip all this if you don't want to think. Trust me.

It's not a JOB, not a new CAREER, not an interview to begin working for a non-profit organization... .etc etc
He wants serious? (whoever that was who banned me) Here's serious, that is a INCREDIBLY ABUSIVE and uptight thing to do to ANY fellow SC fan.... anyone who is so uptight to have done that.. no I have no desire to talk to someone like that outside of IRL workforce.
A Facebook group that claims to be "ORG NEUTRAL" has no business treating new member administrating for the group as if it's a competitive alpha ORG. It's way over doing it. He got a genuine PERSONAL response for the third question which was more than enough to see why I wanted to join.
In my opinion, if I were in his shoes, I'd really reflect to see if I over did my role or assumed incorrectly, and then if I found I did, since this became a now a publicly known issue, I'd publicly apologize (instead of just personally) and explain a change in policy so this wouldn't happen again.

This is what good CEO's do, it's what good managers do, it's what LEADERS do.

The leadership we have here at TEST, not management... LEADERSHIP.. is exactly why TEST is my main and why I've regularly been involved in forum and discord here without much of a game to play yet... for me.. this is about exiting our IRL time period and entering into an immersive, fun, engrossing, convincing sci-fi space game that we've all have wanted for decades. I'm one who wishes I was born in a time, where we as a whole species, are exploring the stars and their systems. But we're not, we're here now, so that's what SC means to me. And I believe that's what SC means to many, if not most, people... and anyone looking to join a convenient FB community to be with others that feel that way, DO NOT need to fill out an application to be with them. It's common sense and understood. The only reason I'm expressing that now is because I'm angry about this situation (because of my idealism about how human behavior should be, yes I know it's not always realistic).

Context is crucial to understand in making wise/just decision making. Contrary to perhaps what people think, I've seen Montoya make wise decisions, I've seen division leaders and mods here make wise decisions, in context of dealing with others here in the ORG. I've had the poor experience when I first enlisted in this community by dealing with highly childish/inexperienced ORG ... I dare say founders.. not leaders. Never again, I don't have time to deal with that, and it breaks the very enjoyable jovial mood and energy I get from the community here at large. So everyone in that FB group may be absolutely wonderful and mingling would be a lot of fun, but that kind of group management is in my opinion unethical and not fitting for what the community represents as a whole. Why do you think Bar Citizen's have been so successful?

@Grumpy not directing any of this at you brother, I don't kill the messengers ;P lol

tl;dr there's no point in joining a community managed by someone who makes rash member administration decisions like that for a video game community like Star Citizen.

There's not a need for a Facebook fan group of adults to be expected to do the following
#1 Requirement to go digging for a password to join which is used as a tool to get people to read rules of a Facebook group.
REASONS (in context):
  1. We know the group is for fellow SC fans, that is more than adequate to make a decision to see more by joining the closed group.
  2. I understand the core values of Facebook's TOS, and many others get the core premise of them. Be a decent person toward others even when exercising your freedoms. This is common sense and understood.
  3. A Facebook group's additional rules doesn't "legitimize" decisions made when dealing with individuals in the group. To show why takes a lot of writing. If you care about good leadership, you will likely weight all aspects of a situation in question, in context and for the big picture.
  4. Spam bots don't have a regular account history going back many years. Spam bots may use old accounts, but they only have a few posts made from when the account was made to when the account started getting used for boting. A simply click and scroll of someone's account, will show the experienced Facebook user if an account is a bot or a real person.
  5. It is not appropriate to ask a member to do work to join a fan group of another entity, you made the group and having members is a PRIVILEGE. It is your responsibility and duty to do your OWN due diligence. Not the prospecting member.
#2 Banning a user who is applying for not taking all of your application serious.. for a VIDEO GAME community.
  1. A decent "level headed" individual managing new member administration would take the time to message the applicant to ask for answers which were not answered in a satisfactory manner. Having a personal engagement with people solves a lot of issues usually and as a leader, it is wise to make that effort.
  2. That is incredibly excessive to then block that individual from the page, there was absolutely no justifiable reason for that.
I could write out a lot more but I only have less than 1 hour to turn in an assignment, so I'll have to edit this again later if someone wants more reasons.. I hope not because this is fairly common sense if you spend time to think about the whys.
I beleive he made it a closed group and asked a few questions is because FB is full of bots and so on. Yeah he shouldnt have denied you access to his group since you were obviously not a bot. But i understand his thoughts behind making it a closed group with a few questions to authenticate.


Jul 24, 2017
RSI Handle

Hi there,
I figured I'd swing in and explain exactly what my reasoning was, and a little bit of background if it helps assuage the matter. I'm the FB Admin who did the dirty and denied your application, so I figure I can give you the most accurate explanation and answer any questions.

A great example to work from is the poster directly above me, Snakey. In his application, his reason was playful, if a bit adult.. but he still answered the questions. The issue I had with yours, was that in the second question you suggested that you just wouldn't bother answering the question. That demonstrated, exactly what you later expressed.. that it's a Facebook group, and can't, shouldn't, or wouldn't be treated seriously. As part of an admin team that dedicates hundreds of volunteer hours each week, I hope you can see where the misconception lies.

We're always open to Citizens who come in with genuine interest in the game, and general civility. Usually however, it's the people who either feel too entitled to give basic respect to their peers, or who come with some kind of tear down/troll agenda that get removed. I don't believe you are the later, and for the former.. you were denied more likely on account of not giving the group proper consideration, and ..well.. you kinda blew it off.

I'm all for having a good time, and not treating things too seriously.. but.. within the reason of time and place. Take a good look at Test Squadron.. a extremely fun and loose oriented Org.. However, if you think it is successful as it is because Montoya doesn't take it seriously, you'd be wrong. As you can see by the immense amount of time and energy he has invested into his community.. Perhaps that will give you some perspective as to that distinction so far as the StarCitizenRP1 group. We have plenty of latitude, while also taking the quality of our community to heart.

Yes it's 'just' a Facebook group.. *laughing* I'll be the first one to hate on ol'facebook. I don't like the platform, yet.. the group functionality has been a tremendous boon to the SC community. We're over 15k strong, with members spanning thousands of Orgs and individual interests. As an org neutral home, we offer a much less toxic and drama filled environment to that of Spectrum or Reddit, even though those venues have their purposes as well.

At the end of the day, if an admin puts out a reasonable request... like.. 'read the group description'.. so a person can be a part of the community, and the response is table flip 'no'... then yes, I will stand by not including that kind of person in our community. It comes off as too much entitlement, and not enough civility or respect for the community itself. Now if this was all just a mistake, and that is not you.. And I just misread what you meant as more of a quip, that happened to be at the wrong time/place.. then too easy. Square me away with my perception, and I'll happily sort you out. The FB community I built is one of inclusiveness to all Citizens who want to see the game succeed.

Nonetheless, no hard feelings either way.



Traz 'Dicefailure' Ion
StarCitizenRP1 Founder


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait a second, TEST squadron is related to a game?! Damm, I thought it was just a great group of drunken loveable Idiots who love Memes and shitposts.
Is that Game a great game and more important are there any Cookies to earn in that game?
By the way, we're at Post #34 why does this Theard still makes sense?! RIOT!


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Wait a second, TEST squadron is related to a game?! Damm, I thought it was just a great group of drunken loveable Idiots who love Memes and shitposts.
Is that Game a great game and more important are there any Cookies to earn in that game?
By the way, we're at Post #34 why does this Theard still makes sense?! RIOT!
Well then why don't you derail it? But not just plain ol' derail. No! You have to do it like a ninjaaa. No one should see it come and by the time the people think :"wait a minute. This ain't the topic we startet with" is all too late and at least 3 pages have passed since the derail. When you manage this while everyone knows your trying. Then you can call yourself a master of derailement!


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Well then why don't you derail it? But not just plain ol' derail. No! You have to do it like a ninjaaa. No one should see it come and by the time the people think :"wait a minute. This ain't the topic we startet with" is all too late and at least 3 pages have passed since the derail. When you manage this while everyone knows your trying. Then you can call yourself a master of derailement!
Wooooow, that's a HUGE, a TREMENDOUS Plan, I don't know if I can handle this.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Well then why don't you derail it? But not just plain ol' derail. No! You have to do it like a ninjaaa. No one should see it come and by the time the people think :"wait a minute. This ain't the topic we startet with" is all too late and at least 3 pages have passed since the derail. When you manage this while everyone knows your trying. Then you can call yourself a master of derailement!
Hey now... enough of this stuff... lets get back to the issue at hand...
People arnt wearing enough hats!
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