GhostSquadron, the most paranoid and insane member of the SC Community


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
He has spent the last two hours ranting about his manifesto and all the things the cyber police will do.
Can Montoya and the Admins confirm if the Australian Cyber Crimes Unit have contacted us for this evidence yet?

Every moment that goes by they don't his threat becomes ever more weak. Personal note directly to Goat: If you are reading this, impersonating a member of the Australian Police Force is an actual crime, so try at your own risk:

As the max penalty is 7 years, you'd be getting out just at the end of Beta in time for the launch of Star Citizen :)

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh! I made the list woohoo! Well at least "I'm a good guy"...
I was apart of the org and was meant to hold in flight training and what comes with that, they wanted me to make their org the main org.
I said what I say to everyone "That is never going to happen TEST SQUADRON is my main org, other bigger and very known org have tried to recruit me and make their org to my main org and I have the same answer to all. There is nothing that can or will change my opinion I'm 100% TEST SQUADRON and if any behavior or anything is made that jeopardize that you lose my interest instantly and I am gone. I would not be interested no matter what I am offered not even if I was offered THE COMPLETIONIST - DIGITAL pack my loyalty is not for sale. My main org is TEST SQUADRON if anyone can't respect that you don't have or get my attention or association period"
Shortly after that things started to change and something happen that I was not okay with as in recruiting members and other stuff from org's... etc.. So I said that's it I'm gone. So I left instantly. And from what I see now.... wow, WTF!?!? Seriously !! wow...

Well I guess I make some popcorn, put my feat up and crack a beer. :beers: :beers: :beers:


Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Here are a fun little additions:

In this segment, GhostSquadron thought it was time to try and make amends, even though things are far too volatile for that to even be a consideration. Unfortunately, he is now of the belief that the "authorities" are in charge and is still stuck on his whole cyber police binge. Also it should be noted that believes that changing his name or making an alternate account will stop people from knowing what accounts he currently infests.

This next segment is where he tries to be "clever" by telling me all his conversations won't be shared, even though I certainly will share them as will he. The difference being that he genuinely believes he is in the right no matter what anyone says.

Apparently, GhostSquadron never learned the simple trick of "Don't feed the troll", because at this point I was seeing what other batshit insane stuff he was going to post.


The captured conversations can go on for days, he simply provided far too much to go through in a reasonable amount of time. Notice his change in avatar. I would imagine he was preparing to change his identity. Obviously, he failed in that miserably.

This was captured last week during an open and public "civilized" discussion, shortly before the vote to have Ghost removed from the Babylon 6 Project. He acted as expected:

I should point out that there was a language barrier between myself and Antarius in that image, but since this incident last week he understands the situation. This was the one time Ghost had to clear his name in front of a large amount of orgs that are part of the Babylon 6 project, his one chance at redemption, and he went off the deep end. By the way, none of the sensitive information he refers to exists, he was trying to bullshit his way into sympathy points.

He has now changed his name and is known as Deathvalley on both Discord and RSI after internal pressure from his org.

EDIT: Removed conversations not involving GhostSquadron to protect privacy.
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Sep 10, 2017
RSI Handle
Can Montoya and the Admins confirm if the Australian Cyber Crimes Unit have contacted us for this evidence yet?

Every moment that goes by they don't his threat becomes ever more weak. Personal note directly to Goat: If you are reading this, impersonating a member of the Australian Police Force is an actual crime, so try at your own risk:

As the max penalty is 7 years, you'd be getting out just at the end of Beta in time for the launch of Star Citizen :slight_smile:
Such a fun factual post but we all know SC is releasing soon™ any information to the contrary is disinformation and punishable under a lot of rules and regulations made up by GhostSquadron aka GhostHardon, GoatHardon or just Goat. See below in the latest propaganda.



Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle

Holy shit this is fucking great.

I'm putting in an application RIGHT NOW.
Actually, that was his original org when he got removed from TEST. That NoScope guy was apparently someone in the same situation as me, but he got placed in direct ownership of the org on accident when Ghost tried to kick him, apparently, and he turned it into that. This was before I came aboard, but at the time it was still Law Binders. He couldn't get control back, so he switched it to Subjugators of Tevaria, or SoT. That's what I was told, if someone has further information on this that would be helpful.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Holy shit incredible. This was the best way to spend my lunch break.

Idiots on the internet never cease to amaze me. Or make me laugh.

I need more.
Exactly what I just did!! I was asked what I was doing and couldn't even begin to explain it:

"well there's this game called Star Citizen and it's still in alpha but you can play it and have an organisation like in other games, so some of them are run by idiots or people who get big headed and become internet warriors.

Well I was reading a post by a said internet warrior and the drama it is causing and we'll... it's funny."


Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle
@Leodigarius isnt it a bit embrassing for you and all the ppl of gs, that you open this drama here?

look you dont belong to our organisation, and everyone in internet can read this.

i just want to avoid more dmg to your coorp.

what do you want to reach with all this?
I wasn't the only one involved with all of this garbage, and he strung in a huge amount of people and various orgs. Every day, he tries to ruin other orgs by telling them they have spies, and since they don't, he makes something up that an admin believes to ban members for no reason. Sure, this involves me a fair bit because I was deeply involved with things, but this is the kind of guy that no one wants around. By the way, he has remade his account. Details in main post.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm an idiot,
I thought that goatsquadron was a group of people ,like a guild. It turn out its one Antipodean that refers to him/herself in the multiple person ( I knew about first person narrative and 3rd person but this is new to me)

I'm a goat lover so I went to find the goatsquadron org to try to join ( I thought their joining ceremony might be more fun than being a testie) . It turns out that there are 3 ghost squadron orgs but none involving our subject. So I looked for the multiple person named goatsquadron on RSI, I can not find them. Has this schizophhrenic person deleted their account? If not post me a link, I'm old and the interweb is confusing.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Mmmmm, so his name is potentially DeathVally now? I'll have to get my thinking hat on for that one... Goat was a great name, Farewell GoatHardon it was fun (for me).

On the plus side, now he is no longer Goat, all of his evidence for the Cyber Cops is now void as it no longer relates to him! Not so much smashing his teeth out with a hammer as blowing all his limbs off with a limpet mine.

But that means no free Australian holiday :(
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Mmmmm, so his name is potentially DeathVally now? I'll have to get my thinking hat on for that one...
Got it: DarthFanny.

Its a bit Vader-ish 'cos Darth was a total D-bag (yes he was) and Fanny because every corruption of a username needs an obscenity of some kind.

EDIT - And evolving it on a bit further: DaftFanny. The circle is complete, time for Daft to choose another username.
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