Countering Star Citizen "Spys"


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
This is why a good 'ol fashioned Tyranny may be just the ticket as far as Orgs go. Top dog has the account to move things about. Only way to steal all of that is to steal the account which is a crime in Real Life punishable by prison etc.

Considering the 'Verse is going to be 90% NPC and 10% players and the UEE already has its boarders and processes defined, I don't feel the PU will be able to support the major kind of Org to Org territory shenanigans which make infiltration and destruction such an attractive option. It'd be like Pepsi and Coke suddenly having an all out war where Pepsi steals Cokes secret formula (if you recall, Pepsi was offered it by a thief and they reported him rather than look at the recepie).

Yeah, some people will try to topple Orgs for 'Fun', but there is more than one way to have that kind of 'Fun':
They can read these really whacky spreadsheets I keep on hand for when I meet people like that, wow they'll get a real kick out of 'em they have formulas and everything, and after that I have a tin of Beige paint for them to redecorate their rooms with and if they still haven't had enough 'Fun' at that point I'd introduce them to this Pet Rock they can play with for hours on end, and if that wasn't enough fun I have the Dictionary right here just waiting for them to read through and then write a 20,000 word Essay on... The potential for boring 'Fun' is figuratively limitless. Novelty Ties. Any Jigsaw ever created. Golf.
the problem is that orgs are more than just clubs created and ruled by a single person. Montoya may be the first leader of TEST, but he is unlikely to be the last. People burn out, orgs change, etc. An org as big as we are is a responsibility to the person leading it. If they can't lead it effectively, or no longer want to lead it, simply dissolving an org of 14,000 people is not an option. In a situation like that, there would have to be steps in place to have a new leader. Star citizen is going to be a game whose lifetime runs in the decades, much like EVE. A lot can happen in that time.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
A few good answers here. However until we know the game play mechanics it is difficult to know what is at stake.
As some have said you can not stop both spies, and what I have to call traitors (although its only a game so both are valid forms of gameplay).
I have listened to the orgs leaders talking about how this works in other games, they are experienced MMO gamers so we will come up with something.
I can see that come beta and then the games release we will have to become more serious or professional about some things and accept some more organisation in some scenarios. EG
10 of us are off in the universe doing our own thing as a small group. A genuine call to arms/assistance comes out via an agreed org comms system. We then have to accept to drop what we are doing and follow orders with limited info. My concern would be if I did not get enough free time to do my own thing.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
the problem is that orgs are more than just clubs created and ruled by a single person. Montoya may be the first leader of TEST, but he is unlikely to be the last. People burn out, orgs change, etc. An org as big as we are is a responsibility to the person leading it. If they can't lead it effectively, or no longer want to lead it, simply dissolving an org of 14,000 people is not an option. In a situation like that, there would have to be steps in place to have a new leader. Star citizen is going to be a game whose lifetime runs in the decades, much like EVE. A lot can happen in that time.
In my experience, most orgs don't make it past the original guild/org leader deciding to retire from a game/org. Between the infighting, the petty BS, and the frustrations people have, the same thing that causes an org leader to retire is also causing some others to feel like it's time to move on. To my knowledge, there are only a few guilds/orgs that have made it in the long term. The Syndicate is one of them (congrats on 21 years). Clan Moor (has not been a going concern since Star Trek: Online), Sanctus Covenir (20 years as of Sept 24), and maybe a few others. Even Test is getting to be an "old" org based on it's longevity.

Thing is, the vast majority of orgs are flash in the pan. The get together, have a leader with a plan, and either the leader decides to stop playing, or the plan falls apart or just doesn't work anymore. In 18 months, that org is gone. Orgs that last a long time usually have good leadership structures, don't rely on a single person, but on a group of key people, and in general, are there to have fun.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
With regards to what happened to that EVE group, for the most part, I don't see that as being much of an issue with TEST or Star Citizen.

#1 I don't see us sending real money or even UEC to each other, or not all my UEC, I would support a "tax" or "tithe" but we aren't a weirdo group demanding *all* your UEC (or that you qualify to fly your own ship, lol)

#2 With the ship insurance, there is as neat play mechanic -- I hope! If a ship is reported stolen, I would imagine any time it is in UEE territory, it will be flagged as stolen, and the UEE cops or bounty hunters can pull it over and claim a reward. If it is outside UEE territory, you could always offer a bounty (or a group of people, or the org could offer a bounty) and then bounty hunters could pursue the ship or the person who stole it.

With a larger org such as TEST, I could see that we could even send our "private security" forces after any big time known asshats, and make their life heck.

The other thing with the EVE incident was that the person really wasn't a spy, they appear to have been a disgruntled org member who had a big-time personality clash with the leader...and being a big-time douchebag himself, sold out the group. Again, as the game gets closer to release, we can see about internal org structures and game mechanics that will help us as an org.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
In my experience, most orgs don't make it past the original guild/org leader deciding to retire from a game/org. Between the infighting, the petty BS, and the frustrations people have, the same thing that causes an org leader to retire is also causing some others to feel like it's time to move on. To my knowledge, there are only a few guilds/orgs that have made it in the long term. The Syndicate is one of them (congrats on 21 years). Clan Moor (has not been a going concern since Star Trek: Online), Sanctus Covenir (20 years as of Sept 24), and maybe a few others. Even Test is getting to be an "old" org based on it's longevity.

Thing is, the vast majority of orgs are flash in the pan. The get together, have a leader with a plan, and either the leader decides to stop playing, or the plan falls apart or just doesn't work anymore. In 18 months, that org is gone. Orgs that last a long time usually have good leadership structures, don't rely on a single person, but on a group of key people, and in general, are there to have fun.
TEST alliance in EVE has been around for a very, very long time and has had 4 leaders I think? TEST squadron has the potential to be a multi-decade org and be a force in star citizen for as long as star citizen exists. Montoya has already taken the steps needed to secure our place, even outside star citizen. I'm confident in the potential for TEST to keep recruiting members and stay around long after the majority of those currently active have left, and I think that's montoya's goal as well. Sure, we might implode one day. But I think we're gonna be in it for a long time. We've become more than just an org. We're not quite Goons level of out-of-game existence, but one day we might be.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Difference between TEST org in SC and org's, tribes, groups, other alphas.... our corporate efficiency on CIG payroll meme tastic excessive alcohol consumption give no fucks cuz we have the numbers likes everyone's post supportive family makes us different.

I've been part of other (much smaller) "alpha" gaming groups... in all sorts of games over the last couple decades... what we have here, I have never seen in any other group I've been a part of. We support each other here in a happy drunk kind of way that I just haven't seen elsewhere.... that I can remember.

Look at any other large ORGs in SC now... and their current "corporate" culture... their.... anal retentive tendencies.

The culture here, is just.... better... it's like.... Google back in the day if you could come to work drunk and leave drunk and not have to work.... lol.
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