Countering Star Citizen "Spys"


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Here's an early concern but been thinking about it. How would organizations counter / deal with spys within the organization. Especially one with thousands of members.

Lemme break it down to solo playing, spys or traitors, how would I counter someone who wants to steal my goods when hauling goods as i hired him as a merc.?

Star Citizen will have a rep system but now what if on a big scale, the Organization has a huge trade or mission, one person helps their group take them down. Because its either billions of credits and lose of rep with shinny ships OR within a organization that didnt give you that rank that you've been working hard towards.
Yeah, I won't shitpost today. Must be an off day.

Countering spai's is easy. Especially with an org as large as this. I have broken it down into 6 easy to understand rules about spai's.

1. Nothing is secret. Eventually someone will find you and/or your stuff and will attempt to take it. Chances are they will be successful.

2. Don't put all your important things in one place. Every form of security can be defeated so spread it around so they don't hit the money bank.

3. Count on things getting stolen and ops being leaked. Plan on this happening and you can be fine with the losses and also possibly defeat the ambush/theft.

4. If any org or person seriously takes their time to consistently steal or hit Test, they will eventually come to regret it. We have 14,000+ members and are the largest org in SC. We are legion. Also, we are Owl apparently. See rule 1.

5. A spai's ultimate goal is to tear down the org. This won't happen to Test because we have beer. We always have beer and never run out. Despite whatever may happen in SC, our drunken misadventures, slurred ramblings, and shitposting of EPIC proportions are what unite us. Spai's don't speak or understand drunkspeak so they will never know how to break us and the shitposting will only serve to confuse and trigger them.

6. SOTS 16 is a self-aware A.I. construct that has been let loose on Spectrum and Reddit. It currently is sifting through all the user accounts and is filtering the would-be spai's out. When the spai's finally decide to act against us, SOTS 16 will infect their computers and permanently set their homepages on their internet browsers to meat spin and tubgirl. (Look these up at your own peril. NSFW warning.)

As you can see, Test will be ok when it comes to spai's. All of what I said should be taken as the most extreme shitpost ever and does not reflect the views of Test leadership. Damn, I thought I wasn't gonna shitpost today... Oh well, time for a beer.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
TESTs unique membership has a sort of built-in anti-spai system.

Imagine a herd of sheeps. The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around and the sheeps move. This is a normal Org. If one of the dogs wants to bite the Shepard, it will. If all of his dogs want to rip him to bloody pieces, the sheeps will look on unable to react or do anything about it.

A wolf in sheeps clothing comes along and melts in with the sheeps. It watches what goes on. Perhaps convinces the sheeps he knows better than the Shepard, perhaps changes to look like a wolf in dogs clothing waiting for the time to turn on the Shepard...

This is usual Org politics and usual Org Spai nonsense.

Now imagine a herd of cats.
The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around, and the cats do whatever the fuck they want.
The Shepard says: "Get in the fucking barn already, cats!"
And the cats are like: "Pffft yeah one day maybe."
The Shepard whistles and his dogs run around more.
The cats scatter "I show you my arse, eat some non-gender-specific genitals" say the cats because they are disrespectful.
"For fuck sake!" Says the Shepard.
Some of the cats will do as requested, if only for that day saying "you'd better not get used to this, I do this because it seems more entertaining than that other thing I was going to do today"
That is why 14000 members works and TEST works.

A wolf in cats clothing arrives.
It kind of stands out. Cats are little, wolves are pretty hefty.
It watches what goes on, but because it is chaos cannot make sense of it - There is no sense in chaos, what they see is actually what is happening, you can't find a hidden agenda when there isn't one.
"I know better than the Shepard" the wolf says to the cats.
"So?" says the cats "We all know something better than the Shepard, RiceMaiden for example knows loads more about making models than the Shepard."
"But I can bring you more of what you want!" Cries the wolf.
"We got Beer, it comes from the shop In Real Life, I had to go buy it myself - you got nothing." the cats hiss back.
So the wolf changes to look like a wolf in dogs clothing and runs around after the cats but they scatter and are generally uncontrollable.
"How in the absolute hell...?" says the wolf.
"I know" Says the Shepard stood behind him having watched all of this. "You want this? Take it you'd be doing me a favor."
"But there is no power here, there is no control." The wolf replied.
"These are the players who know a game is a game. They want to play and they will play. You want to work a game, join an Org. You want to play a game, join TEST. There is loyalty here, but these people come together to play the game with and for each other and that is where the loyalty is, not for Me, not for my orders, not for this Org. I went on holiday for two weeks and no none noticed until I got back." Says the Shepard.
"What is the point?" The wolf sighs.
"Exactly." Says the Shepard. "Try this Biltong. It's great."

Spais can try, but they are looking for things that don't exist and want to control people who won't be controlled. You may as well try to hold back or change the direction of the tide.
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Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
once i get around to running fleet ops, you bet your beer arses that i will compartmentalize the info.

and run counter spai ops. Like moving empty crates around weekly at specific times... and say it's for safety....

oh guess i ruined that idea...

well in that case i'll just post stuff on the forums about how this one thing is more important than other things... and wait to see who takes the bait..

oh guess i also ruined that idea...

well back to default, drink beer and have fun.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
TESTs unique membership has a sort of built-in anti-spai system.

Imagine a herd of sheeps. The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around and the sheeps move. This is a normal Org. If one of the dogs wants to bite the Shepard, it will. If all of his dogs want to rip him to bloody pieces, the sheeps will look on unable to react or do anything about it.

A wolf in sheeps clothing comes along and melts in with the sheeps. It watches what goes on. Perhaps convinces the sheeps he knows better than the Shepard, perhaps changes to look like a wolf in dogs clothing waiting for the time to turn on the Shepard...

This is usual Org politics and usual Org Spai nonsense.

Now imagine a herd of cats.
The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around, and the cats do whatever the fuck they want.
The Shepard says: "Get in the fucking barn already, cats!"
And the cats are like: "Pffft yeah one day maybe."
The Shepard whistles and his dogs run around more.
The cats scatter "I show you my arse, eat some non-gender-specific genitals" say the cats because they are disrespectful.
"For fuck sake!" Says the Shepard.
Some of the cats will do as requested, if only for that day saying "you'd better not get used to this, I do this because it seems more entertaining than that other thing I was going to do today"
That is why 14000 members works and TEST works.

A wolf in cats clothing arrives.
It kind of stands out. Cats are little, wolves are pretty hefty.
It watches what goes on, but because it is chaos cannot make sense of it - There is no sense in chaos, what they see is actually what is happening, you can't find a hidden agenda when there isn't one.
"I know better than the Shepard" the wolf says to the cats.
"So?" says the cats "We all know something better than the Shepard, RiceMaiden for example knows loads more about making models than the Shepard."
"But I can bring you more of what you want!" Cries the wolf.
"We got Beer, it comes from the shop In Real Life, I had to go buy it myself - you got nothing." the cats hiss back.
So the wolf changes to look like a dog in wolfs clothing and runs around after the cats but they scatter and are generally uncontrollable.
"How in the absolute hell...?" says the wolf.
"I know" Says the Shepard stood behind him having watched all of this. "You want this? Take it you'd be doing me a favor."
"But there is no power here, there is no control." The wolf replied.
"These are the players who know a game is a game. They want to play and they will play. You want to work a game, join an Org. You want to play a game, join TEST. There is loyalty here, but these people come together to play the game with and for each other and that is where the loyalty is, not for Me, not for my orders, not for this Org. I went on holiday for two weeks and no none noticed until I got back." Says the Shepard.
"What is the point?" The wolf sighs.
"Exactly." Says the Shepard. "Try this Biltong. It's great."

Spais can try, but they are looking for things that don't exist and want to control people who won't be controlled. You may as well try to hold back or change the direction of the tide.

Absolutely brilliant. Very well explained.


Sep 5, 2017
RSI Handle
We smother our spais with love and kindness.

So many have already told me that they are here to spy for some smaller org.

I told them to spy all they want, I am more than happy to cater to them and make them look like a big hero to their org... but then one day I too will ask for a favor ;)
You look like Don Corleone!

"I will help you and i don't need anything from you. But, maybe one day and that way man never come, i will ask you for a favour"


Grand Admiral
Nov 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I think good anit-spy system would be the system where we have something like lords (GoT refference). What I exactly mean is that every station would have a diffrent owner but the owner would still be under org leader. Here's a example.
We have a station A, B, C and D. And their owners are as follows A, B, C and D. But B is a spy who infiltrated our org to do us harm. If that happen our org would lost station B but still have A, C and D so we won't lose much and the scenario from first post won't take place.

EDIT not first post but the other thread where org lost everything.


May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
TESTs unique membership has a sort of built-in anti-spai system.

Imagine a herd of sheeps. The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around and the sheeps move. This is a normal Org. If one of the dogs wants to bite the Shepard, it will. If all of his dogs want to rip him to bloody pieces, the sheeps will look on unable to react or do anything about it.

A wolf in sheeps clothing comes along and melts in with the sheeps. It watches what goes on. Perhaps convinces the sheeps he knows better than the Shepard, perhaps changes to look like a wolf in dogs clothing waiting for the time to turn on the Shepard...

This is usual Org politics and usual Org Spai nonsense.

Now imagine a herd of cats.
The Shepard whistles, his dogs run around, and the cats do whatever the fuck they want.
The Shepard says: "Get in the fucking barn already, cats!"
And the cats are like: "Pffft yeah one day maybe."
The Shepard whistles and his dogs run around more.
The cats scatter "I show you my arse, eat some non-gender-specific genitals" say the cats because they are disrespectful.
"For fuck sake!" Says the Shepard.
Some of the cats will do as requested, if only for that day saying "you'd better not get used to this, I do this because it seems more entertaining than that other thing I was going to do today"
That is why 14000 members works and TEST works.

A wolf in cats clothing arrives.
It kind of stands out. Cats are little, wolves are pretty hefty.
It watches what goes on, but because it is chaos cannot make sense of it - There is no sense in chaos, what they see is actually what is happening, you can't find a hidden agenda when there isn't one.
"I know better than the Shepard" the wolf says to the cats.
"So?" says the cats "We all know something better than the Shepard, RiceMaiden for example knows loads more about making models than the Shepard."
"But I can bring you more of what you want!" Cries the wolf.
"We got Beer, it comes from the shop In Real Life, I had to go buy it myself - you got nothing." the cats hiss back.
So the wolf changes to look like a dog in wolfs clothing and runs around after the cats but they scatter and are generally uncontrollable.
"How in the absolute hell...?" says the wolf.
"I know" Says the Shepard stood behind him having watched all of this. "You want this? Take it you'd be doing me a favor."
"But there is no power here, there is no control." The wolf replied.
"These are the players who know a game is a game. They want to play and they will play. You want to work a game, join an Org. You want to play a game, join TEST. There is loyalty here, but these people come together to play the game with and for each other and that is where the loyalty is, not for Me, not for my orders, not for this Org. I went on holiday for two weeks and no none noticed until I got back." Says the Shepard.
"What is the point?" The wolf sighs.
"Exactly." Says the Shepard. "Try this Biltong. It's great."

Spais can try, but they are looking for things that don't exist and want to control people who won't be controlled. You may as well try to hold back or change the direction of the tide.

This is actually the most perfectly articulate way of describing TEST in the form of a shitpost I have ever seen.
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