1 sock blown off and the other sock is waiting.
My opinion is that it's no longer any debate about if Star Citizen is a scam/thing or of if they can do it or not. It's more of a is the game going to be any good or not. If you would tell me the game is releasing in 2018 though, I would most likely tell you it will be bad, but they have time and the backing of the community right now to keep working on it.
The Good -
The voice acting,sound,music and the graphics are amazing. The pacing of the mission made me feel immersed that I want from a standard boring patrol checking out salvagers to something more.
The Bad -
The dog fighting and ground combat looks meh and needs to be tuned (Enemy NPC's still look early stages most likely, but being in development this long this is my biggest fear that combat wont be any fun).The menu system makes ARMA's look amazing, I really dont want to press 4-5 buttons to drop a grate. Sometimes pressing F to pay respects is a better option. Finally, you have so many great models,graphics and its just so dark even on the Idris, I don't want to be blinded but give me some light.
The Ugly -
Performance, even on a super gaming rig the mission had very noticeable stuttering and lag.IMO CIG really needs to work on performance 32gig's of ram and a $700 video card is going to keep so many people away. Late 2019, more likely 2020 release date.
BTW Lt.Cara Webster is bae status