Help! Derek Smart is attacking me on twitter! :D

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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Keep in mind that when CIG investigated further found that Derek gave a non-existent address.
Probably the one smart thing (no pun in 10 did) he has done.

This being said, I would apply the Golden Rule to you wonderful TESTies by getting you periodic drink refills & helping you get to a space bed as safely as possible so that you don't get stranded somewhere without a means of getting home to cause more chaos when you are sober enough to activate your ships that are possibly parked upside down.
Oh thank Jeezuz, our designated driver.
Just don't blame me if there are always markers around for people to draw penises on passed out faces.
Well don't invite Montoya to the party, then.

He call us ALL idiots... {tear} :beer: OK SOMEONE BEER ME!:beer:

Hey is that a new social media site?
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh thank Jeezuz, our designated driver.
I do what I can.

Well don't invite Montoya to the party, then.
Not inviting @Montoya to a TEST party is like surrounding @Blind Owl with "LIKE" buttons & expecting that none of them are pressed.
(Or like locking the majority of TEST Squadron in a brewery overnight with permission to drink whatever they want only to find them sober the entire time.)


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't get it. This guy has no stake in this project, no investments and yet trolls while openly showing us his game in development that is worse than an Atari game. He is simply a waste of time.
Every time someone says his name, his Google relevance increases.

Stop saying his name and he won't have incentive to troll.

You guys are literally paying him every time you say his name.

Here at Test, we now call him Dick Dumb instead.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Every time someone says his name, his Google relevance increases.

Stop saying his name and he won't have incentive to troll.

You guys are literally paying him every time you say his name.

Here at Test, we now call him Dick Dumb instead.
He'll still do it, but at least he'll not be rewarded for it... Derrick Schmutt will be the man of a million unmarketable names.


Oct 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Dear Derek,

Never mind, you are not real to me. Your image and words are pixels on a screen. Just like mine. Good bye.
Douchebaggery should be a national sport. The olympics would have to last 20 years at a time LOL I'll think about which event to toss my name in for.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is what I see just from the surface: He's changed his tactic and has started targeting the engaged community - his tactic of bashing the game had run out of steam now 3.0 is here, it's clear his words have been built on a foundation of sand and the house is crumbling. Now he's after the easy meat and that is the Triggered engaged player-base. This thread and the Noobifiers video shows he's after the biggest communities and voices in the game... But to what end?

If he can't make the game look like a failure he can make the community look like fanatics geeks and chumps and all he has to do is trigger us to get the ammo he needs to continue that line of attack on the game.

Soon he will move his argument from SC being a scam, to everyone who plays this MMORPG is a giant asshole and no one should play it because we are all meanies.

Just as we experienced with VirtualAss, Smart Schmutt will start regurgitating the choicest morsels we say to him on others, like VA using the words I myself said to him on other players to try to win arguments, and will copy/paste our best zingers to say to the world "Don't play Star Citizen, this is what the most established players and backers said to me, does that seem like the kind of place you want to hang out?"


I can see where he is going before he has even got there because this is shallow but you only need an inch of water to drown in. Don't feed him ammunition - the words we use now he will wield in future.
And lo, it came to pass that two days later Derrick did rise again, and post the thread URL to twitter that said "Hey, look i'm being victimised by the people I called idiots!"


And 'BobFace did point out:


So, if you get Derrick linking to this thread saying he is being threatened and victimised, please point him to post 61 which called him out before he did it.

What Derrick has done here is pretty amateurish. For his strategy to have worked, he should have let it simmer without any major additional action for a week, all he needed to do was provide enough responses to keep the rock rolling, to keep people talking on Twitter and let the threads build on the Org forums, letting the fan base get worked up. Not just TEST but with the other ORGs as well, and when all the Org leaders were singing the same tune making it a community wide thing, only then should he have posted links to all the forums, comments, discussions and memes... We'd all have looked like dicks, every one of us.

But he's blown his hand almost immediately.

I suspect he had to play his cards now as he'd already been called out on post 61. Play or fold? He chose to play, didn't have a choice really he's put all his chips in - Fold now and he's bankrupt, don't play soon enough and the longer the cards stack up now everyone knows what cards are in his hand, the more likely the hands a bust.

Has it been effective? Time will only tell but we saw it coming and I think thats taken the wind out of it especially as he has linked to the thread that says "I know what you are up to, Derrick."

I don't play cards, but like General Akbar I know a trap when I see one and this ones been sprung early.

Now, the REALLY important bit: He has linked to this thread. Post 61 and this one post 137 have called him out. Now is the time to stop talking about Derrick and start talking about his tactics. Move the conversation from the man to his actions. Personal remarks can be complained about and countered, but facts? They are very hard to argue with, like he calling all of TEST idiots. It's an undeniable fact he said that, and I strongly suspect it was done to provoke a thread to use against us and the greater community - like the comments he has left in the Noobifires videos lead him to getting a video response which if he has not already used can do in future.

@Montoya if you do an SC drama vid about this, talk about the mans tactics, not the man. If you say his games are shit, he can argue he has shoestring budgets to work with and if he had CR's backers $millions ofcourse he'd do better. If you say he called everyone in TEST idiots... well, he did. Can't argue with that.

Don't give him any more ammo.
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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know, Derrick Schmitt always seemed like Magneto to Chris Roberts' Dr. Xavier. His Brotherhood, though, isn't really a class A or even B group, more like a low C or D bunch of learning disabled, inbred, cockholsters. There is nothing I despise more than a bunch of colonized minds wandering around in rigid groupthink, insulting everyone else as being in a cult. Best just turn them into chum.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Gentlemen, please be nice, Derek reads this thread!
Fine, then I will give Derek (not so) Smart a little assistance in how to help his major malfunction. Speaking from personal experience, whenever I'm feeling down or dealing with muscle cramps, I eat a banana. Its potassium content works great. Clearly DS has been suffering brain cramps ever since CIG let him go for his lack of game development talent. Obviously not everybody was meant to be game developers. I'm happier being a gamer myself. In this spirit of being helpful ... Derek Smart, if you read this, EAT A BANANA! Perhaps then things will get better for everybody.
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