Ran another 4K experiment tonight. Logged onto AUS server, and saw a routine 12-17 FPS with occasional severe FPS drops to 3-5 FPS.
Took a SuperHornet to Levski,saw 3 FPS on approach but once landed back up to average of 15 FPS with occasional severe drops again.
Murdered by no less than 3 elevators, 2 of the big elevators (fell 'under' the elevator, once walking in and once walking out) and once by the Hangar 2 elevator (also fell under the elevator while trying to walk out).
Textures and atmosphere were outstanding at Levski in 4K.
Got all excited because the model of the Arrowhead Sniper Rifle had a scope on it, bought one, flew to Yela, only to find out scope is still not actually implemented - guess I did not notice the scope in the armory the first other times I bought one.
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Pirates were EVERYWHERE. Interdicted twice on way from Olisar to Delamar, jumped by pirates when exiting QD at the OM at Delamar, three interdictions on way from Delamar to Yela, and twice on way from Yela to Olisar. In each case I either powered straight through or altered course about 60 degrees up or down, got to 12-17Km away, then resumed QD. Only attempted combat was when I was jumped at the OM, and it quickly dropped to 5-ish FPS so I just afterburner'ed out and QD'd to another OM where 2 more pirates spawned but I blew past them too.
Very interesting that in about 6 weeks CIG has managed to go from a stuttering unplayable mess at 1080P on my older mid-range rig when 3.0 first dropped, to now almost playable, in combat, at 4K (trade runs are eminently doable and far more visually enjoyable). I am thinking that 3.1 might be truly playable at 4K for me if they continue to make similar strides in performance.