Is Killing Justified in Star Citizen?

Is Killing in SC Justified?

  • Sure

    Votes: 16 22.9%
  • Nah

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 35 50.0%
  • Space Kitty's!

    Votes: 16 22.9%

  • Total voters


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It's a PVP game, and I like PVP but I didn't join just for the PVP. If someone wants a fight I'll probably indulge. If someone is griefing or doing something stupid, I might indulge. I also lose a bit more than I win, because lag but I have fun. I saw this one day about a month ago. It was the last thing I saw, and I had to get the image out of the crash report. It took me forever (over a week!) to figure out how he got on board.



Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Damned pretentious 600i drivers, always acting so important
That's because we are.

Its a game. Don't grief, but kill things and take their treasure. 'nuff said.
I vote for a flexible interpretation of what griefing is.

We know instinctively that "having fun" is too broad a value and would lead to characteristic cases of griefing
Which is why the term should be very flexible and fit with in our idea of what having fun is. I for one can easily see myself shooting someone just because I don't like the way they look, or because I was bored or needed to sight in my newest rifle. In all honesty the game play investment itself will strictly dictate the amount of PVP'ing most people engage in. To easy to earn UEC's and clean ones reputation then the game world will be far more like a common FPS. After all its a game and most players current decisions will be made about their perceived current risk/reward.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So if a player steals your ship, and the only way you can see to get it back is to kill him, you can't get your ship back?

Or you're being boarded. You have no melee weapons that disarm or disable, but you have a gun that will kill. You can't shoot back if they're human?
Since there will be always a way to get the ship back using legal ways I'm fine. And no, I would not shoot, except if it's you.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You just blow up your ship, it is yours so you can do with it what you like. If somebody has the death wish to be in your ship while you blow it up, well, his problem.
We hear this a lot, but I am pretty sure CIG is on record that UEE ships do not have a self-destruct, only Vanduul ships. Also, there is a plan to hugely inconvenience players when they die--no details forthcoming yet, but this is intended to thwart the kind of solution you're proposing.

Besides, if it's okay to blow up the ship with you aboard thus killing them, isn't it okay to put a bullet into their brain pan and leave your ship and person in place? The point is, there are conditions one can kill in almost every ethical theory. The only exceptions I am aware of are ancient Zoroastrianism, which so far as I'm aware is quite dead, and more modern Christian pacifism, which most admit is based upon a misunderstanding of Jesus' teaching. So if most of us believe you can kill under certain circumstances, like self-preservation, why would not your avatar do similarly?

Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!
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Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
We hear this a lot, but I am pretty sure CIG is on record that UEE ships do not have a self-destruct, only Vanduul ships. Also, there is a plan to hugely inconvenience players when they die--no details forthcoming yet, but this is intended to thwart the kind of solution you're proposing.

Besides, if it's okay to blow up the ship with you aboard thus killing them, isn't it okay to put a bullet into their brain pan and leave your ship and person in place? The point is, there are conditions one can kill in almost every ethical theory. The only exceptions I am aware of are ancient Zoroastrianism, which so far as I'm aware is quite dead, and more modern Christian pacifism, which most admit is based upon a misunderstanding of Jesus' teaching. So if most of us believe you can kill under certain circumstances, like self-preservation, why would not your avatar do similarly?

Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!
Well yeah, there ain't anything wrong with a bit of killing. I just prefer it serves purposes either inline with my own or not contractory.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Imagine if SC rewrote the book on the game play... nearly every game - ex. Pit Fall, Doom, Battle Field, COD, etc... your character dies, you get up, and retry. I am not saying that model does not work... but maybe there is another way. I know this would be very hard trying to make a system where death means something without destroying game play... it is the ultimate price after all.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Also, there is a plan to hugely inconvenience players when they die--no details forthcoming yet, but this is intended to thwart the kind of solution you're proposing.
What if you got killed while your ship was stolen, you hunt down your ship and blow it up without you even being inside the ship, I mean, you already received the inconvenience from being killed, which is another good reason to hunt down your own ship. Rule: an eye for an eye.

They killed you before by putting their gun against the back of your head. Why give them the chance to defend themselves in a fair gunfight?


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I hope that I can enjoy the no fighting elements of the game (and therefore killing) most of the time but that there will also be epic fights I can see or partake in occasionally. I do not want static that will be boring, but also sadly after a long day at work if all that happens is I get ganked or griefed often then this will have been an epic fail for me.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
What if you got killed while your ship was stolen, you hunt down your ship and blow it up without you even being inside the ship, I mean, you already received the inconvenience from being killed, which is another good reason to hunt down your own ship. Rule: an eye for an eye.
It's important to note that "an eye for an eye" is the measure handed down in Torah through the lawgiver Moses, iterated in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and is specifically intended as a guideline for the maximum penalty that could be handed out by a judge in a court of law. 1600 years later when Jesus taught "turn the other cheek", he was actually not correcting Moses, rather he was correcting the Pharisees who were teaching this "eye for an eye" principle ought to be applied to personal relations. That is not its place. It is a rule for judges that determines the extent of suffering the state can cause as part of a complete criminal justice system. If you are measuring out retaliation yourself, you have vigilante justice, not a real justice system. So both are important and have their proper place--an eye for an eye in the courts and turn the other cheek in personal relations.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
It's important to note that "an eye for an eye" is the measure handed down in Torah through the lawgiver Moses, iterated in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and is specifically intended as a guideline for the maximum penalty that could be handed out by a judge in a court of law. 1600 years later when Jesus taught "turn the other cheek", he was actually not correcting Moses, rather he was correcting the Pharisees who were teaching this "eye for an eye" principle ought to be applied to personal relations. That is not its place. It is a rule for judges that determines the extent of suffering the state can cause as part of a complete criminal justice system. If you are measuring out retaliation yourself, you have vigilante justice, not a real justice system. So both are important and have their proper place--an eye for an eye in the courts and turn the other cheek in personal relations.
But that assumes that people care about the specific morality mentioned in the bible. Looking from a outside point of view it is a poor system as it has clearly been open to interpretation over the many years it has existed. A moral system worth basing a life around should be concrete and not open to interpretation or it may as well not posit it's theory at all. And that's specifically relating to justice which assumes that it is a punishment. What if someone simply enjoys killing for the personal pleasure of it? While most of society is rather opposed to this out of their selfish worry that they may be killed if it was allowed, that doesn't make it wrong, just undesirable and illegal.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Looking from a outside point of view it is a poor system. . .
It is the basis for all Western Civilization. Study some world history and you'll see it is things like this that lifted humanity from the muck 3,600 years ago. To this day, there is still no better system.

What if someone simply enjoys killing for the personal pleasure of it? While most of society is rather opposed to this out of their selfish worry that they may be killed if it was allowed, that doesn't make it wrong, just undesirable and illegal.
Okay I'll bite. What would make killing wrong in your eyes? What could ever make anything intrinsically wrong?
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Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
It is the basis for all Western Civilization. Study some world history and you'll see it is things like this that lifted humanity from the muck 3,600 years ago. To this day, there is still no better system.
We are not arguing for a system, it's an argument that killing isn't wrong. There is nothing inherently bad about killing someone if you default in that view. While on the other hand it could be inherently bad. This is an argument about why killing in SC is justified in the narrow confines that it is a game but it still has ramifications on the person playing the character.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
There is nothing inherently bad about killing someone if you default in that view.
I'm sorry I don't know what that means. Do you know what that means?
While on the other hand it could be inherently bad. This is an argument about why killing in SC is justified in the narrow confines that it is a game but it still has ramifications on the person playing the character.
Okay so your point is that killing is not necessarily "wrong" in the game? You didn't intend to say that you believe this in general in real life?

I think it would be wise for you to think about what you type before you type it, so that you're more clear. As stands, you sound like a sociopath we should all be worried if you have access to firearms. The nonsense about "interpretation" is just that--nonsense. Everything in life gets interpreted. Has nothing to do with the value of the thing itself. The statements about killing not being "wrong" are weird past understanding and I have to wonder if you think before you type, or if this is all an attention getting technique?

What were you trying and failing to say?


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm sorry I don't know what that means. Do you know what that means?
Okay so your point is that killing is not necessarily "wrong" in the game? You didn't intend to say that you believe this in general in real life?

I think it would be wise for you to think about what you type before you type it, so that you're more clear. As stands, you sound like a sociopath we should all be worried if you have access to firearms. The nonsense about "interpretation" is just that--nonsense. Everything in life gets interpreted. Has nothing to do with the value of the thing itself. The statements about killing not being "wrong" are weird past understanding and I have to wonder if you think before you type, or if this is all an attention getting technique?

What were you trying and failing to say?
I'm looking at it from the perspective that people are inherently selfish and this drive to protect themselves is what drives the social contract that stops me and basically everyone not insane from going around shooting anyone they like. It's just not worth it, so we develop the social condition that it is "wrong" but the question is whether this carries onto video games where it doesn't kill or bodily harm the person in real life. Does the potential ramifications from killing their avatar make it wrong to kill the person in SC or does it not matter since it doesn't affect them. I'm addressing the issue partially from a psychological egoist perspective and partially from social contract theory.
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