Mystery member???


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Remember TEST is inclusive. We accept all persons from all nations under the flag of Friendship, Fun, Freedom and everything else that begins with F... for a list of those things, please see the F section of the first ever dictionary published in 1755:

Looks like they had a thing for Fish with 15 words with or beginning with "Fish".


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
People are only in TEST forum/discord if they come join, you'd have better luck going on TESTs Spectrum area as at least you can @Monikar them.

Whether they use Spectrum? thats another question.

EDIT - Looked on Spectrum search, can't find record of any mention of them from other members.
congrats, you found 1 of 17,000+ TEST members in the PU! :joy::joy:

I look forward to them implementing a friend/foe marking system.
I get that. But if he (?) did apply for membership and was accepted, why isn't he(?) in our membership log?

where were your testie backups/body-guards?
Where else? At the bar refueling.

Yeah, as @NaffNaffBobFace pointed out, not everyone joins the forums. In fact, only some 6108 out of the 17,000+ members have joined our forum thus far. I'd guess this Monikar, who is Chinese, doesn't have that much interest in conversing in English, which is why they aren't in the forums or didn't reply to you in game. They're obviously new to the game, probably haven't quite internalized the basic etiquette of the Star Citizen community yet and probably joined our org just because we're the largest.
Again I understand, I've run into many a Testie that I don't recognize. But I don't see a listing of this guy (?) in our membership list. So I'm more confused then normal.
I have an idea for a means to identify other TEST members if CIG would allow or if we are someday able to install Add-Ons like you can in WoW. Change the targeting box to either the TEST logo when it scrolls over a TEST member OR turn it into a stein of beer. Most TEST members would never willingly destroy alcohol by any other means than joyful consumption.
This! You sir(?) are a genius! I love it. @SeungRyul, get on this "quickly, man, no time to loose"

Very simple. TEST or no TEST, if you want to pick a fight, fine, eat this. That includes reds, you mind your business, I mind my business :beers:
That was really one of the points of my statement. If yer gonna tease the dog, get ready to get bit.

I'm gonna look for this guy(?) in the verse and see if I can chat him up even privately and Welcome him to the Verse and the Org, etc. If he(?) can converse and is open to chat I'd be glad to show the new guy around and all. Hell I'll even lend him one of my ships, if he wants.
I was just wondering any one knew of him(?) as I don't see Monikar list in our membership.

I say we declare war on Monikar AND his org!

For beeeeer!


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
View attachment 9578
Looks like we have either a nOOb that doesn't play well with others or a Spai!
That's what I found as well. All is cool though
I'll be on the look out for the new guy and offer to buy him a beer or two. Or if he wants to play rough, okay, fighters at 20km. Hell I'm an easy target. He'll gain kills on his ship easy with me.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That's what I found as well. All is cool though
I'll be on the look out for the new guy and offer to buy him a beer or two. Or if he wants to play rough, okay, fighters at 20km. Hell I'm an easy target. He'll gain kills on his ship easy with me.
The shots I prefer to direct towards each of my fellow TESTies are those of an alcoholic nature. (unless instructed otherwise in advance) Cheers!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I get that. But if he (?) did apply for membership and was accepted, why isn't he(?) in our membership log?
He/She is in TEST membership log - on RSI:


They'd have to come join TEST forum/Discord etc for them to show here. Unless they were not on the RSI list before you posted this thread and have since been included...?

I still say SPAI!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree. And what do we do with a spai?????
We do to them what we do to all Spais.

We make them one of us... One of us! Gooble goggle gooble goggle one of us, one of us, we accept her we accept her one of us! Robo-cop? Who is he? Dead or alive you're coming with me!



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I joined the verse to stalk @Blind Owl
I get the feeling that it is nearly impossible to stalk @Blind Owl when there is the aroma of beer or maple syrup in the air. That is when we are all OWL. 17,000 friendly feral felines in search of our own varieties of catnip would be quite difficult to sort through. Cheers!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I joined the verse to stalk @Blind Owl
It's good to feel wanted.
I get the feeling that it is nearly impossible to stalk @Blind Owl when there is the aroma of beer or maple syrup in the air. That is when we are all OWL. 17,000 friendly feral felines in search of our own varieties of catnip would be quite difficult to sort through. Cheers!
Mmmmmmm, maple syrup.
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