I found out through leaked documents from CIG that they are considering a new game mechanic called "Drink and Fly". It will now take your character twice as long to get passed out drunk at the bars. Whats worse is once your character does black out, you will wake up at your ships controls about to crash into a phoenix or 890 jump and your LTI will of been revoked! Can you believe this, its an outrage, now I gotta drink twice as much before I black out! This is BS! I say we take to our aruoras and riot and go crash into some phoenixes (once their actually released) without having to get drunk first and show em whos boozed, . . . er boss! As a disclaimer I just wana put out there that I might OR might not be drunk in RL right now..... cause its Saturday night.... and I got toddlers, that finally went to sleep.... sweet blissfull sleep. . . . great now I'm tired. I'm gona riot when I wake up, *yawn* but that's like a tomorrow thing.