I m missing something?


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Hello testies,

I have joined the star citizen adventure since junary.
I m having a blast so far even if i play a little less (i cant wait to actualy have real goals in the game).
And récently i finaly managed to participate in the combat flight training for my first time, my ass hurt a little but it was realy a trainer.

As i got my finger into the funding mechanic of CIG i realised that the mustang alpha wich i got with my package wasnt realy usefull spécialy for transport mission. So i puted a little more monay to CCU to an avenger titan (just for the hold and it look so cool). At this moment, i couldnt stop to think that CIG intentionnaly build this syteme to encourage backers to put more monay on the table, but oh well what was 20$ anyway.
Then i started to think that it would be awesome to actually have a real fighter ship and i couldnt resist the urge of getting a sabre after testing it in the AC with REC. With the help of my fellow testies, i got one for 170$. As for financial statu, that wasnt terrible, most likely a little pleasure i could allow myself without harming the family budget.
The Vulcan sales came in and i was like : "that s ok i will get that in the game"
The 100i cames out and i spent 50$ just to get a cool starter with LTI (just to feel safer when the game launch in case i m in trouble with uec incomes). What was 50$ in my budget, not much well i could fill my car with gaz with this amount just to go to work you know?
Then i started to think that this avenger hold wasnt that great for merchantship, spécialy since my monthly subsription gave me access to an aquila for few month, and started to look to CCU it to a cutlass, then the hercule sales came out...
I was like,: "I NEED THAT" and then i started to look for a way to buy that C2.
That s when my job (i m an accountant manager spécialised in financial managment, cost studys and financial analysis) grabbed firmly my feets and anchored them deep in the ground. I have to put food ont he table.

Then i started to analyse all those ships sales and i cam to realise something:

* You only do pledge, you dont buy anything.
* You pay VAT because CIG is a commercial business and they have taxe because they promise you a final product for your donation aka the game (and nothing else).
* There is no garanty to receive the game. Chris roberts could just announce one day " thanks guys for your support but we couldnt make it." even worse they could give us some half finished product and just say that this is the most they could do.
* Ships will be aviable into the game and some with probably little effort.
* They calls them ships sales but it s falacious ! it s a raising funds opération. Maybe CIG should rename it accordingly? As i see it, they creat various pledge and associate a spécifique goodies with them. Like when you make a donnation for 100$ to a charity and they give you a little keychain as a thanks (you actualy dont buy the keychain)
* There is alot of drama about LTI, but based on the fact that you can only use one ship at a time, and the fact that insurance wont be that bad to begin with. well what is the drama about again?
* Backers seems to believe that the only way to get ships is via ship sales............... WTF that came from? As soon as the planet Arccorp become aviable we are supposed to be able to buy ships in game (still in alpha though).
* Imagine the drama when players who gave CIG 500$ for a ship and finaly cant play it before a player who didnt pledge anything past the base game package but plays 12 hours a day?

I tryed to voice my opinions on spectrum but i got bashed continuously.

So i ask you my comrades did i misunderstood something ?
I know its not the point, but i cannot believe there are europe based, realtively intelligent people still paying VAT when they buy ships.

I mean if you spend like 10 seconds thinking about it, the way round it is right in front of you.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I know its not the point, but i cannot believe there are europe based, realtively intelligent people still paying VAT when they buy ships.

I mean if you spend like 10 seconds thinking about it, the way round it is right in front of you.
Yeh it's called the grey market.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I know its not the point, but i cannot believe there are europe based, realtively intelligent people still paying VAT when they buy ships.

I mean if you spend like 10 seconds thinking about it, the way round it is right in front of you.
I pledge, the game gets made. I pay tax, basic public services and infrastructures continue to function.

A few years ago the town I live in started turning off the street lighting at 10pm. This is the first time street lighting was turned off at night since World War Two to stop enemy bombers finding their targets. It was not an ecological scheme, the Council was honest and stated it cost a lot to keep those lights on during parts of the night and they could no longer afford to do that where there was little to no benefit. There was outcry and the switch-off was raised to 12pm. Now the roads are deteriorating, the lines down the middle of the road are waring off but there is not the money to repaint them, pot-holes are appearing but it is apparently more expensive to locate and fill them in than it is to repair the vehicles damaged by them which is generally covered by insurance.

Yeah we have our local taxes which go up every year which supposedly maintain the place but it has become increasingly obvious they don't. Is the money going to larger towns and cities like the Capital to maintain those and keep the tax rate low for those who choose to live there? Are the things I see crumbling around me just ideological moves to keep me paranoid and in my place? I don't know - but it does make me wonder if we could still have street lighting to cover the whole night and white lines down the middle of the road if corporations and private individuals chipped in their share.

I'll continue to pay my tax and you can continue to benefit from it. You're welcome. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I pledge, the game gets made. I pay tax, basic public services and infrastructures continue to function.

A few years ago the town I live in started turning off the street lighting at 10pm. This is the first time street lighting was turned off at night since World War Two to stop enemy bombers finding their targets. It was not an ecological scheme, the Council was honest and stated it cost a lot to keep those lights on during parts of the night and they could no longer afford to do that where there was little to no benefit. There was outcry and the switch-off was raised to 12pm. Now the roads are deteriorating, the lines down the middle of the road are waring off but there is not the money to repaint them, pot-holes are appearing but it is apparently more expensive to locate and fill them in than it is to repair the vehicles damaged by them which is generally covered by insurance.

Yeah we have our local taxes which go up every year which supposedly maintain the place but it has become increasingly obvious they don't. Is the money going to larger towns and cities like the Capital to maintain those and keep the tax rate low for those who choose to live there? Are the things I see crumbling around me just ideological moves to keep me paranoid and in my place? I don't know - but it does make me wonder if we could still have street lighting to cover the whole night and white lines down the middle of the road if corporations and private individuals chipped in their share.

I'll continue to pay my tax and you can continue to benefit from it. You're welcome. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To think this hardly scratches the surface of the subject.


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
You analyzed your own situation, your willingness to put more money into the project against the perceived "need" to have anything beyond a starter, you acted completely reasonably and if everyone did that there would be less outrage posts everytime CIG wants a cash infusion....
Good work and see you in the verse!


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello testies,

I have joined the star citizen adventure since junary.
I m having a blast so far even if i play a little less (i cant wait to actualy have real goals in the game).
And récently i finaly managed to participate in the combat flight training for my first time, my ass hurt a little but it was realy a trainer.

As i got my finger into the funding mechanic of CIG i realised that the mustang alpha wich i got with my package wasnt realy usefull spécialy for transport mission. So i puted a little more monay to CCU to an avenger titan (just for the hold and it look so cool). At this moment, i couldnt stop to think that CIG intentionnaly build this syteme to encourage backers to put more monay on the table, but oh well what was 20$ anyway.
Then i started to think that it would be awesome to actually have a real fighter ship and i couldnt resist the urge of getting a sabre after testing it in the AC with REC. With the help of my fellow testies, i got one for 170$. As for financial statu, that wasnt terrible, most likely a little pleasure i could allow myself without harming the family budget.
The Vulcan sales came in and i was like : "that s ok i will get that in the game"
The 100i cames out and i spent 50$ just to get a cool starter with LTI (just to feel safer when the game launch in case i m in trouble with uec incomes). What was 50$ in my budget, not much well i could fill my car with gaz with this amount just to go to work you know?
Then i started to think that this avenger hold wasnt that great for merchantship, spécialy since my monthly subsription gave me access to an aquila for few month, and started to look to CCU it to a cutlass, then the hercule sales came out...
I was like,: "I NEED THAT" and then i started to look for a way to buy that C2.
That s when my job (i m an accountant manager spécialised in financial managment, cost studys and financial analysis) grabbed firmly my feets and anchored them deep in the ground. I have to put food ont he table.

Then i started to analyse all those ships sales and i cam to realise something:

* You only do pledge, you dont buy anything.
* You pay VAT because CIG is a commercial business and they have taxe because they promise you a final product for your donation aka the game (and nothing else).
* There is no garanty to receive the game. Chris roberts could just announce one day " thanks guys for your support but we couldnt make it." even worse they could give us some half finished product and just say that this is the most they could do.
* Ships will be aviable into the game and some with probably little effort.
* They calls them ships sales but it s falacious ! it s a raising funds opération. Maybe CIG should rename it accordingly? As i see it, they creat various pledge and associate a spécifique goodies with them. Like when you make a donnation for 100$ to a charity and they give you a little keychain as a thanks (you actualy dont buy the keychain)
* There is alot of drama about LTI, but based on the fact that you can only use one ship at a time, and the fact that insurance wont be that bad to begin with. well what is the drama about again?
* Backers seems to believe that the only way to get ships is via ship sales............... WTF that came from? As soon as the planet Arccorp become aviable we are supposed to be able to buy ships in game (still in alpha though).
* Imagine the drama when players who gave CIG 500$ for a ship and finaly cant play it before a player who didnt pledge anything past the base game package but plays 12 hours a day?

I tryed to voice my opinions on spectrum but i got bashed continuously.

So i ask you my comrades did i misunderstood something ?
Too Long Didn't Read.
you've come to the right place!


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I pledge, the game gets made. I pay tax, basic public services and infrastructures continue to function.

A few years ago the town I live in started turning off the street lighting at 10pm. This is the first time street lighting was turned off at night since World War Two to stop enemy bombers finding their targets. It was not an ecological scheme, the Council was honest and stated it cost a lot to keep those lights on during parts of the night and they could no longer afford to do that where there was little to no benefit. There was outcry and the switch-off was raised to 12pm. Now the roads are deteriorating, the lines down the middle of the road are waring off but there is not the money to repaint them, pot-holes are appearing but it is apparently more expensive to locate and fill them in than it is to repair the vehicles damaged by them which is generally covered by insurance.

Yeah we have our local taxes which go up every year which supposedly maintain the place but it has become increasingly obvious they don't. Is the money going to larger towns and cities like the Capital to maintain those and keep the tax rate low for those who choose to live there? Are the things I see crumbling around me just ideological moves to keep me paranoid and in my place? I don't know - but it does make me wonder if we could still have street lighting to cover the whole night and white lines down the middle of the road if corporations and private individuals chipped in their share.

I'll continue to pay my tax and you can continue to benefit from it. You're welcome. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Lol, What a load of old patronising cobblers.

All over saving someone a few quid on digital spaceships.

When you get your Tax code through in april and its showing your tax allowance is -22750 like mine is, you can lecture me on paying tax.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Yeh it's called the grey market.
Its not even that, just add a second US address and pay with Amazon pay.

I have a house in America that i part own with my sister, so i use that for CIG and pay with Amazon, thus I dont have to pay the VAT on them.

So I can do it semi legitimately, but theres nothing stopping anyone else doing it, amazon dont do a region check on your card, it just pays on your behalf and then charges your card.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Lol, What a load of old patronising cobblers.
Sad to hear you feel patronised, as someone with a -22750 tax code I'd have thought you could afford all that was asked of you by HMRC however I might be making assumptions, I don't need to and don't want to know what your circumstances are :slight_smile:

There was once a great man called Roy Walker, who said "Say What You See." That advice has taken me much further in life than any other advice from any other person including the words greatest philosophers, theorists and professors aside from perhaps Husserl, Socrates and Phaedrus (Via Plato ironically given the subject of Phaedrus), and maybe Barthes...

All I know is the roads are buggered. Strangely a few days after posting the observation that patronised you, a row of pot-holes that has been in the middle of town for 18 months was filled in. Hurrah!

Roy Walker also presided over one of TV's funniest moments, which is a bonus when using him to guide you through lifes turbulent waters:

...When you get your Tax code through in april and its showing your tax allowance is -22750 like mine is, you can lecture me on paying tax.
Why wait until April? I always love conversations like this because it gives me an excuse to go researching where I would usually not bother looking in to such subjects, so thank you for your response. :slight_smile:

In your defense, Tax Avoidance/Minimalisation is legal whereas Tax Evasion is not, but that doesn't mean you are not liable to a hefty penalty if you are discovered Avoiding.


"If you’re a user of a tax avoidance scheme and you fail to report the SRN to HMRC you are liable to a penalty. The penalty is up to £5,000 the first time you fail to do this. If you fail to report a SRN again you may have to pay a penalty of up to £7,500. On the third and future occasions you may have to pay a penalty of up to £10,000 for each failure."

We may just have to call this one a draw at this point, depending on if you are Minimising, Avoiding or Evading although broadcasting it on-line might not be the best of plans if you don't want HMRC looking into your affairs :slight_smile:

I'm happy to be educated on the above if I have misinterpreted anything, though. I am still not interested in avoiding/evading my tax, but I am genuinely interested and as you have stated you are in the know with your -22750 Tax code I'd appreciate your clarification on this: My assumption is that you don't make money by being fined £5k when you don't pay your 20% to HMRC so you may be on to something: please enlighten me is this Avoidance, Evasion or something else? As CIG don't seem to have a VADR number that I can find it would seem to be more Evasion than merely avoidance?

EDIT - Also found this: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/vat-supplying-digital-services-to-private-consumers/vat-businesses-supplying-digital-services-to-private-consumers How does this effect CIG? Does your avoidance mean they are accused of Evasion? Or do they have a VADR number you should be handing to the HMRC every time you pay in Canadian and keep that 20%?
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Don't know if it's been said earlier in this thread, sometime in early - mid 2017 they made a change to the VAT so it automatic follows the VAT current currency exchange price, hence the sudden big difference in prices on some ships and packs in buyback dependent on where you live.

Up until they did that they have been doing it manually but not very regular that's why the prices was more stagnant before they change to automatic follow the VAT currency exchange.

So earlier bought packs and ship would change in price dependent on the VAT only, but the basic price you paid for it will not change in your buyback. As of now and as far as I know this is only change in the original price on a pack or ship that will be made in your buyback.

And I for one hope it stay that way :beers: :beer: :beers:

Edit: reason they change it to automatic is some one have to pay the VAT so if it was not put on your tab, they ended up paying the VAT difference because they gave you wrong VAT...
And that is a lot of wasted money they could put in to making the game instead so IMO it is a good change.
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Space Marshal
Dec 8, 2017
RSI Handle
it is kinda lame that people with Auroras and Mustangs do not get to experience doing those package transport missions
There is a vid out about how to put a package into the Aurora. Basically you open the 'door' and from a position of 30 degree looking into the front of it you place the package into it. It will bounce around for awhile but after a few tries is doable. You then close that door and enter from the other-side.

Found vid,
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REbYCzysqzQ
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