There is a current conversation going on spectrum and I know this has been discussed before, but I am curious as to what other TESTies think about this. Below was my response that I believe to be true.
My opinion always has been that you'll never see a return on investment with the ships you receive for pledges. Otherwise this game will see little to no growth on release. No one wants to play a game that they have to grind for months/years on end in order to unlock items others are already enjoying. Remember, you are pledging money for the development of the game, the ships are just an added "Thank you" bonus for doing so. There have never been nor will there ever be any concrete promises that your $500 pledge ship will retain that same real world value for the life span of the game.
So it really depends on CIGs ultimate sales goal. If they want to sell as many copies as humanly possible, expect most ship prices to be relatively obtainable through semi-casual game play. If they just want to maintain the development fan base and get lynch mobbed in the press, expect your ships to retain most of their value.
They won't be able to have it both ways in the current gaming climate of today ... just ask Electronic Arts.
My opinion always has been that you'll never see a return on investment with the ships you receive for pledges. Otherwise this game will see little to no growth on release. No one wants to play a game that they have to grind for months/years on end in order to unlock items others are already enjoying. Remember, you are pledging money for the development of the game, the ships are just an added "Thank you" bonus for doing so. There have never been nor will there ever be any concrete promises that your $500 pledge ship will retain that same real world value for the life span of the game.
So it really depends on CIGs ultimate sales goal. If they want to sell as many copies as humanly possible, expect most ship prices to be relatively obtainable through semi-casual game play. If they just want to maintain the development fan base and get lynch mobbed in the press, expect your ships to retain most of their value.
They won't be able to have it both ways in the current gaming climate of today ... just ask Electronic Arts.