Questions, Ideas, a bit of everything.


Oct 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Well, hello everyone, i'm new in the Corp.

I have been in SC since 2014 (not full time so i'm kinda lost), started with a Gladius, upgrade it to a Cutlass Black (Great Ship), i'm the fighter pilot guy, all missions i do are to kill something but i changed to the Cutlass because one time i had to pick up a box in space and had no space (XD) inside the Gladius, so i put the box at the cockpit, couldn't see **** but i manage to get to the planet, then the **** box didn't want to get out of the cockpit, i had to turn down the ship and exit, once in the floor i took the box from it, and placed it at the floor, had to jump like 102939012389 times to get into the ship (upside down) in order to "park it", finally i get out of the ship, the box is missing hahahaha OMG couldn't believe that ****, but at least i completed the mission earned 500 eUC, so that's why i changed to the cutlass, then i made a few retrieve black box missions (they put the crash sites in the best brutal and beutiful places ever) but, that's all, will try the other missions tho, to "explore" the universe a bit.

Now, getting into subject.

1- What stations are there? I just know about Grim Hex, where I'm currently stationed, and Olistar, but i have heard about a Levisky and others, more than knowing what or how many are there, i want to know what can you do on them, what can you buy? for example, i overclocked my guns so they shoot faster and for a bit longer period of time, of course power have to be drained from somewhere so my avionics gets a bit crazy while i'm shooting, normally enemies doesn't get that far and when they do, is dodge time!

2- I would like to add people to the "Contact list" normally i play alone, and game is great that way, but i know multiplayer and "role playing" can make a huge different, so i'm looking for buddies.

3- Can someone explain me how the "Scannin Run" mission works? because i escorted an Aquila all the way, killed everyone, still, lost the mission... wtf?

4- I see we're like 17k people, of course at least 40% is not even playing or following SC, maybe they are all in the PTU, but i don't see a lot of people in the Discord, maybe i'm looking in the wrong place?

5- I see there's a sales week in November, i was thinking about buying a full combat ship, like the Sabre, i like the eclipse a lot but wont be able to do a thing with that ship, not enough fire power for the current missions, also i love the retaliator, but since i'm a one man's army guy... that ship won't work either, so best ship i can think of, is the Sabre, any other suggestion or ideas?

6- have we done a meeting? in the star citizen universe? i came from Eve and well... in order to show our power we normally get together in a place and make a cloud of ships, you know, stay there, talk, maybe do some E.V.A. and move around our ships, maybe we can do it on a planet, i don't know, i'm thinking BIG.

That's all i can think of, for now.

Thanks for the replies.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
6- have we done a meeting? in the star citizen universe? i came from Eve and well... in order to show our power we normally get together in a place and make a cloud of ships, you know, stay there, talk, maybe do some E.V.A. and move around our ships, maybe we can do it on a planet, i don't know, i'm thinking BIG.
We do have weekly events, like mid week mining, rally training, combat flight training.
There are also bigger one-time events like 25 vs 25 and the Blot out the sun event.
Keep on eye on the TEST discord #events channel.


Oct 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Thanks buddy! Glad to be here! hope we can do awesome things together.
Working on my signature now.
and i made a "Combat Group" too :D
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Reactions: Shadow Reaper


Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle

Well, Levsky is on Delamar. There's also a rest stop in the middle of nowhere (in 3.3). We're getting Lorville with Hurston in a 3.3.x patch.

Yeah, Sabre or Super Hornet are your best bets.

Feel free to add me. I'm currently playing the 3.3 PTU, but I've got ships that need crewing ;) Could always use a Hammerhead gunner.

And a lot of the missions are broken in 3.2.


Oct 24, 2018
RSI Handle

Well, Levsky is on Delamar. There's also a rest stop in the middle of nowhere (in 3.3). We're getting Lorville with Hurston in a 3.3.x patch.

Yeah, Sabre or Super Hornet are your best bets.

Feel free to add me. I'm currently playing the 3.3 PTU, but I've got ships that need crewing ;) Could always use a Hammerhead gunner.

And a lot of the missions are broken in 3.2.
I added you bro! And thanks!
Welcome to Test! 🍺🍻🍺
Thanks for the welcome message bro! Hope we can do something awesome.
This is the weirdest welcome message ever but... Thanks buddy

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I believe you can still pull the turret off of the SH and fit some small cargo? Is that still a thing? Might work better for you than the Cutty if you just need a little space.

And welcome to TEST!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Ask the SH owners around, I'm not sure but you may be able to put the Tracker turret in and the Tracker extended range fuel tanks. I'm not sure about the Ghost's Void Armor, but the idea behind the Hornet is just as with the US Navy F-18--true "multi-mission" capability. It should be far cheaper to mod the Hornet for any particular task it is capable of, than to have a second, third or forth ship.

And even without the turret it is faster, harder to hit and more capable in a fight than the Cutty.


Oct 24, 2018
RSI Handle
I agree on that, cutie is a multi role but not made to fight even if it can defend pretty well, that's why I Want a Sabre, I fought (and lost) to a ship that EMP my systems I was in the middle of a fight with no power, I liked that, I know Sabre don t do that, but I'm looking for firepower PS, I dream with a Sabre.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Firepower is not good, but when your target is dead it doesn't much matter. There are lots of vids on YouTube.


The Raven is also a slimmer target, faster, and more maneuverable than the Hawk and Warlock.

I'm sure if you ask around you can find someone who will let you take a spin in one.

IIUC, the Raven has two smaller EMPs, so you can tap more than a single target on a charge.

Most importantly however, the Raven is a stealth ship. It is not showing a real stealth signature like the Eclipse right now, but one expects that will change.

Stealth and EMP together, is a winning combo, IMHO.

But no cargo.
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