I have a whole different approach to controls.....
I use a cheap reliable 3D Pro for my left hand, that I use for strafing and roll. It has a lot of buttons can use. It did not take long to get used to it either. I may go with a Thrustmaster in the future. My right hand, I use a Logitech trackball mouse. It is awesome for aiming and pitching and turning. I have Thrustmaster pedals on the floor that I use for forward and reverse strafing too. The pedals work and feel great for maneuvering, but more of a hassle for long continuous runs. Voice attack has made flying even better. I would like to add a cool switch box at some point, but right now my immersion is really good. I tried the HOTAS route, and it just doesn't feel right for a spaceship to me. Great for Airplane sims though. I also own a CH yoke that I may use flying my larger ships. Think of MISC ships having them. I'm starting to use a Xbox game pad for first person action. My long term goal is to not need a keyboard and to have a simpit that looks more or less like the ship I end up flying the most. I don't have a name for my setup, maybe HOTBASFOP+VA??? (Hands on Trackball and Stick, Feet on pedals + Voice Attack)