Bill Gates Backs Plan to Block out the Sun


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2019
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Doesn't it seem like this might have a negative effect on crop growth?
If the crops are being incinerated then no, but then it doesn't do a thing for higher acidity of the oceans, explosion in the amount of methane in the atmosphere once the perma-frost melts... If they want to try it perhaps testing it on Venus first. If they can reverse the run-away global warming effect that has happened there by sun dimming they can control it here too.


Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
If the crops are being incinerated then no, but then it doesn't do a thing for higher acidity of the oceans, explosion in the amount of methane in the atmosphere once the perma-frost melts... If they want to try it perhaps testing it on Venus first. If they can reverse the run-away global warming effect that has happened there by sun dimming they can control it here too.
I wasn't aware that crops are being incinerated, that's terrifying. The reason I ask though is because this idea comes from studying the effects of volcanic eruptions on earth. The effects of those eruptions blocking sunlight have been lower temperatures and reduced crop growth. Plants love their sunlight.

On the other hand. Half the world already seems to think that billionaires are basically just bond villains. This probably isn't going to help with that.🧐

Are people still looking into carbon capture and storage? I it's not the only problem but I always liked the idea of this because if we screw it up we should be able to correct it.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Stupidest thing I ever heard, that wont change nothing, earth is doing same thing it have done last million and million years in cycles weather we like it or not.

Earth is polluting it self more than we ever have, a mid size volcano like Krakatoa's last really big eruption spew out more crap in atmosphere in one month than human have done last 200 years.

And it caused mass death all over the planet not only from the blast it self, but many died of hunger cause crops didn't grow as sun was blocked out and we got couple mini ice age years late 1800.

And Krakatoa volcano is just one of about 1500 active volcano (that we know of) and far from the largest one.

So there is no more climate change than there always have been long before we started to spew out shit.

Humans should just be happy as long as earth let us be here, and for the over population yeah okay put all human in one place beside each other and we take up about 4-5 % of earth surface.

Most part of climate change is happening regardless what we do or can do, and most part of the so called climate change is propaganda fueled by companies that sell stuff to you.

You don't need to research very much to understand this..

Block out the sun.. geee what a idiot! ( Some silly info about B.Gates, his wife figured out where he got the name Microsoft from on their wedding night 🤪 )


Side note: if the crops is getting burned by sunlight change when you plant and harvest, adapt not fight against it cause that is futile.
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Climate change yeah okay, then focus on stopping volcano to erupt first.. as that's ever going to work ha ha
People are mostly way to gullible and lazy to research the fact background.
Climate change hysteria is about making money and fueled by those that gained on it.. Don't be gullible.

Some of the most resent volcano eruptions and some that caused mass destruction and death globally...

Here is the 10 most deadly in human history that we know of..

And some of the more scary shit we can't do shit about to stop !

So does that mean you need to build a bunker and go around being scared, NO not IMO.
Just enjoy your life as long as you have it and be thankful for what you have, greed never made one happy neither did being controlled by media.

Be smart not dumb.


Side note: If humans are going to survive on this planet the next thousand years we need to adapt not fight it for that is futile and a waste of time.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I wasn't aware that crops are being incinerated, that's terrifying.
Be fretful, mortals. Today the delicate cauliflower, tomorrow every other plant under the sun. Heed the Cauli warning, the bell tolls.

The reason I ask though is because this idea comes from studying the effects of volcanic eruptions on earth. The effects of those eruptions blocking sunlight have been lower temperatures and reduced crop growth. Plants love their sunlight.
One assumes they'd make it dimable and not 100% on all the time. Only a maniac would just dim the sun and then leave it that way with no way to turn it off - and the default would be Off, not On. If the sun stretched out and hit the array or indeed the earth with a solar flare that put all the electronics out of action, it would need to deactivate by itself. Powered = dimmed, non powered = not dimmed. Should be pretty failsafe, failing that have a Nuke stationed on a nearby asteroid to fire at it if it goes mental.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Climate change yeah okay, then focus on stopping volcano to erupt first.. as that's ever going to work ha ha
People are mostly way to gullible and lazy to research the fact background.
Climate change hysteria is about making money and fueled by those that gained on it.. Don't be gullible.

Some of the most resent volcano eruptions and some that caused mass destruction and death globally...

Here is the 10 most deadly in human history that we know of..

And some of the more scary shit we can't do shit about to stop !

So does that mean you need to build a bunker and go around being scared, NO not IMO.
Just enjoy your life as long as you have it and be thankful for what you have, greed never made one happy neither did being controlled by media.

Be smart not dumb.


Side note: If humans are going to survive on this planet the next thousand years we need to adapt not fight it for that is futile and a waste of time.
I remember reading a while back that the lowest historical CO2 levels were 180 ppm and coincided with mass extinctions and global forest fires that burnt for decades, with the highest historic levels being upwards of 1,800 ppm of atmospheric CO2 and coincided with the greatest biodiversity.
That over 80% of plants require ~1400 ppm atmospheric CO2 for ideal efficiency, without that they require exponentially more water, to the point of where they reduce perspiration causing reduced rainfall.
Meanwhile, we're only at ~400 ppm atmospheric CO2.

Not my field of expertise, but it seems to me the issue is too little CO2 and makes me wonder what level people think would be ideal.


Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
One assumes they'd make it dimable and not 100% on all the time. Only a maniac would just dim the sun and then leave it that way with no way to turn it off - and the default would be Off, not On. If the sun stretched out and hit the array or indeed the earth with a solar flare that put all the electronics out of action, it would need to deactivate by itself. Powered = dimmed, non powered = not dimmed. Should be pretty failsafe, failing that have a Nuke stationed on a nearby asteroid to fire at it if it goes mental.
The method they are talking about involves releasing particulate into the atmosphere and crossing your fingers, not really a way to turn it off. There is a plan to use satellites but I can't find it now for some reason. I'm also pretty sure that it's a violation of international law to place nukes in space. Might need China or Russia for that part cause they got no fucks to give.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The method they are talking about involves releasing particulate into the atmosphere and crossing your fingers, not really a way to turn it off. There is a plan to use satellites but I can't find it now for some reason. I'm also pretty sure that it's a violation of international law to place nukes in space. Might need China or Russia for that part cause they got no fucks to give.
Well that'll teach me to read an article won't it? And there was me thinking they'd try to do something eloquent like putting a giant Parasol in space.

I was under the impression Nukes in space was only Orbital Weapons Platforms? A sun blocking disc in space would have to be far away. Really far away. Like if it was only as far away as the moon, it would need to be the size of the moon (think eclipse of the sun), so really far away. The disc itself could be shuttered so if they only closeed 30% of the shutters it could only dim by 30% etc.

Particulates and Global Dimming is nothing new. In the 70's or whenever it was catalytic converters came in which filtered out the particulates from car exhausts, and the graphs on spreadsheets of dudes who monitored the evaporation rates of dishes of water at universities got steeper.


Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
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