Stupidest thing I ever heard, that wont change nothing, earth is doing same thing it have done last million and million years in cycles weather we like it or not.
Earth is polluting it self more than we ever have, a mid size volcano like Krakatoa's last really big eruption spew out more crap in atmosphere in one month than human have done last 200 years.
And it caused mass death all over the planet not only from the blast it self, but many died of hunger cause crops didn't grow as sun was blocked out and we got couple mini ice age years late 1800.
And Krakatoa volcano is just one of about 1500 active volcano
(that we know of) and far from the largest one.
So there is no more climate change than there always have been long before we started to spew out shit.
Humans should just be happy as long as earth let us be here, and for the over population yeah okay put all human in one place beside each other and we take up about 4-5 % of earth surface.
Most part of climate change is happening regardless what we do or can do, and most part of the so called climate change is propaganda fueled by companies that sell stuff to you.
You don't need to research very much to understand this..
Block out the sun.. geee what a idiot!
( Some silly info about B.Gates, his wife figured out where he got the name Microsoft from on their wedding night
Side note: if the crops is getting burned by sunlight change when you plant and harvest, adapt not fight against it cause that is futile.