I wanted one but I convinced myself not to get one. My fleet consists of mostly ships that will help out other TESTies. An Orion, a Gemini, a Carrack, a Crucible, a Hull C/E, a Pioneer, a Caterpillar, and a few capital ships. These ships can all be used to help us all earn credits so that everyone can have their own outrageous ship fleet. The 890 Jump doesn't seem to me like the kind of ship that will be getting people towards this goal.
"But Tank, what about the awesome luxury experience?"
Honestly I already have my favorite ships: The Kraken, Reclaimer, Idris, Caterpillar, and Cutlass. My pimp machine is really my Javelin because that ship puts the 890 Jump to shame in costs. The pretty textures on the Jump are amazing, but so are the textures on most of these ships. I feel like the 890 won't feel that great after a month of exploring it. I look around my 600i just as much as I look around my Reclaimer.
I'll gladly sweep the hangar for anyone that has an 890 Jump just to explore it a little.