Cave systems and FPS mining


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I remember them saying how much work has went into caves cos it's really hard to implement it and the math is ludicrous yada yada... yeah, I can appreciate that. I do think it will be a fine feature one day. But did we really need this now??
Does CiG have so many great programmers that they can waste a few on such a meaningless feature? Cos for the moment, it seems to be more of a proof of concept that is just the basis for more promises, that may or may not get done in the future.
As for the fps mining, I like the idea somewhat, maybe it will be worth it, or good in case of emergency (fuel). I don't care much for it really.
I think it's one of these kinds "features" :
-hey boss, we got this personal inventory working somewhat, I can make a half assed fps-mining implementation in like 2 days, can I do it?
-Yeah, why not, we can always sell a "special edition multitool" to celebrate the new feature. Now leave me alone... *jumps into pool of 100dollar bills*


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I remember them saying how much work has went into caves cos it's really hard to implement it and the math is ludicrous yada yada... yeah, I can appreciate that. I do think it will be a fine feature one day. But did we really need this now??
Does CiG have so many great programmers that they can waste a few on such a meaningless feature? Cos for the moment, it seems to be more of a proof of concept that is just the basis for more promises, that may or may not get done in the future.
As for the fps mining, I like the idea somewhat, maybe it will be worth it, or good in case of emergency (fuel). I don't care much for it really.
I think it's one of these kinds "features" :
-hey boss, we got this personal inventory working somewhat, I can make a half assed fps-mining implementation in like 2 days, can I do it?
-Yeah, why not, we can always sell a "special edition multitool" to celebrate the new feature. Now leave me alone... *jumps into pool of 100dollar bills*

It is a good question as it does at times seem they jump off on some feature creep without working on the primary core first. It could also be that the team used to implement caves had no tasks to accomplish while waiting on the team to finish server-side code so that they can get back to implementing features like refueling, mining and bounty hunting. The mission code seems to be mostly in place and is simply missing designers who are currently working on SQ42. In fact, I would bet that most of the artists and designers are grinding out the content needed for SQ42 which is leaving the developers with more free time to work on side projects like caves, ship to ship docking, ship to station docking and morph physics grids. We know they have been working on OCS for almost a year now as well as server mesh but need designers and QA to test to make sure the features are not broken before implementation but that means borrowing away from SQ42.

I know personally, there is often downtime between major projects where I can sneak in pet features or fix minor bugs and while it can seem like a waste of time its mostly due to scheduling issues between multiple teams.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Advice to new parents ... Don't give ice cream surprises to your 3 year old in @Bambooza's presence.
You got that @NaffNaffBobFace?
Trust me, I've seen Baby 'BobFace pull that particular face at about 2am just after waking Mrs 'BobFace by screaming for a feed.
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