RSI Mantis Thread - Tuesday update posted - New Pics and Article inside, Page 10


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
tbh my hype for this thing is gone right now. they waited too long.
I lost interest the second day as that it was obvious this is not happening this week.. ha ha

Luckily for CIG, but unluckily for my wallet, I'm a rather stubborn SC ship addict that doesn't usually lose interest in a ship until I know about it. Case in point, I voted for the Kraken & was eagerly looking forward to its concept sale. Unfortunately, when that sale finally arrived, my finances had been drained shortly before then. Meanwhile, I was never interested in the vulture or the corsair.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Luckily for CIG, but unluckily for my wallet, I'm a rather stubborn SC ship addict that doesn't usually lose interest in a ship until I know about it. Case in point, I voted for the Kraken & was eagerly looking forward to its concept sale. Unfortunately, when that sale finally arrived, my finances had been drained shortly before then. Meanwhile, I was never interested in the vulture or the corsair.
Yeah that's a bit my take on it to, I want to know about it, if I can't I don't dwell on it.
I just don't want sit and watch a picture grow like a flower for a week 🤪 🤣

think my wallet is in a full open war with me ha ha ha...



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah that's a bit my take on it to, I want to know about it, if I can't I don't dwell on it.
I just don't want sit and watch a picture grow like a flower for a week 🤪 🤣

think my wallet is in a full open war with me ha ha ha...

I agree. @Mich Angel , I'm not a fan of them doing this teasing bit either. I'm far more happy about learning about new ships when the initial reveal is done suddenly within a week of when they drop the hint / sneak peak of what it might be. That gives us wacky speculators a bit of time to express our various fan theories, but not take so long that it seems to drag on forever. To me, doing things like this is more like being a kid waiting for Christmas to arrive & the parents dropping pointless hints at your presents, but most of the hints just seem like all you'll be getting is more socks.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm starting to worry that by the time SC is released, discord is going to sound like this, "Okay, everyone grab their Javelins and head to the rendezvous point. Wait, I don't have a Javelin! What are you, late to the party? Fine, you can bring your Idriss again."


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm starting to worry that by the time SC is released, discord is going to sound like this, "Okay, everyone grab their Javelins and head to the rendezvous point. Wait, I don't have a Javelin! What are you, late to the party? Fine, you can bring your Idriss again."
@Tealwraith my friend, I'm rather convinced that at this point, the thing that will be preventing that from happening is that all of the Polaris, Idris & Javelin ships will be starting out as unusable hulls that the owner will have to obtain all of the components as well as armaments in order to make it functional. Which will cost several million in UEC to obtain to make them flight & fight ready each. Which is why most orgs will only have 1 or more of them to use as their mobile headquarters.

That being said, there is a chance that at the last min before official launch that CIG will allow players to upgrade the base models of those ships to come with various weapons & components as part of their ship that will be replaced by an insurance claim by the manufacturer. CIG has changed their minds on a few policies over the years & allowing players to do that with those ships like we will be able to do so with other ships will be a massive wave of cash from those that own those ships to avoid having to grind their way to retrofit their ships each time somebody allows 1 of us TESTies to do what we do best, drunkenly TEST Pilot ships to test their durability & then TEST Land them in creative / artistic manners just to get that gloriously TESTified screenshot for a future CIG photo contest.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If the latter does happen to happen, then I have a feeling that there will be a lot of smaller orgs hanging out in starting zones that are looking to recruit new players to join them so that they can finally use their Cap ships with a full crew.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I understand that a fully PC crewed Javelin is going to be much better in a fight than a Javelin with 1 or 2 PCs and the rest manned by NPCs, but if you are a small org with 1 Javelin filled with all PCs and you come up against an org with 25 Javelins that are mostly NPC crewed, I think I know how that fight will turn out. Sorry if I'm Off Topic.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
CIG has changed their minds on a few policies over the years & allowing players to do that with those ships like we will be able to do so with other ships will be a massive wave of cash from those that own those ships to avoid having to grind their way to retrofit their ships each time somebody allows 1 of us TESTies to do what we do best, drunkenly TEST Pilot ships to test their durability & then TEST Land them in creative / artistic manners just to get that gloriously TESTified screenshot for a future CIG photo contest.
... holy... I kept expecting a period!
CIG is not getting a dime from me for more than a few of my ships. I'm going to maintain probably 3 ships, all trade/exploration ships. Everything else will just sit in inventory or wherever after they blow up... even ships with LTI. I didn't buy them to play them.


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
If the latter does happen to happen, then I have a feeling that there will be a lot of smaller orgs hanging out in starting zones that are looking to recruit new players to join them so that they can finally use their Cap ships with a full crew.
And that's perfectly fine. Great opportunity for learning multi-crew. Great opportunity for ship jacking. That'll be some quality gameplay right there.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
And that's perfectly fine. Great opportunity for learning multi-crew. Great opportunity for ship jacking. That'll be some quality gameplay right there.
I wasn't saying that there was anything wrong with that. Every TESTie has to start crashing ships at some point. If desperate people want to help train future TESTies for us in the arts of TEST Piloting by letting them TEST Land their ships, I'm all for that.


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I wasn't saying that there was anything wrong with that. Every TESTie has to start crashing ships at some point. If desperate people want to help train future TESTies for us in the arts of TEST Piloting by letting them TEST Land their ships, I'm all for that.
Ah, I wasn't implying anything negative. Just imagining sabotage. Beautiful beautiful sabotage.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Do both... the sabotage isn't what we do to ourselves, it's when we drag some unsuspecting sob with us. we can also fill the emergency room with our own, and prevent them from getting timely medical attention. See how that works? It even always looks accidental. Because it is...
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