RSI Mantis reveal

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
People are going to complain about the Mantis if it’s not also a drop/cargo/mining/space superiority ship.
...and Salvage, don't forget about Salvage!!!
I resemble these comments. I've already been very vocal about how little I like these highly specialized, completely useless without a group ships. Especially the mantis. The idea is awesome. But if I absolutely MUST play with someone else for it to be even slightly viable, then for me, personally, it's useless.
Give it the ability to do even one more thing, and it may be a viable play option. One basic, generic thing.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I think people will complain about lack of cargo carrying if they have built it with a massive hold that cannot carry cargo for "reasons". (Note I appreciate there is balance but it also makes no sense).
In a way you are right... As in hey, - this ship can carry a 1450 ton 6 wheel missile and machine gun turret truck, but on empty hull it can't carry cargo...

IMO if there is room on a ship for a couple cargo boxes make the grid for it..

doesn't have to be a shitload of them....

It make no sense if there is room for it and it is not used to some degree..

But I get the why and am okay with that, but it doesn't have to be so strictly red line linear, like -"don't step off the red line, can't have that"

I mean it's a game..



Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I resemble these comments. I've already been very vocal about how little I like these highly specialized, completely useless without a group ships. Especially the mantis. The idea is awesome. But if I absolutely MUST play with someone else for it to be even slightly viable, then for me, personally, it's useless.
Give it the ability to do even one more thing, and it may be a viable play option. One basic, generic thing.
I Agree and have no use for this ship. Still mining started the same way and no there is hand held mining. So let them sell ships (exclusivity is a sales technic) and introduce the basics to other ships later in the day. After all if you could just add device to caterpillar or cutlass they would sell very very few. (Which I think is deserved as is pants).


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I resemble these comments. I've already been very vocal about how little I like these highly specialized, completely useless without a group ships. Especially the mantis. The idea is awesome. But if I absolutely MUST play with someone else for it to be even slightly viable, then for me, personally, it's useless.
Give it the ability to do even one more thing, and it may be a viable play option. One basic, generic thing.
My hope is that CIG is concerned over how this ship will proliferate once in-game Org conflicts become a thing and are promising very little with it so it doesn't become 'overpowered' with usability.

I didn't play a lot of EVE but I do remember them constantly having to rebalance the tackler type ships due to them always being either overpowered or pointless based on how pathing was functioning for a particular release, and I foresee the Mantis having similar issues.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I Agree and have no use for this ship. Still mining started the same way and no there is hand held mining. So let them sell ships (exclusivity is a sales technic) and introduce the basics to other ships later in the day. After all if you could just add device to caterpillar or cutlass they would sell very very few. (Which I think is deserved as is pants).
100% agree with this. The ship itself I find useless. The mechanic I love. But I completely understand why they've done it this way. Balancing/refining etc on one hand, and specialty ships sales to fund the game. Fundamentally (hehe) I agree with this tactic, as I want to see that game produced. But from a player perspective, it's just another one trick pony that's useless to me.
My hope is that CIG is concerned over how this ship will proliferate once in-game Org conflicts become a thing and are promising very little with it so it doesn't become 'overpowered' with usability.

I didn't play a lot of EVE but I do remember them constantly having to rebalance the tackler type ships due to them always being either overpowered or pointless based on how pathing was functioning for a particular release, and I foresee the Mantis having similar issues.
Concur. It being a one-trick pony will allow them to get t he mechanic in game, and balance it without it breaking the game, before they expand it.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I've already been very vocal about how little I like these highly specialized, completely useless without a group ships. Especially the mantis. The idea is awesome. But if I absolutely MUST play with someone else for it to be even slightly viable, then for me, personally, it's useless.
Give it the ability to do even one more thing, and it may be a viable play option. One basic, generic thing.
I want to agree, but then we'd see many, many more of them in the 'verse and I doubt that would be a good thing. Tackling like this should require a group, IMHO, or players will use it to grief. If you can't take the target, you're just annoying people. I'd rather have less annoyance and real seriousness if I get pulled from quantum.

Given a group though, imagine this pulling Vanduul ships into a Suckerpunch minefield, and a Polaris as a boarding ship. Probably just those three ships (Polaris, Mantis and Nautilus) is enough for a successful attack team and the folding wings on the Mantis makes it appear it will stow in some hangar bay--maybe the Polaris--which means just two big ships making fast, deep jumps. Adding small birds to deep excursion forces is going to be problematic, but this one looks might fit in the Polaris bay.

What I don't get is, if you can build this ability into a fighter sized ship, why would you not build it into every larger combat ship, like the Polaris, Idris and Javelin? Would not make for good gameplay but there needs to be some hokus pokus answer given for lore's sake.


Grand Admiral
May 3, 2019
RSI Handle
I resemble these comments. I've already been very vocal about how little I like these highly specialized, completely useless without a group ships. Especially the mantis. The idea is awesome. But if I absolutely MUST play with someone else for it to be even slightly viable, then for me, personally, it's useless.
Give it the ability to do even one more thing, and it may be a viable play option. One basic, generic thing.
I couldn't agree more. I have problems with it for the same reasons, and a few others.

I think people will complain about lack of cargo carrying if they have built it with a massive hold that cannot carry cargo for "reasons". (Note I appreciate there is balance but it also makes no sense).
Exactly right. I think this is a much bigger problem than people realize. I'm all for variety, but not at the expense of common sense. I wonder if a semi-modular approach would be better. Perhaps a hybrid between Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous?!? Keep the singular focus and functionality of the ship, but add limited modularity for a small number of other (severely gimped) functions. CIG still get's to sell ships focused on a single purpose and players get slightly more choice and functionality within their fleet. Everybody wins.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
What I don't get is, if you can build this ability into a fighter sized ship, why would you not build it into every larger combat ship, like the Polaris, Idris and Javelin? Would not make for good gameplay but there needs to be some hokus pokus answer given for lore's sake.
I agree with everything you've said, which is why I've come to terms with this being a one trick pony. To answer your question about ship size: I believe they want to test the mechanic at length and in depth before they export it into larger ships that will have the ability to do more than just quantum enforcement. For all the reasons you stated above.
I love the mechanic, I'll just wait for it to be available on a platform that suits me.
I couldn't agree more. I have problems with it for the same reasons, and a few others.
Yeah, the griefing aspect, which is why they're making it a one trick pony.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
If such a device is a useful use a lot device for a navy then it would be built in to larger navy ships. It would be more of a question of why an idris wouldn't have one? You fit a toilet in most ships because its used a lot (single seat fighters have er piss suits you know you wee and someone else has to clean it).
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