Arrving at landing pad 3


Vice Admiral
Oct 27, 2019
RSI Handle
Hey Folks.

Like the color yellow, like testing stuff, so why not join test?
Going under the nick Makimera, or for short Maki (wich is also my RSI handle)

33 year old, from sweden, working fulltime as a pre-school teacher.

Been gaming since before i knew knew basic math. And one of my first games where freelancer.
So after a long scifi drought i found some guy making star citizen, googled a bit and found out it was one of the devs behind freelancer.
So here i am today, the guy that is anti ingame stores etc wich ended up concerige.

Looking forward to so much in star citizen i don't even know where to begin, hoping to team up with alot of you folks, flying side to side, helping out where i can, refuling those fighters so they can protect the traders.
Yelling medic before i get sniped and curse some random swedish words in voice.

Im allways looking to team up with folks when online, if so in SC, division 2, ETS2, destiny2, and so on

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Seen a few vids with montoya and the meetup from last years citizencon, and then joined your discord, saw the pictures, the acitivity and that it seems to be a good and enjoyable mature group. so thougt id give test a test.

Picard or Kirk?
Faulty question, Janeway!


Vice Admiral
Oct 27, 2019
RSI Handle
thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)
Il be sure to keep my teacher glasses on me so everyone behaves, or it's the noughty corner for you.
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