CitizenCon 2949 Blog of video feed


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NOTE, this blog is now concluded. I might go in and clean up some stuff, but I won't be adding any additional content. Have a great one all!

EDIT, please feel free to add your impressions of these or the other venue discussions. I may miss things or write things down wrong, or just plain not understand something (or fell alseep). You can also use these to make your own summaries, but I ask that you reference these posts if you do and thank TEST and Montoya for giving people the place to put these types of logs.

Pre-event - various interviews and human interest.

Shoot-Em-up Preview - theatres of war - takes the concepts of star marine and arena commander and combines them into a single game (combined arms concept). Players on foot, players in the air, players in vehicles, going up to stations, etc. Three seamless phases, capture or destroy an objective.
Takes a star marine map and puts in on a planet. Phase 1 on the ground (some vehicles). Phase 2 is moving around on the ground in vehicles. phase 3 you fly up to the station
Sean Tracy says feedback has been positive so far. You can play phase 1 at CitzenCon.
1630 UK time is where they will present this on the Anvil Stage.

Captain Richard was interviewed. Wearing his Test lapel pin

Opening Ceremonies'
all times UK...if I can think that fast. If not, then eastern standard US
1300 - On time start...WOW
1301: video Very nicely composed and shot on a forrested planet. We have wander's legs and wonder what's out there. But for some, it's more than that.

Change to a desert planet, then decending into a crevasse

Minerals growing in the cave.

Switch to climbing a mountain

This is the CARRACK Commercial and pisces - coming feb 2950

1304 Chris Roberts comes out on stage - mentions he is glad to be back in Manchester. Shills for sponsors (15k people watching stream)

Part of the demo will be now, then the rest later?

Beginning DEMO - Glen, Sam (new demo player) Sam will be the captain of the Carrack. Todd P., plus a few hidden individuals
Carrack will be in a 3.8.x release. Some of the finishing touches needed.

VIOP service is down.

Lockers are working. Carrack is nice on the inside. A pool table..sort of.

Mess deck opposite living quarters
Coffee can be made in this version
You will have to eat and drink to stay alive. Not a remove a debuff.
You can hold the beverage, then click drink with inner thought

1310 - Three seats in the front, very similar to the Constellation seats, but with slightly better visibility
Mission is "A little job" - Mission giver is Twitch Pacheco
Objective 1: Get a fake ID
Objective is on New Babbage on Microtech

Elevator to go up to second floor

Upper bridge is nice looking. Drone room is behind it.

Pisces hangar bay - first impression: not bad

Entry to the Pisces is a rear hatch. 2 jump seats plus pilot seat. Think stargate puddle jumper from the inside, Outside is very Anvil, Hurricane and valkyrie influences.

Technical difficulties with putting the screens on the right monitors..This is very distracting to the whole demo.

1318: Every planet will have orbital stations, this may be the direction Port Olisar will take.

Planet Tech V4 is being demoed on this.

Mountains will cast long shadows over the landscape
biome tiling is reduced. What you see in space will be what you can see on the ground. A much more seamless transition.
Frozen ocean shader which is also physicalized. You can walk and drive on it.
This will also have precipitation.
less repetition of biomes.
Look ahead setup for cockpit. Rather than have a static view, it's more look where you are going.

There are no big walls over the landing zones and the cities seem to flow better.
There will be improvements to the no fly zones for 3.8

13:25 - They feel new babage is the best planet to date

You will now start on a planet, not on a station. So ArcCorp, Loreville, and Microtech.

You will have a permanent? apartment in the city, but you will also be able to stay in the orbital habs around each planet to be able to get in and out quickly.
There may have been a new ship around 13:27, not sure, might have been another existing ship.

New Babbage will have twice the capacity of previous spaceports. It is built into the side of a mountain.

The small landing pad dwarfs the Pisces, so it's a small ship.

Comms calls will have improvements.

Planet V4 requires redoing all planets and moons
Elevators look better, physical displays instead of interactive inner thought to change the elevator
New babbage won't be there internally until 3.9, but the spaceport may be at 3.8

There is an interactive greeter that also helps you find a location. Tells bad dad jokes.

Physicalized inventory - make sure you equip yourselves appropriately. They will give positive and negative reasons. They reiterate that you will not be able to fly a fighter in a heavy suit of armor.
Cloth looked like cloth (something soft physics?)

Access restricted area. You will need special keys to get into certain areas.

There is a white Microtech Valkyrie in the demo

AI flew the ship in, transitioned the ship to land, and then flew it out again

You can land where you want.

Environmental monitor won't just look if there is oxygen or not, but also temperature. Currently it lists it in centigrade, but I wonder if they will convert to Fahrenheit for us poor American heathens.

This concludes the intro.

Q and A: Why Carrack not ready
There are a few rooms that need to be brought up to final art. Cargo Pods and cartography need to be finished.
4 decks on Carrack
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Thank you for this! I can't watch at work (damn blocked sites on military networks).


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Terra Firmer

Panel introduction

Goal, seamless transition between space and planets

They go through some of the early planetary tech V1 being shown around 1346

V2 introduced the concept of ecosystems (visual and game play properties) V2 shipped with Alpha 3.0
V2 rewrote the entire 3d engine terrain
Physics are generated on demand

V3 brought in more artistic control
V3 shipped with Alpha 3.3.5
Introduced real day/night cycles

Needed something quicker with less control, but with influence still over terrain shape and colors like in V3.

V4 is a more physically based approached.
Better blending of ecosystems.
Again, all planets have been rebuilt in Planets V4 over the past 2 months. This may be the reason some bugs were not addressed (such as no air in some areas of ArcCorp)

1353 - bigger diversity on planets like Hurston.
They wanted to future proof the technology
They wanted something that could allow planets to be built very fast

They show a picture of the African continent and the biome transitions.
While from far away they look strong, when you get closer, you see how the transitions are formed by geography

At this point, it lagged out and I had to reload twitch...missed some info due to commercials.

When I got back, they were talking about the large scale transitions.
Global textures will start to fill as you approach, but this lead to a complex approach to set up and maintain because the artist wanted to shade the changes.
This required a lot of terrain sets. Overall look of planet was 500 files that needed to be kept updated and in sync with each other. This can be very time consuming.

V4 was a complete rethink. Now there will be natural changes in transitions due to weather. (Humidity, temp, precip, etc). Those will also be influenced by the terrain.

Transitions in V4 will have textures and coloring that match from orbit to ground. In V4, they reduced the number of files for a planet.

The team updated every single planet in 3.8 to V4 (confirmed by panel)

V4 reduces the needed items from around 16 to around 4.

1409 - Typical FPS from 1 km of area would cost 5 MB or memory

for a 10x10 km issue, it would use about 100 MB of memory

Physics was generated on demand

Big areas can be painted in a biome with just a few clicks. This in terms does a lookup on the temp/humidity map to see how much of it might be there

With a global approach, it would be 500 TB for a 1 meter resolution.

Planet tech V3 Approx. 300 mb for a planet
For V4, they have a charge of temperature vs humidity to show what might appear from polar desert to rain forrest.

Ground textures will be normalized for color and other things, and then an algorithm will adjust them for color variations and texture.

Space between panels
Carrack Ice Sculpture and interview.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle

1437 panel introduction

topics: Team formation, Visual development of space stations, new babbage landing zone, microtech biomes

Team was built to allow multiple things to be developed in parallel

Landing zone team - responsible for landing zones

Modular team
Space stations, ground locations, space locations

Organics teams
Planets and moons, caves, organic asset packs

All get helped by other teams, such as audio

Modular team
Designed variety of space stations

Cargo Station - think cargo/shipping dock with lots of containers,

Refinery stations, lots of scaffolding and then containers/tanks

Rest stops have some rings, some straight line stations. Similar to what is already in game.

Interiors were not big enough or varied enough

larger hubs are bigger and will have more open areas
Shops will be open front (like a mall) instead of behind a door
Mom and pop shops - independently owned,
Bars - new to rest stops, will be there for mission givers (someone spent a lot of time with D7D)
Food court - designed to give people the opportunity to eat and drink
Rest stops will accommodate EZ habs and player spawn points (THIS IS HUGE)
Major planets will have stations in low orbit (like Port O)

They have modular areas that will allow for hundreds of variations on the layout of the habs.


This will be a high tech area as opposed to Loreville and Area 18
Different styles could be Utilitarian, Colonialism, streamlined, High Tech, Meta-Classicism, Hennowism, Super-modernism, etc
They tried many ideas about a city inside a dome, but they could not make it look right. The landing zone hub will be inside the dome, but the rest of the domes are just areas/buildings. There is a major building where you will have your apartment if you decide to spawn there. (the Aspire Grand)
City is made to look like it's imbeded in the landscape.

Transit lines were be used to move people around.

Plates/foundations were built, then buildings were placed on those plates. Then the plates were buried in the terrain.

There are also lower detail procedurally generated buildings. Secondary plates add layering and depth.

Spaceport will be embedded in the mountain and will overlook the skyline.
Architecture will reflect the brand. Sleek and layered with plants. AI holo-greeter

Some vertical towers for expanded capacity of the spaceport and for people to find the spaceport.

There are a few different transit trains to various parts of the city, or you can leave by ground vehicle from one of the garages there.

1508 - they talk about the MicroTech graphic brand and what the corporate identity would be. (cross between Apple, Google, and MicroSoft)

Props - they introduced the extreme sport penguin, counters, etc. They said the penguin was in game...could it be the plushie?

props need to work, just just be eye candy
Some domes are on the water, with trams going to them. I am getting flashbacks of Mass Effect: Andromeda and it's station for the design of the interior.

mission givers will be on the promenade..where kids go to take...substances... (their words, not mine)

Aspire Grand
Commanding views of the city
Habitation is called "the nest apartments" Three leaves are the logo of the Nest
The views are supposed to be very nice
Interior of apartments are done in a high tech style.
Each hab pod will have a slightly different view.

Transit tubes are used. These use Mag-Lev. (they showed the torpedo burrito and hot dog trams video.

Trams will have a lot of glass so you can see the cityscape

The garages can support all sizes of ground vehicles. There is a surface entrance under the spaceport

They want an open cityscape that can be explored on foot, on vehicles, and in your ship

Climate required Planetary Tech V4
There are some warmer areas on MicroTech

Biome 1 - epic snowy mountain ranges (think Alps, Canadian Rockies, etc)
Shadows move very well

Biome 2 - lower regions outside the mountain ranges. Feel that they are half buried under the snow.
80 percent of landscape is mountains or snow covered/ice covered trees

The trees really help provide a sense of scale of how big the spaceport is.

I missed biome 3

Biome 4 - areas with reds and oranges that are not snow covered. - warmer in temperature
This area shows what microtech would look like without the snow and ice.
There are not that many of these areas
There are a few more tree types that are not evergreens
They included broken trees on the warmer biome as well.

Biome 5 -
Areas that are very bleak (very dark, very cold)
Located at the poles?
Polar desert, cold, but may not have snow cover
Ice crystals and other rocks

Biome 6 - solid ice (frozen ocean)
Reuses assets from existing ocean
Solid surface, so you can walk on it
They use large chunks of ice like the polar regions

1543 - panel ends, move to Q&A and community booths

no Q/A
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Loremaker’s Guide to 2949

Panel begins 1547
What the narrative team looks to accomplish over the next year
Continued military action against Vanduul
Lack of military throughout UEE has strained law enforcement and lead to an increase in crime - Law enforcement use to locate, then have military clear out the nests of bandits
Synthworld continues to drain economic coffers - Started in 2872 in response to backlash of terraforming.
Expanded trade with Xi'an have lead to a much looser border
First Tevarin senator has inspired a movement among the Tevarin to become more active in government and culture, but some call for a restoration of their own culture.
A new wave of Terran separatists have started petitioning the government again to move UEE capital.

Imperator Costigan
Served 2940-2950
Does he leave office?
Introduced Militia Mobilization Initiative

Recognized Vega II and declared military action after attack at Vega II
resurrected the civil defense force

They go over the UEE Political Structure
High Secretary, High Command, High Advocate
Senate, Military, Advocacy, each under the ones above

They then went over the campaign cycle, which looks to be about 1 year or so long, going between citizen day to citizen day.

Big concerns/issues
Terra Capital

They introduced some of the candidates
Titas Costigan - focused on the economy, but worries about having the son of the imperator being elected
High secretary wants security and to spend money on the military and start the war machine turning.
Terran senator - wants to move capital to Terra, wanted to destroy Standard Earth time, tried to outlaw terraforming (supporter of synthworld)
Emma Thorn - advocacy. Needs to beef up advocacy in the system, you can't rely on civilians, and should not be their responsibility. It should be the responsibility of law enforcement. Should stop with reclaiming the terran systems lost to the vanduul
One more person that is - keep earth for earthlings, etc.

Expect the community to help decide how it goes.

Galactapedia is finished
Expected to be used in and out of game.
available now with 200 articles
Expected to be a growing knowledge base as they work through the backlog

There are categories that cover a broad scope, but tags are like hashtags or subject/search tags

There will be a featured article (like Wiki) that will change once a week or so, and also a trending/most viewed articles at the time. Plus there will be an "in the news" section, recently updated, random article, etc.

1626 - Q&A
Community will influence the outcome of the elections, but if the community goes for a joke candidate, it will go with the narrative

Talk in the stanton system that they may need to band together to fight the crime problem, but they can't become recognized planets of the UEE due to the corporate ownership of the planets.

Integration with the starmap is going on, but no dates. It is designed to work with mobi and the starmap from the start.

CIG is trying to work out a system to work with fan activities. This is not mean to replace fan wiki's It's supposed to work from an in-game perspective.
CIG admitted they use fan wikis... - personal note, the fact they have to use fan wikis instead of internal design documents/records is scary.

There is a concern that the Tevarin may try to arm up and create a new matter if it matches reality or not.

There will be gaps in the galactipedia if information is gone. Star Citizen gameplay is predicated on inaccurate information, such as turning off comm-arrays to prevent crimes from being reported.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Shoot ‘em Up - AKA Theaters of War

16:41, Sean Tracy opened up with a selfie of him and the audience

A new game mode for Star Marine
Electronic Access is a simulator for stuff that can go on in the universe. It's an entertainment console/game

Theaters of War will group Star Marine and Arena Commander together
Scenario - 20 on 20, intended to last 30 minutes
phase 1 - assault or defend an area - Disable AA towers
Phase 2 - get in vehicles and go to a place. Ships can try to kill vehicles, vehicles try and kill ships. Ships like Super Hornet, Bucc, etc seen. - destroy radar tower
Phase 3 - get in ships and take out a space objective. Some ships will battle outside, others will drop people off and they need to capture the objective

objecting based game mode, within star marine, focusing on use of combined arms. It's supposed to happen in a story from SC lore.

This is a test bed to help ensure that gameplay works and that it's fun. It can't be done after it goes into the PU with higher player counts, it needs to work when it launches. So, this gives you a solid 30 minute experience to come in and have some fun, then get out. Ultimately, this needs to be the same as the PU in terms of experience. '

Name of map is Crossroads of Crime

Battle of Advocacy vs an outlaw gang (the Supreme)
Advocacy is trying to kick supreme out of game strongholds
This takes place in the nexus system.
The Supreme would rather see the whole thing destroyed rather than give up

Found that animations are too slow, so we might see them sped up in the PU too.

Ground vehicles need to take out AA towers so they can bring in ships to destroy radar tower. Then you need to destroy radar tower controlling mining laser, then destroy the mining laser to prevent destroying the world.

The stream is stuttering, so I am missing stuff

seamless between ground and space. It could between ground and space, ground and moon, ground and other star system.

4 roles to choose
Foot soldier - riflemen
Assault - shotgun

Both sides will use different weapons

Bucc - cleaning up in the mode
Vanguard Hoplyte

Ursa rover - mobile spawn point

As soon as you achieve phase 1, you go to phase 2.
Phase 1 - capture the AA computers.
Defenders need to kill the URSAs because they can spawn assault personnel

Phase 2 - destroy ground based radar. You can shoot it, or the infantry can overcharge it by capturing a laptop.
Supremes are given ships in this phase.. (buccs)
Attacking are given 2 rovers, 2 cyclones, 2 ballistas.

Phase 3 - destroy the laser by overcharging the laser on the laptop, or by shooting it.

Defenders just need to stop them.

Locked spawn points. You capture or kill the spawn point and it's the beginning of the end.

They want to use to to ensure this type of combat is FUN...

Playable at citizencon
Evocati and PTU as soon as possible - EARLY NEXT YEAR via audible comment by Sean, which is different from the slides
Full release early next year

Easier to join and party up - want to fix the friends experience to help people join up and get in the game right away.
squads - Form up on a squad on spectrum and bring people in and out as needed.

VOIP and FOIP support
Global prox, vehicle, and team support.

Needs to work on Netcode to ensure that hit registration will be better

Planet V4 needs to be added
update vehicles

Star Marine and Arena Commander will continue to be updated.
Sean Tracy has some big plans he is still pitching to Chris Roberts
This could allow for improvements into the game, with things such as speeding up animations for getting into ships and into seats.
What is the plan for Aim Assist - Can't share plans, but can share opinions.
Networking needs to improve first, THEN the debate on if aim assist is needed or not can take place.

During the phases on the game, the sun will probably move in future editions.
There is a good foundation of FPS weapons, but there is a long roadmap of weapons..."a lot of fun stuff"...for the future
These types of concepts can and will be used to create events in the PU. The reason for doing this is because once it goes into the PU, it HAS to be fun, so if it's not fun in the scenario, it won't be fun in the PU.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Making lunch, I will not be actively blogging this, but if I hear something of interest, i will try and grab it. and post it here.

Humans have very sensitive ears compared to Banu, so we may need them to whisper, because they "yell" at each other according to humans, but to them, it's just normal speach.

I would look at these resources


Cos and Effect - This will not be blogged.

This was watched. There were a lot of really good costumes.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Building a Dynamic Universe
17:17 - panel starts
Deliver a variety of star systems that behave in a logical fashion
Only been in Stanton so far

How can they deliver new systems more quickly
This talk focuses on dynamic content
Dynamic content responds to PC and NPC actions in a logical fashion
most missions should be dynamic in nature
factory needs material, criminal needs to be brought to justice, etc.
Economic nodes need to be dynamic to adjust for market forces
When there is a glut in a material, you need to lower prices, when there is a scarcity, prices should rise.

If a new field of asteroids is discovered, NPC miners should be high

Pirates will go to areas of wealth that are easy to plunder, but die down as security goes up

Lots of different tags can be applied to work on various scenarios

RIght now, missions are fixed to specific NPCs and locations, so they really are not dynamic

No NPC regulation of mission content. In a properly functioning system, an NPC needs to step up.

If price differentials are high without an associated risk, NPCs should step up to bring things into equilibrium.

no real concept of supply and demand. Right now, things are faked. This is impossible to balance

Right now, all players across all servers are attached to one system.

NPCs need to be able to purchase and sell items when things make sense to do so.

If hauler loads increase in value, you would expect to see increased piracy.
If there are a lot of pirates, prices for both purchases and sales will go up.

lots of different curves, wanted level, bounty hunter, piracy, etc.

Algorithms can lead to an unbalance as well.

Need a Dynamic logical universe
Economy drives demand
NPC regulation
Auto balancing
set up the rules, not the content
Easy to balance and maintain

INTRODUCING QUANTUM - a developer tool
live, dynamic data on the star map
Allows them to see what all players are up to, across all servers
Also shows direction
Shows contracts in the area
how prices change over time, etc

Quantum will allow for 1 unified world simulating thousands of NPCs and feeding that information back into the verse.
When an opportunity presents itself, the NPCs will move to fill that opportunity

QUESTION - does that mean real time data will be available to players? If not, does that not provide an advantage to NPCs?

They can set up supply and demand complexity in terms of refineries, shops, manufacturers, ship sellers, NPC ship buyers. etc.

Pirates would then go and operate on the more valuable cargo, then you would have missions and UEE coming in to quell those issue.

Player information feed back into the quantam system as just another quanta

This sets the field for dynamic services.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The Adventure Continues
???? - Panel starts...maybe...soon?
1846 panel starts

Roadmap to release revisited
OCS in 3.4
Planet tech 3.5/4.0
Ship purchases
Ship rentals
Staggered Development 3.7

Continuing to work on flight, combat, theater's of war to refine combined arms, Needs to ensure the game experience is fun
3.8 - SSOCS V1 will come out
Demo run today was running SSOCS
3.8 - Full persistence lasting beyond the server session (platform persistence) This should allow to not have to wipe between minor releases, and maybe not even between major releases, but they reserve the right to do so for balance.
3.8 Planet tech 4.0
3.8-3.9, onwards, more robust missions, better social/group gameplay, etc
Multi-part missions will be 3.9, 4.0
Middle of 2020 will be full universe persistence (4.0/4.1/4.2) also tracking of resources
Server meshing end of next year? - this will prevent a lot of server cap issues
They may play with player counts this year to see how SSOCS handles it.

Further quality of life improvements
More loops (fueling, refueling, fuel gathering content)
Jump points

1900 - Recap of the introductory mission, and now they are back
On microtech shuttle to lab (White/Bloack is a very nice color for the valkyrie)
They talk about bigger outposts
Microtech is -100 C at some time. This would kill you very quickly
Blizzard and wind coming in with planet 4.0, but there will be other things like volumetric fog once the weather tech is fully implemented

They need to copy the algorithm from server 5, so need to figure out where server 5 is

They crawl through the heating ducts
They cut the hinges off the other grate on the server room from the back
outfits may protect against certain types of environments

At this points, the mouse stops working, but they are able to reset by going to mobiglass and out again.

Personal inner though improvements with 3.9

Server farms are popular on MicroTech due to the cold

An alarm is sounded, so he needs to get out

Physical takedown (non-lethal)
Needs to get a warmer suit, the room system now contains temp, humidity, wind speed, etc. That gives apparent temp, which feeds into character state.

Character is starting to undergo hypothermia
This will also look at things like heat, vacuum

There are suits designed for extreme environments

(OPINION - environmental effects are really nice)

You will find planets that are outside your temperature range. That said, there will be rewards that are lucrative enough to warrant the 10-15 minutes you can survive. That's an incentive to buy big ships where you can store different armors

As you go down the hill, weather calms, just a little.
Ursa zooms into the carrack garage bay

Can store suits in the Carrack

After they get to the carrack, they are being talked and the thief has a crime stat. He needs to get to the Turret

(Editor note, CR is complaining how long it takes to kill the NPC security)

Beauty shot on Carack...Turrets look similar to hammerhead style of turrets extending out on the sides

(Editor Note, does the carrack look...fat?)

I see 3 turrets, top, left, right. Not sure about underneath.

Jump point?!?!?!?

Quantum drive activated
They have to deliver the data to RUIN STATION in jump points are in...for the demo at elast
Space cloud tech is in.
A jump point with rings is more stable, and un-ringed is more difficult, but those without rings or infrastructure are better for smugglers.
The rings may be a space station as well, giving the ability to refuel, repair, etc.
THERE IS a turret on the bottom of the carrack, so 4 turrets confirmed in this version.
Jump point ring reminds me of the big stargate the Ori created for SG-SG1
Wormhold reminds me of it too, but more like Andromeda
You are pushed by a current, so you only have latteral and vertical control.
Sam looks EXTREMELY Stressed (carrack pilot navigating the wormhole)


If you hit the wall too much, you can be spat out in the middle of nowhere, severely damaged. QUESTION, could you get back into the wormhole somehow?

Now, once she went to quantum after getting to Pyro, the demo ended, so we don't know if the stuff is there or not.

PYRO sometime in 2020
Dynamic weather
Microtech 3.8
SSOCS V1 3.8
new babbage 3.9.2?

Nothing said about the cutlass Red or medical gameplay.
Why was Sam not thanked for her piloting skills?

Many other thanks are given to all.

Note, why was Sandy not there? Did I miss her?

Fade out, another run through of the Carrack commercial, and that concluded CitizenCon 2949
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Citizencon Ships
Mole - 4 people, 3 laser heads (non pilot controlled), 2x the capacity of the prospector, uses the saddlebag system similar to the prospector
Multi-crew medium mining ship. Allows crews to crack the big rocks that need multiple prospectors. Sits between Prospector and Orion
Comes out in 3.8, straight to flyable

Kraken Privateer
10 customisable ships
768 SCU of general cargo
No dragonfly bays
A mobile, lawful, space station

Takes 80 percent of the cargo area and replaces it with 10 modular shop. Competitor of the merchantman

3792 SCU of Cargo
Dragonfly bays
A mobile combat outpost

Vehicle 1
Industrial ship
1-2 players
Should fit in as many ships as possible
extends your inventory
aids detection
Allows mining

Vehicle 2
Cargo hauler
300 scu of cargo
competitor to hull B/Freelancer Max

Vehicle 3
Escort fighter
Shield tech
2x S4 mounts
nothing else

Vehicle 4
Starter/entry refinery
1 person crew with living quarters
tractor beam to grab pods dropped by other ships
refine materials and stores results onboard

C8 Pisces
Slightly stripped down version of the C8x
C8X has 2 more guns and is white
Neither are snub ships, both are fully fledged ships

They want to ensure the Carrack comes out good, not released before it's time.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Citizencon Ships
Mole - 4 people, 3 laser heads (non pilot controlled), 2x the capacity of the prospector, uses the saddlebag system similar to the prospector

Kraken Privateer
10 customisable ships
768 SCU of general cargo
No dragonfly bays
A mobile, lawful, space station

3792 SCU of Cargo
Dragonfly bays
A mobile combat outpost

Vehicle 1
Industrial ship
1-2 players
Should fit in as many ships as possible
extends your inventory
aids detection
Allows mining

Vehicle 2
Cargo hauler
300 scu of cargo
competitor to hull B/Freelancer Max

Vehicle 3
Escort fighter
Shield tech
2x S4 mounts
nothing else

Vehicle 4
Starter/entry refinery
1 person crew with living quarters
tractor beam to grab pods dropped by other ships
refine materials and stores results onboard

C8 Pisces
Slightly stripped down version of the C8x
C8X has 2 more guns and is white
Neither are snub ships, both are fully fledged ships

They want to ensure the Carrack comes out good, not released before it's time.
Plus whatever Chris announces in the keynote. Mwaahahaha.
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