NOTE, this blog is now concluded. I might go in and clean up some stuff, but I won't be adding any additional content. Have a great one all!
EDIT, please feel free to add your impressions of these or the other venue discussions. I may miss things or write things down wrong, or just plain not understand something (or fell alseep). You can also use these to make your own summaries, but I ask that you reference these posts if you do and thank TEST and Montoya for giving people the place to put these types of logs.
Pre-event - various interviews and human interest.
Shoot-Em-up Preview - theatres of war - takes the concepts of star marine and arena commander and combines them into a single game (combined arms concept). Players on foot, players in the air, players in vehicles, going up to stations, etc. Three seamless phases, capture or destroy an objective.
Takes a star marine map and puts in on a planet. Phase 1 on the ground (some vehicles). Phase 2 is moving around on the ground in vehicles. phase 3 you fly up to the station
Sean Tracy says feedback has been positive so far. You can play phase 1 at CitzenCon.
1630 UK time is where they will present this on the Anvil Stage.
Captain Richard was interviewed. Wearing his Test lapel pin
Opening Ceremonies'
all times UK...if I can think that fast. If not, then eastern standard US
1300 - On time start...WOW
1301: video Very nicely composed and shot on a forrested planet. We have wander's legs and wonder what's out there. But for some, it's more than that.
Change to a desert planet, then decending into a crevasse
Minerals growing in the cave.
Switch to climbing a mountain
This is the CARRACK Commercial and pisces - coming feb 2950
1304 Chris Roberts comes out on stage - mentions he is glad to be back in Manchester. Shills for sponsors (15k people watching stream)
Part of the demo will be now, then the rest later?
Beginning DEMO - Glen, Sam (new demo player) Sam will be the captain of the Carrack. Todd P., plus a few hidden individuals
Carrack will be in a 3.8.x release. Some of the finishing touches needed.
VIOP service is down.
Lockers are working. Carrack is nice on the inside. A pool table..sort of.
Mess deck opposite living quarters
Coffee can be made in this version
You will have to eat and drink to stay alive. Not a remove a debuff.
You can hold the beverage, then click drink with inner thought
1310 - Three seats in the front, very similar to the Constellation seats, but with slightly better visibility
Mission is "A little job" - Mission giver is Twitch Pacheco
Objective 1: Get a fake ID
Objective is on New Babbage on Microtech
Elevator to go up to second floor
Upper bridge is nice looking. Drone room is behind it.
Pisces hangar bay - first impression: not bad
Entry to the Pisces is a rear hatch. 2 jump seats plus pilot seat. Think stargate puddle jumper from the inside, Outside is very Anvil, Hurricane and valkyrie influences.
Technical difficulties with putting the screens on the right monitors..This is very distracting to the whole demo.
1318: Every planet will have orbital stations, this may be the direction Port Olisar will take.
Planet Tech V4 is being demoed on this.
Mountains will cast long shadows over the landscape
biome tiling is reduced. What you see in space will be what you can see on the ground. A much more seamless transition.
Frozen ocean shader which is also physicalized. You can walk and drive on it.
This will also have precipitation.
less repetition of biomes.
Look ahead setup for cockpit. Rather than have a static view, it's more look where you are going.
There are no big walls over the landing zones and the cities seem to flow better.
There will be improvements to the no fly zones for 3.8
13:25 - They feel new babage is the best planet to date
You will now start on a planet, not on a station. So ArcCorp, Loreville, and Microtech.
You will have a permanent? apartment in the city, but you will also be able to stay in the orbital habs around each planet to be able to get in and out quickly.
There may have been a new ship around 13:27, not sure, might have been another existing ship.
New Babbage will have twice the capacity of previous spaceports. It is built into the side of a mountain.
The small landing pad dwarfs the Pisces, so it's a small ship.
Comms calls will have improvements.
Planet V4 requires redoing all planets and moons
Elevators look better, physical displays instead of interactive inner thought to change the elevator
New babbage won't be there internally until 3.9, but the spaceport may be at 3.8
There is an interactive greeter that also helps you find a location. Tells bad dad jokes.
Physicalized inventory - make sure you equip yourselves appropriately. They will give positive and negative reasons. They reiterate that you will not be able to fly a fighter in a heavy suit of armor.
Cloth looked like cloth (something soft physics?)
Access restricted area. You will need special keys to get into certain areas.
There is a white Microtech Valkyrie in the demo
AI flew the ship in, transitioned the ship to land, and then flew it out again
You can land where you want.
Environmental monitor won't just look if there is oxygen or not, but also temperature. Currently it lists it in centigrade, but I wonder if they will convert to Fahrenheit for us poor American heathens.
This concludes the intro.
Q and A: Why Carrack not ready
There are a few rooms that need to be brought up to final art. Cargo Pods and cartography need to be finished.
4 decks on Carrack
EDIT, please feel free to add your impressions of these or the other venue discussions. I may miss things or write things down wrong, or just plain not understand something (or fell alseep). You can also use these to make your own summaries, but I ask that you reference these posts if you do and thank TEST and Montoya for giving people the place to put these types of logs.
Pre-event - various interviews and human interest.
Shoot-Em-up Preview - theatres of war - takes the concepts of star marine and arena commander and combines them into a single game (combined arms concept). Players on foot, players in the air, players in vehicles, going up to stations, etc. Three seamless phases, capture or destroy an objective.
Takes a star marine map and puts in on a planet. Phase 1 on the ground (some vehicles). Phase 2 is moving around on the ground in vehicles. phase 3 you fly up to the station
Sean Tracy says feedback has been positive so far. You can play phase 1 at CitzenCon.
1630 UK time is where they will present this on the Anvil Stage.
Captain Richard was interviewed. Wearing his Test lapel pin
Opening Ceremonies'
all times UK...if I can think that fast. If not, then eastern standard US
1300 - On time start...WOW
1301: video Very nicely composed and shot on a forrested planet. We have wander's legs and wonder what's out there. But for some, it's more than that.
Change to a desert planet, then decending into a crevasse
Minerals growing in the cave.
Switch to climbing a mountain
This is the CARRACK Commercial and pisces - coming feb 2950
1304 Chris Roberts comes out on stage - mentions he is glad to be back in Manchester. Shills for sponsors (15k people watching stream)
Part of the demo will be now, then the rest later?
Beginning DEMO - Glen, Sam (new demo player) Sam will be the captain of the Carrack. Todd P., plus a few hidden individuals
Carrack will be in a 3.8.x release. Some of the finishing touches needed.
VIOP service is down.
Lockers are working. Carrack is nice on the inside. A pool table..sort of.
Mess deck opposite living quarters
Coffee can be made in this version
You will have to eat and drink to stay alive. Not a remove a debuff.
You can hold the beverage, then click drink with inner thought
1310 - Three seats in the front, very similar to the Constellation seats, but with slightly better visibility
Mission is "A little job" - Mission giver is Twitch Pacheco
Objective 1: Get a fake ID
Objective is on New Babbage on Microtech
Elevator to go up to second floor
Upper bridge is nice looking. Drone room is behind it.
Pisces hangar bay - first impression: not bad
Entry to the Pisces is a rear hatch. 2 jump seats plus pilot seat. Think stargate puddle jumper from the inside, Outside is very Anvil, Hurricane and valkyrie influences.
Technical difficulties with putting the screens on the right monitors..This is very distracting to the whole demo.
1318: Every planet will have orbital stations, this may be the direction Port Olisar will take.
Planet Tech V4 is being demoed on this.
Mountains will cast long shadows over the landscape
biome tiling is reduced. What you see in space will be what you can see on the ground. A much more seamless transition.
Frozen ocean shader which is also physicalized. You can walk and drive on it.
This will also have precipitation.
less repetition of biomes.
Look ahead setup for cockpit. Rather than have a static view, it's more look where you are going.
There are no big walls over the landing zones and the cities seem to flow better.
There will be improvements to the no fly zones for 3.8
13:25 - They feel new babage is the best planet to date
You will now start on a planet, not on a station. So ArcCorp, Loreville, and Microtech.
You will have a permanent? apartment in the city, but you will also be able to stay in the orbital habs around each planet to be able to get in and out quickly.
There may have been a new ship around 13:27, not sure, might have been another existing ship.
New Babbage will have twice the capacity of previous spaceports. It is built into the side of a mountain.
The small landing pad dwarfs the Pisces, so it's a small ship.
Comms calls will have improvements.
Planet V4 requires redoing all planets and moons
Elevators look better, physical displays instead of interactive inner thought to change the elevator
New babbage won't be there internally until 3.9, but the spaceport may be at 3.8
There is an interactive greeter that also helps you find a location. Tells bad dad jokes.
Physicalized inventory - make sure you equip yourselves appropriately. They will give positive and negative reasons. They reiterate that you will not be able to fly a fighter in a heavy suit of armor.
Cloth looked like cloth (something soft physics?)
Access restricted area. You will need special keys to get into certain areas.
There is a white Microtech Valkyrie in the demo
AI flew the ship in, transitioned the ship to land, and then flew it out again
You can land where you want.
Environmental monitor won't just look if there is oxygen or not, but also temperature. Currently it lists it in centigrade, but I wonder if they will convert to Fahrenheit for us poor American heathens.
This concludes the intro.
Q and A: Why Carrack not ready
There are a few rooms that need to be brought up to final art. Cargo Pods and cartography need to be finished.
4 decks on Carrack
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