I'm Disappointed in Combat - Missile-Macros


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
Been a while since I've been alive or in the game, a fair bit has changed, however something that I got a rude reminder still exists are missile macro binds.

Simple recap, a single guy was camped off Port Ollisar just out of the turrets range, waiting for you to take off before you would instantly be met by numerous lock on signatures and a swarm of Rattler missiles would kill you in about 1.5 seconds or less, no matter how hard you mashed those countermeasures. It removes any effort from the combat on one side, and removes any chance of fighting back on the other, to make it even more aggravating was how bad the individuals aim was with normal weapons, knowing you could beat them in a conventional dogfight. Now normally I'm OK with dying in a game, but when its an exploit or something so unfair or broken like this I question if I even want to play in the future. For examples sake one of the ships lost was a Sabre Comet with had 3 fully charged Bulwarks with ~21,600 in shields alone, and it still instantly died, the recharge is slower sure but that was roughly 3 times the normal shield capacity for the ship. The sad part is this isn't exactly a new thing either, so the disappointment I feel is that its still around. On a positive note the Carrack could just tank it all without a care in the world.

So what would be a solution if any for this kind of thing in your guys opinion? Not talking about winning that kind of fight because that's impossible, more along the lines of what CIG could do to stop this kind of thing from happening.

In my opinion a nerf to Rattlers would be alright, they're hyper effective and pretty much the meta when it comes to missiles. Or perhaps a hard-cap on how many missiles can lock, fire and be actively tracking the target at one time based on how big your ship is, the missile size and the radar onboard. Say 2-3 simultaneous locked and launched S2 missiles for a light fighter like a Gladius for example, which is a military vessel in-game and a missile-boat in its own right. After all in real life there are jets that can launch multiple missiles at multiple targets, but there is a limit. Thoughts?
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Dec 8, 2019
RSI Handle
Currently countermeasures are broken and HUD does not show correcly incoming missiales as well.
Only fair would be if CIG disables missiles completely until it's fixed.

Remember that you can bypass sthose sad fuckers who camp PO in their Retaliators, just quantum as soon as you take off from pad, without leaving amestice zone.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah that super sucks arse.

I still think station turrets should be longer range than any other weapon in game, be beam so they can't be dodged but have distortion which KO's the weapon systems with destructive as backup if the D-bags still hang around.

Plus thats a sustained attack on a Crusader Industries installation forget the Advocacy where are the Aries to force their own ankles down their throats?

Being able to spawn at Grim, head over and take them from behind would not be a bad plan, too. Throw in a Mantits to they can't escape their retribution, too,


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
I still think station turrets should be longer range than any other weapon in game, be beam so they can't be dodged but have distortion which KO's the weapon systems with destructive as backup if the D-bags still hang around.
Longer range turrets are a must really, I also hope they add missile-launchers to stations as well, not just for this kind of thing but for the future when Vanduul raids become a thing, as it stands a stations effective range is less than a players ship it seems.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Remember that you can bypass sthose sad fuckers who camp PO in their Retaliators, just quantum as soon as you take off from pad, without leaving amestice zone.
That is one solution, the other one is to just move on the other side of PO while in the armistice zone and then fly away... or simply drop the server and join into another one.

Complaining about this thing is not a solution, nerf is neither: you nerf one weapon, next time the grifer will show up with a Conny and launch 20 missile instead of 5 cluster...
Of course it will also have a bounty on him and a lots of people going after him, and with prison gameplay coming soon this will put him out of the normal game loop for quite some time.
The trick is always to be smarter and leave them with noting in hands... and provide much more satisfaction than complain...

Why did you not get on Discord, join a voice channel, and swarm him with TESTies?

This is not a single player game.
Yep, wea re more then 10k members, even if not all active in SC, when you sum up 5-6 TESTies with you the problem is preatty much solved: we are not, but we can be a$$hole even more then other if we want.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
To me this is an exploit with griefing attached to it which should be something a player can be banned for if you can provide the proof needed, CIG should have or needs to put in place a system that can track this kind of behavior. The issue is without directly punishing the aggressor many game companies resort to nerfing or changing the game itself which hurts the game or player base usually.

Just like people ramming into players at P.O. over and over again, I was on a server where a few people kept ramming players with Hammerheads at P.O. before the option to spawn in different locations was implemented and I could understand their frustration, this game is not the most time friendly, just logging in, summoning your ship and getting to it takes several minutes depending where you are at just to have someone ram you and have you start the process over and destroy your ship, this should be instant ban material imo and I know people may disagree with me but I have been gaming for 30 years now, I have seen every form of griefing in a game and over the years I have come to be a player who neither does it or supports it any form.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Agree... exept this is an ALPHA and not a full released game... also, swithc server is ALWAYS an options: found some of those ramming idiot myself, heard a lots of explosion outside PO, look into the chat... switch server... problem solved.

Remember that armistice zone will be gone in not-so-long (aka soon (TM)), so those grifer will have some restrisction as say before...
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Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
Complaining about this thing is not a solution,
That was at best some slight venting, it was was premised with -
Simple recap
So people would understand why I was disappointed, and to start the discussion on things I and others think would work as a solution given the nature of the problem encountered. True, nerfing one weapon could mean they move to another, but it's also been known that the Rattler missiles have been quite over-powered for ages now compared to other S2 and even S3 missiles. But also like you said this is an ALPHA meaning all numbers and manner of things in the game are subject to change, they re-worked the Carracks fuel tanks 3 times last I checked before letting it loose on the Live build as an example. Also true simply running away into QT is always an option, or leaving the server, but that would just be ignoring a glaring issue in the long run, and like you said those safe zones won't always be there. If the objective was to simply run away then sure, thats easy, but when interdiction becomes commonplace and you find yourself in more and more player on player fights, running away isn't always an option.

If anything throwing 3-4 ships are this was more or less seeing HOW broken it was, a Carrack with 188,861 shield being able to withstand it, while a Sabre with 3 times normal shield capacity (21,600 as opposed to ~7000 stock) goes down instantly. We shouldn't require capital ship shielding to play.

If you can't fight back against it at all it shouldn't remain the same.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
That is one solution, the other one is to just move on the other side of PO while in the armistice zone and then fly away... or simply drop the server and join into another one.

Complaining about this thing is not a solution, nerf is neither: you nerf one weapon, next time the grifer will show up with a Conny and launch 20 missile instead of 5 cluster...
Of course it will also have a bounty on him and a lots of people going after him, and with prison gameplay coming soon this will put him out of the normal game loop for quite some time.
The trick is always to be smarter and leave them with noting in hands... and provide much more satisfaction than complain...
"Complaining" may not be the right choice of words. The guy was basically taking advantage of an exploit using the armistice zone against newly spawning players. Making other players aware of an exploit and asking for a conversation about it seems appropriate. And sometimes a nerf is the solution, especially during an alpha. Figuring out the right balance for weapons/shields/etc before the game goes live should be what we all want, and that only happens if they are given feedback.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
The guy was basically taking advantage of an exploit
Well, were in Alpha. I think we'll eventually (10 or 15 years from now) get this mechanic fixed. I remember when people were stealing ships off the pad, or climbing into your ship and hiding only to shoot you in flight. Again, they need to work on these mechanics. I think they are spending all their time building ships, because dumb asses like me by a Kracken instead of working on game play and the economy - this is a short term benefit. Which is why I am done - I am not seeing the development I like holistically - I'll see everyone in LA this fall. Selling concepts is CIGs only source of revenue + monthly subscriptions. Building a game that people actually like to play is secondary. It's only a matter of time, people will eventually give up on the investment/backing. Then I will have a lot of egg on my face - not as bad as @Montoya though.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Ya, I get this is alpha and I don't expect much penalizing or banning in an alpha unless its extremely excessive for sure. I would think though a temporary ban like a day or so would be easily implemented if it was found the player was doing this repeatedly day in and day out, there should be some sort of punishment for this type of behavior alpha or not.
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