Thank you for the interesting response - I would like to discuss this, however I am aware my response may come across as confrontational, please note before I say anything I do not intend to be confrontational
Of course, my response is not hostile as well, the way I see it we just exchange our views on that matter.
I appreciate you do not condone the use of dick moves such as pad camping, spawn camping, ganking etc, however do you accept that "suppression" of another players ability to PvP as I put it my previous post is a valid PvP tactic or do you think that is PbP?
For example, when GrimHex didn't have an armistice zone players regularly camped the pads and blew up the ships which spawned before the owners could even exit the airlock. Players would become trapped on the station unable to exit and play the game. Every time I played I made sure to swing by GH and fire a couple of shots at any assholes in the area to clear them out. They never, ever, hung around to PvP - they always ran. Always. Suppression is not PvP. At this point they may as well be trolling NPC's with mirrored user names, because with suppression there is no game play for either side.
So, suppression: valid Player Vs Player (PvP) or is it Players Being Pricks (PbP)?
You say pad and spawn camping is a dick move.
Then you say that you did exactly that at Grim Hex, calling your targets assholes (while not really knowing any of them and why they were there).
So help me understand something here, was it you in the past and you changed your view or you would still do that if there was no armistice zone in Grim Hex?
I am sure you realize that you do not need to be even a pirate to be at Grim Hex, not even having crime stat.
And in past you could get crime stat for anything trivial, like landing without permission, accidentally shooting your team member while on PvE mission or even when some asshole rammed you on PO pad. Now it's a bit better but you still can get unintended crime stat from time to time.
To answer your question, if by supression you mean pad ramming and camping Grim Hex, then yes I agree, it is dickhead move, no difference to PO or other pad camping.
As for PvP, be prepared to fight back or run away any time you are outside armistice zone.
Star Citizen is PvP game whether we like it or not, and it will remain this way, regardless how many people will cry.
CIG said it many times and they even said it in post linked in OP:
[...] We're not here to protect players from aggressors, pirates, and PVPers. A big part of Star Citizen is about that dichotomy. That epic clash that occurs when opposing forces meet and rally others to their cause. [...]