Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Covid Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Tuesday 16th of June:

- UK: Widely available and affordable drug Dexamethasone has been found in trials by Oxford University to reduce the risk of death of victims who are medically intubated by a third, and those in hospital on Oxygen by a fifth. A warning has been issued alongside this good news that it does not appear to effect recovery time for those infected but not critically ill, no don't all rush out and do a Hydroxychloroquine panic buy on it.

- USA: Hydroxychloroquine has had its emergency use status revoked as it becomes increasingly clear that it has no effect on COVID-19. It is unclear if President Trump is still taking it as a precautionary measure and indeed it is not yet clear if it is, or is not, effective as a precautionary measure. Trials continue.

- New Zealand: First two new cases in weeks arrive in the country from the UK. They were given exemption of isolation on compassionate grounds, as their parent was dying. It has been stated that their journey in the country was performed under isolation conditions and they don't believe there was any chance of transmission, however there is now a ban on compassionate exemption from quarantine based on this event.

- China: Beijing describes new outbreak as "extremely severe" with more restrictions imposed to tackle outbreak.

- USA: Oklahoma COVID infection rate rises 7.7% ahead of Trump Tulsa rally. Attendees still required to sign a waiver.

- Chile: Reports emerge that data glitches missed 31,000 cases from official total, described as a 'Significant number'.

- Ikea: Company to return state aid from European countries and the US as their financial situation was not as strained as it was feared it may be, stating it was "the right thing to do".


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle

- Ikea: Company to return state aid from European countries and the US as their financial situation was not as strained as it was feared it may be, stating it was "the right thing to do".
So they closed all their shops so they didn't have to pay upkeep, fired everyone who worked there apart from a few warehouse crew, and they still charged the same ridiculous prices for shipping, and everyone had to pay it who wanted to buy something from them, so they came out unburned by the whole covid thing. And they act like they are being generous.
Hahahahahaha, someone at Ikea has a sense of humor! 🤣🤣
Btw, ikeas here just reopened, no food court or ballpit yet so no point in going really. Also limited numbers allowed inside, with a theoretical 5 meter distancing rule.
I wanted to order a new bed from them, then found a much better quality one for about half the price, as always.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Glimmer of hope? Cheap, readily available, and relatively side effect free?

from the sounds of it the worst effected lungs swell so much they litterally paste themselves to the rest of their internal organs. People who have had lung replacement surgery have had their operations complicated due to the surgeons having to unpeel their old ravaged organs from the rest of their internal geometry.

From the sounds of it, this drug keeps that swelling from reaching a fatal level. Definitely a bonus for the sickest, it was found to have saved one in 8 ventilated patents, if it had been used in the UK from the start figures suggest it would have saved 5,000 lives 👍

EDIT - *reads article* Erm... right I repeated most of what was in the article anyway I must have read it earlier and forgot :-D


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Covid Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Wednesday 17th of June:

- New Zealand: Following on from the two imported cases and contact-tracing efforts to find 320 individuals who may have come into contact or indirect contact with them, the government has turned over the Quarantine and Boarder Control to the military.

- UK: Officials continue to fail to find their arses as Health Minister indicates Contact-Tracing app now potentially delayed until winter, describing technology proven to be able to monitor and help control outbreaks in the greater population in multiple countries as "not a priority", while Prime Minister sets aside £900,000 to paint a flag on the side of the official government use RAF passenger jet so it can "better represent the UK" when buggering off out of the country forgetting not many countries will currently let it in with the infection rate still so high in the UK. A statement claimed it will be "value for money", however questions have been raised about spending nearly a million pounds on paint when it could be spent on getting other things done - like the timely roll-out of a COVID crushing contact-tracing app.

- USA: Six states see record high numbers of new infections (Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, Navada, Oregon and Texas) as Fauci indicates the country is still in the first wave of infections.

- Russia: Disinfection tunnel (technology common around the world for various uses) installed to cleanse anyone wishing to be in the presence of Mr. Putin. It is unclear if the tunnel also disinfects the mucus membranes and internal organs of visitors.

- World: HSBC bank puts forward plans to make 35,000 redundant across the globe.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Covid Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Thurdsday 18th June:

- New Zealand: Another case reported today, a NZ citizen who flew through Pakistan, Doha and Australia in between June 11th and 13th, returns with the infection.

- Scotland: Lockdown easing measures announced, shops to reopen on 29th of June.

- UK: Caronavirus app still center of attention as it is revealed developers have had to abandon the way the one built to this point works, which covered all bases required, to switch to the Google/Apple model which has been described as having "significant problems" as it cannot identify how far away one person is from another whereas the current one apparently could identify if they came between 2 meters of each other. Estimated launch date still Autumn/Winter.

- Russia: Reports emerge medical staff appear to be hit especially hard with 489 deaths.

- World: Cruise Liner company Carnival to sell six ships amid drop in demand.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I had a lot of coffee so this might seem a bit all over the place.

- World: HSBC bank puts forward plans to make 35,000 redundant across the globe.
I don't know what you mean by this.

- World: Cruise Liner company Carnival to sell six ships amid drop in demand.

Im sure we have enough money in TEST to buy our own cruise ship, and we should consider it. THE POSSIBILITIES!

- New Zealand: Another case reported today, a NZ citizen who flew through Pakistan, Doha and Australia in between June 11th and 13th, returns with the infection.

That didn't take long.


I'll add my bit of news:

Keep in mind they say its not peer reviewed but a good indication of where theyre headed in their research.

As for here in Florida, the train is running down the tracks, you arent stopping it and I'd be surprised if anything outside the lockdown of Miami and maybe tampa happen again. I went to the restraunt a few blocks from my house about a week or so ago, no one was wearing a mask (including myself, I don't have a mask and I'll admit I honestly forgot about taking measures because I don't leave the house and everything seemed normal.)

I'm still 100% confident people I know, and the people they know are not sure what they are supposed to do. While the cause was noble, the media coverage and political support for the protests while also shaming everyone else was a HUGE mistake. It's like season 8 of game of thrones, although the series was amazing, the way they handled season 8 destroyed the entire series for a lot of people. It's a "fuck it I have no Idea whats going on anymore and I'm not going to live like this". Regardless of the media, we all knew that people can't live like this forever without going insane.

My 92 year old grandfather ended up going back to the gym before me. No fucks given. I need to go back to the gym, and my family is telling me I'm just being lazy (I am). The virus is concerning but I seem to be the only one in the family with even a bit of concern for this.

I read certain peoples twitter posts from my intel aggregators, and you have a lot of anger for the states where numbers are climbing. There does however seem to be a refusal to take the current state of our country into consideration. Absolutely horrible leadership has shown they do not have the ability nor the balls to handle any of this. I had low expectations and I'm still disappointed. I wasnt kidding when I said things will get worse, especially with the politics turned up to 12, and I think there may be a 13 by the looks of it.

Our country looks like an absolute joke to others right now. China is running propaganda on their state media showing the chaos in our country, so good job everyone. The unfortunate thing about Americans being isolated from pretty much the rest of the world is that they have no concept of or understand how important geopolitics is. We are in a war. A modern war, but a war none the less.

To show how fucked things have gotten, entire police precincts in Atlanta have walked and were not answering calls. I spent a good amount of time last night following updates and listening to the scanners. The situation was much worse than has been reported. The sad thing is, you have people cheering this on, while the reality of the situation is that people are being left to fend for themselves when they call 911. If this isn't resolved by the weekend, I don't know what will happen.

Our adversaries are fucking loving it.

This isn't a TV show or sensational headlines for clicks. This is real life.

I told you guys who don't live in the US, that things just arent the same here. I know my community, I know how people think, I used to go into peoples homes for a living, in all classes of neighborhoods with people of every skin color.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
[- World: HSBC bank puts forward plans to make 35,000 redundant across the globe. ]
I don't know what you mean by this.
A bank that spans the globe is planning to fire 35,000 of its employees because of COVID-19.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ah okay thank you. I was thinking that but it wasn't clear.
No worries, the term "Made redundant" is when you are relieved from employment when your role is redundant, for example if you are replaced by automation or if demand falls and there is no more work for you to do any more.

Not sure if it's the same in the US, in the UK being fired is them having a reason to get rid of you (like finding you negligent of something), redundancy is when they don't need you any more.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
No worries, the term "Made redundant" is when you are relieved from employment when your role is redundant, for example if you are replaced by automation or if demand falls and there is no more work for you to do any more.

Not sure if it's the same in the US, in the UK being fired is them having a reason to get rid of you (like finding you negligent of something), redundancy is when they don't need you any more.
Ah, yeah. For me (I can't speak for everyone here) Im used to hearing "fired" for the former, and "let go" for the latter. When I hear "made redundant" its usually in the context of " X jobs have been made redundant and those people had to be let go". I was reading what you were saying as "HSBC has decided to make these jobs redundant and because of that they are going to have to be let go". One is saying the jobs have already been made redundant, the other says they are taking actions to make the jobs redundant. It's just a silly misinterpretation on my part.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ah, yeah. For me (I can't speak for everyone here) Im used to hearing "fired" for the former, and "let go" for the latter. When I hear "made redundant" its usually in the context of " X jobs have been made redundant and those people had to be let go". I was reading what you were saying as "HSBC has decided to make these jobs redundant and because of that they are going to have to be let go". One is saying the jobs have already been made redundant, the other says they are taking actions to make the jobs redundant. It's just a silly misinterpretation on my part.
No worries, it's a good point 35,000 redundancies does not guarantee 35,000 layoffs, they could shuffle some of them around, make new positions etc. 👍


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Fricat 19th of June:

- UK: Government indicates complexities with Apple software caused App U-Turn, however apple responds the situation is "difficult to understand" as "they haven't spoken to us." It is unclear if communications were missed, if the Conservatives are taking on one of the worlds richest and most technically competent companies, or if they are they still having pronounced difficulty finding not only their own arses, but also anyone else's arses too. From the continuing track record, it leads to assumptions of the latter. Assumptions make an Ass of U and Me, however when one can't find ones ass in the first place it starts to become the default setting.

- Italy: Studies of waste water samples has found COVID-19 was present in two italian cities more than two months before it was first detected, suggesting it emerged in Italy at the same time it was taking off in China, around December, however first recorded case in Italy was in Feburary.

- EU: Angela Merkle starkly states the seriousness of a potential recession on the scale of that which Germany suffered after WW2 as member states battle to agree on 750euro COVID crisis fund.

- USA: Apple due to reclose stores in Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, and North Carolina after COVID cases spike.

- Columbia: Shoppers serge as government holds a no sales tax day to stimulate economy, with scenes compared to Black Friday despite the country not being past the peak of its infections with over 3000 new cases every day.

- Switzerland: Due to allow events of up to 1000 people from next week as new cases drop.

- Saudi Arabia: Confirmed cases pass 150,000 as new infections rose by 4,301 in one day.

- UK: Covid-19 pushes UK's national debt to be larger than its entire economy. This is not the first time this has happened, and rarely was smaller before the 60's, but is the first time it has happened in the last 50 years. So much for 10 years of Austerity, eh? Wokka wokka wokka.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I am shocked, nobody could have seen this coming!

View attachment 16927

It's not a surprise to anyone, but the decision has been made to press forward regardless. Like I said, the most we will see going forward is maaayybeeee a miami and tampa lockdown.

I'm telling you, had the media handled this differently there might be more sympathy, but while parts of the country are being shamed for going outside, others are being praised for being out in the streets by the thousands. I ask in my circle of friends whatsup with all of this and they tell me they stopped watching the news, that everything was bringing them down so they don't know whats going on. They're working so they just kinda seem to be focusing on that. Every week it's something different, theres no consistency in the data and our leadership at all levels is incompetent. My family in Miami, and my family here however, seem to like desantis and how hes handling things, but I don't know what that means necessarily. Miami is a hot spot and my uncle is miami fire rescue. He says nothings really changed, call volume isnt up and the hospitals are actually quieter than usual.
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